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Lesson Q&A

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  • For Godot 4 usersJJLibrary.gd ```gdscript func get_entity_name_from(node: Node) -> String: ... var filename := node.scene_file_path.substr(node.scene_file_path.rfind("/") + 1) func _find_entities_in(path: String) -> void: var directory := DirAccess.open(path) var error := DirAccess.get_open_error() ... ``` EntityPlacer.gd Use instantiate() instead of instance() 1 0 Mar. 21, 2023
  • Mouse Filter Pass vs IgnoreDanielBWhen I set the Mouse Filter to Pass on the suggested nodes, I still can't place items with the GUI visible, even when clicking between the InventoryPanels. However, when I change all the MouseFilters in all the GUI nodes to Ignore, except leaving the InventoryPanel as Stop, then I can click through the gaps and place items in the world. I've had trouble with mouse filtering before with my own godot tinkering. The documentation seems to indicate Pass should pass mouse input up to the ParentNode, but it never seems to work as I would expect in practice. Do you have any advice for how to use the Mouse Filter property? Or should I just always use either Stop or Ignore depending on if I want to consume or pass-up/ignore mouse input? 1 0 Nov. 02, 2022
  • Missing clarity in unhandled_input() function snippetedassisIn the ```gdscript elif event.is_action_pressed("quickbar_1"): ``` the tutorial tell us to put ```gdscript _blueprint = Library.blueprints.StirlingEngine.instance() ``` but this code modification is implicit in **quickbar_2** and **quickbar_3** cases. I don't know if this was intentional. So I decided to make an observation. 3 0 May. 21, 2021
  • Possible Typoerik-shuttlesworthThere's a comment in Library.gd > First, check if it already has a provided name with an overridden function 'get_entity_name()'. This will allow something like a TreeEntity to drop lumber even if it's called TreeEntity. Should it say " ... even if it's not called TreeEntity." at the end? Or maybe have a different name the second time? Here's another comment > Recursively searches the provided dictionary and finds all files that end with 'BLUEPRINT' or 'ENTITY'. Populates the 'blueprints' and 'entities' dictionaries with them. Should the first "dictionary" be "directory"? 1 0 Mar. 01, 2021
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