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  • Unclear instructions when creating CraftingRecipeItemterrarumIn the Designing the Crafting GUI section it states > Create a new scene with a PanelContainer, /GUI/CraftingRecipeItem.tscn, as its root node named CraftingRecipeItem and save it in a new GUI/Crafting/ directory. I gather from the final project files that I'm meant to create `GUI/Crafting/CraftingRecipeItem.tscn` but the instructions read like I'm both making CraftingRecipeItem.tscn in the `GUI/Crafting` folder but also meant to be referencing an already-existing CraftingRecipeItem.tscn in `GUI` as its root node which doesn't make sense. It's possible I'm just bad at reading but I feel like this could be a bit clearer! 4 0 Jan. 14, 2023
  • Typoserik-shuttlesworthThere's a sentence in the "Designing the crafting GUI" section that's missing a word at the end: > It has a margin from the edge, the contents are inside a scroll list, and each recipe is inside its own panel with an icon and some. There's a typo in the same section: > `TextureRect` displays images, but it does not support texture regions, **to’t** have it use a specific part of the sprite sheet. 1 0 May. 17, 2021
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