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  • Blueprint inventory/world size when hovering over quickbarmoashourI had an issue where when you hover over the quickbar with a selected (mouse-owned) blueprint, the blueprint displays its world state/size, not the inventory's. I fixed it using the following: \`\`\` \# In GUI.gd func _process(_delta: float) -> void: var mouse_position := get_global_mouse_position() mouse_in_gui = ( (is_open and _gui_rect.get_global_rect().has_point(mouse_position)) or quickbar.get_global_rect().has_point(mouse_position) ) \`\`\` Notice that I'm using get_global_rect() not get_rect(). This is because while _gui.get_rect() and _gui.get_global_rect() are equivalent, their quickbar counterparts are not. _gui refers to the outer HBoxContainer which happens to take up the whole viewport. The quickbar doesn't, of course. And get_rect() returns a the rectangle _relative to the control node's parent_. The mouse position, however, is the _global position_, relative to the whole viewport. So quickbar.get_rect().has_point(mouse_position) would be off here. quickbar.get_global_rect().has_point(mouse_position) seems to get the job done just fine, however. 1 0 Jun. 16, 2023
  • Quickbar out of viewportandreasvolzIf you size the viewport to small the hard coded margin_top=900 forces the quickbar out of the window. I suggest in GUI.gd _process(): var height = int(get_viewport().size.y) quickbar_container.add_constant_override("margin_top", height - 200) 1 0 Apr. 09, 2023
  • blueprint snapped to the grid of the quickbarandreasvolzThere is a bug that the blueprint doesn't snap to the grid of the quickbar when moving over it. This might be a fix for it in GUI.gd: func _process(delta: float) -> void: var mouse_position := get_global_mouse_position() \# if the mouse is inside the GUI rect and the GUI is open, set it true. mouse_in_gui = (is_open and _gui_rect.get_rect().has_point(mouse_position)) or (not is_open and quickbar_container.get_rect().has_point(mouse_position)) 2 0 Apr. 06, 2023
  • Calling a private method from another scriptJJWhen adding the keyboard shortcuts for the quick-bar, there is this code in GUI.gd ```gdscript func _simulate_input(panel: InventoryPanel) -> void: var input := InputEventMouseButton.new() input.button_index = MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT input.pressed = true panel._gui_input(input) ``` In the last line, it is calling a private method from InventoryPanel.gd, isn't that something we should avoid? 2 0 Mar. 22, 2023
  • Typo with the first scene name, QuickbarInventoryPanel should be QuickBarInventoryPanelJJMissing the capital B 1 0 Mar. 22, 2023
  • Little bugMathieu01I opened the inventory, clicked on a blueprint, maintained one of the quickbar button and I saw it going instantly from the mouse position to the quickbar panel. The problem comes from here: ```gdscript if InputMap.event_is_action(event, QUICKBAR_ACTIONS[i]) and event.is_pressed(): ``` I don't know why but when I replace it by that, that solve it. ```gdscript if InputMap.event_is_action(event, QUICKBAR_ACTIONS[i]) and event.is_action_pressed(QUICKBAR_ACTIONS[i]): ``` I don't know if it is the right thing to do. Maybe there's another way. I want some explanation. 2 0 Mar. 04, 2021
  • Wrong display of the blueprints in the quickbarbenjamin-audrenHi, I'm not sure what I got wrong, but in my setup, when trying to dock blueprints in the sidebar (when the inventory is closed), I get the same bug that we had earlier on the inventory, meaning that the blueprints are offset and the wrong size. Somehow the "mouse_in_gui" variable does not work as expected for this. I think the fix would be to change ```gdscript mouse_in_gui = _is_open and _gui_rect.get_rect().has_point(mouse_position) ``` ```gdscript mouse_in_gui = _is_open and _gui_rect.get_rect().has_point(mouse_position) or quickbar_container.get_rect().has_point(mouse_position) ``` 2 0 Feb. 23, 2021
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