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  • clamp() and get-only property syntaxiguessfiveFor: ```gdscript energy = int(clamp(value, 0.0, max_energy)) ``` Would this be the better solution in Godot 4: ```gdscript energy = clampi(value, 0, max_energy) ``` Also for: ```gdscript var attack := base_attack ``` Would this syntax be strictly get-only or is it more like a suggestion: ```gdscript var attack: float: get: return base_attack ``` 1 0 Oct. 11, 2024
  • Why do we duplicate the stats?definitive-aardvarkWhy do we duplicate the stats resource before reinitialising it? Can we not just reinitialise the stats resource that is given in the inspector? 1 0 Sep. 01, 2024
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