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Modulo (%) Operator

The % operator is called the "Modulo" operator.
It is used to return the remainder of a division. For example:
  • 5 % 2 returns 1 because 5/2 gives us 2 and a remainder of 1.
  • 5 % 4 returns 1 because 5/4 gives us 1 and a remainder of 1.
  • 8 % 8 returns 0 because 8/8 gives us 1 and there is no remainder.
  • 10 % 3 returns 1 because 10/3 gives us 3 and a remainder of 1.
  • 10 % 2 returns 0 because 10/2 gives us 5 and there is no remainder.
  • 1 % 4 returns 1, because 1/4 gives us 0 and the remainder is 1.
  • 2 % 5 returns 2, because 2/5 gives us 0 and the remainder is 2.
How does that help anything, why do I need it?
We mostly use it in two cases:
  1. We want to know if a number is even or odd; we can use % 2, and see if we obtain 0 (even) or 1 (odd).
  2. We want to wrap a number over a range.
The second one is complicated to ... wrap... your head around, so here's a demonstration.
Suppose we have an array of 4 items, and we want to continuously pick a valid index by incrementing an index.
var letters := ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
var initial_index := 0

func get_next() -> void:
	var next_initial_index := initial_index + 1
	initial_index = next_initial_index % letters.size()
When I run get_next() the first time, next_initial_index becomes 1.
We know letters.size() is 4. If we run modulo on next_initial_index, we obtain still just 1.
1 % 4 returns 1, because 1/4 gives us 0 and the remainder is 1
When we increment next_initial_index we obtain 2. 2 % 4 give us 2.
And so on, until 4. What does 4 % 4 return? Yes, the result of the division 4 / 4 is 1, and the remainder is 0.
What does 5 % 4 return? That's right, 1! And 6 % 4 return? That's right, 2!
And so on. No matter how much we increment next_initial_index, we obtain a result between 0 and 3. The index will always be valid.