In this tutorial, you will learn to make a camera zoom smoothly in 2D using tween animation. We will code a camera that can zoom using the mouse wheel with a minimum and maximum zoom level.
First, we need to create a new scene with a Camera2D as its root. Name it ZoomingCamera2D and add a Tween node as a child.In the Inspector, set the camera node as Current so Godot uses it as our game's camera. The active camera is always the last one that set its current property to true.
Input actions
Below, you will see we have some input actions we defined in the Project -> Project Settings... -> Input Map. Three are related to movement and two map the mouse wheel button to zooming in and out.
Attaching the camera to a Player scene
We designed a player-controlled ship to test our camera for this small demo. It's a KinematicBody2D node with the following code attached to it:
# Ship that rotates and moves forward, similar to classics like Asteroid.class_namePlayerextendsKinematicBody2Dexportvar speed :=250exportvar angular_speed :=2.0func_physics_process(delta):# Calculation of the direction to rotate.var direction := Input.get_action_strength("right")- Input.get_action_strength("left")var velocity = Input.get_action_strength("move")* transform.x * speed
rotation += direction * angular_speed * delta
Finally, to get the camera and its zoom centered in the Player, the ZoomingCamera2D should be a child of our Player.
Coding the zoom
Attach a new script to ZoomingCamera2D. Let's define some properties to control the camera's zoom range and speed.
class_nameZoomingCamera2DextendsCamera2D# Lower cap for the `_zoom_level`.exportvar min_zoom :=0.5# Upper cap for the `_zoom_level`.exportvar max_zoom :=2.0# Controls how much we increase or decrease the `_zoom_level` on every turn of the scroll wheel.exportvar zoom_factor :=0.1# Duration of the zoom's tween animation.exportvar zoom_duration :=0.2# The camera's target zoom level.var _zoom_level :=1.0setget _set_zoom_level
# We store a reference to the scene's tween node.onreadyvar tween:Tween=$Tween
Let's look at _zoom_level's setter function next. We use it to trigger the tween animation and smoothly zoom in and out.
func_set_zoom_level(value:float)->void:# We limit the value between `min_zoom` and `max_zoom` _zoom_level =clamp(value, min_zoom, max_zoom)# Then, we ask the tween node to animate the camera's `zoom` property from its current value# to the target zoom level. tween.interpolate_property(self,"zoom", zoom,Vector2(_zoom_level, _zoom_level), zoom_duration, tween.TRANS_SINE,# Easing out means we start fast and slow down as we reach the target value. tween.EASE_OUT) tween.start()
Finally, we use the _unhandled_input() callback to update the camera's zoom level, using the input actions defined earlier. Notice how the Camera2D.zoom value zooms in when it becomes smaller and zooms out when it increases.
func_unhandled_input(event):if event.is_action_pressed("zoom_in"):# Inside a given class, we need to either write `self._zoom_level = ...` or explicitly# call the setter function to use it._set_zoom_level(_zoom_level - zoom_factor)if event.is_action_pressed("zoom_out"):_set_zoom_level(_zoom_level + zoom_factor)
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