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  • very small typoGonsenIn the **Crafting items** section the `_gui_input` function the call to the singleton `Recipes` has the **P** capitalized Reci**P**es. 1 0 Jun. 02, 2021
  • CraftingRecipeItem Sprite Scaleerik-shuttlesworthWhen setting the CraftingRecipeItem's sprite's scale using the project settings' "Inventory Size," using the \*= operator makes the scale too small because it starts out at 0.5 We should use the equal sign instead on the following line ```gdscript sprite.scale = Vector2(scale, scale) ``` 1 0 May. 27, 2021
  • Paragraphs duplication on that pageMathieu01About half of the lesson contains the same paragraphs. 2 0 Mar. 16, 2021
  • Undesired behavior when crafting itemsMathieu01I just have to separate the item in the inventory to easily waste resources. For example, separate ingots in different panels will give only one stack of 5 wires and uses 2 ingots in each stack. Also, I noticed that sometime the recipe doesn't appear when I merge and separate two ingots. 2 0 Mar. 13, 2021
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