A virtual base class is a class that does not do anything by itself. It exists only for other classes to inherit from it.
A virtual base class defines a common interface that derived classes must implement. It's a way to ensure that all derived classes have the same methods and properties. This is useful when you want to group classes that behave similarly but need different code.
For example, you might have multiple visual effects used for spells in a game. You want a given projectile from the spell to be configurable, including its speed, damage, and visual effect. Also, for the visuals, you want to play an appearing and disappearing animation when the projectile is created and destroyed.
A virtual base class is a good way to ensure that all visual effects for spells have the same functions. You can define a virtual base class named SpellSkin
with methods like appear()
and destroy()
. The script for the SpellSkin
class might look like this:
class_name SpellSkin extends Node3D
func appear() -> void:
func destroy() -> void:
Then, you can create derived classes like FireballSkin
and IceBoltSkin
that inherit from SpellSkin
and implement the appear()
and destroy()
methods differently.
The FireballSkin
class might look like this:
class_name FireballSkin extends SpellSkin
@onready var _fire_particles: GPUParticles3D = %FireParticles
@onready var _smoke_particles: GPUParticles3D = %SmokeParticles
@onready var _magic_sparks: GPUParticles3D = %MagicSparks
@onready var _core: MeshInstance3D = %Core
func appear() -> void:
var effect: Node3D = preload("fireball_emission.tscn").instantiate()
effect.global_position = global_position
effect.global_rotation = global_rotation
func destroy() -> void:
_fire_particles.emitting = false
_smoke_particles.emitting = false
_magic_sparks.emitting = false
var tween := create_tween()
tween.tween_property(_core, "scale", Vector3.ZERO, 0.25)
In this example, the appear()
method spawns a visual effect for the fireball when it appears. The destroy()
method stops the particles and scales down the core of the fireball when the fireball is destroyed.
In some languages like C++, you can mark a class as "virtual" to prevent it from being instantiated directly. This mechanism forces you to inherit from the class and implement its methods. This is not the case in GDScript.
In GDScript, you create a class that does nothing by itself and is meant to inherit from. This is a common pattern to create virtual base classes in scripting languages.