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There's more content to come! We're currently working on the next modules, and we'll release them one by one as soon as each is ready.
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How often will new modules be released during Early Access?
It depends on the module. Some modules contain more lessons than others and will take longer to be completed. We only notify you and make an announcement on Discord once a module is completed. However, we do publish on average 1-2 lessons per week so you can check back weekly in your courses to keep learning at a steady pace.
Bear in mind, the release pace is an average not a schedule set in stone.
Some modules are also more challenging than others. During Early Access we're very active in the Q&A forum to identify areas of the program that require further clarification. Depending on the complexity of the module we're teaching, there may be periods where students need more or less support than usual. This may occasionally cause some variation in the lesson release pace.
Finally, please remember your teachers are humans who are subject to the same human factors as you. We're not immune to the common cold and there are days in which we may need more rest than others.

Lesson Q&A

Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.

  • Here are all the planned modules in the courseNathan (Teacher at GDQuest)Below, you can find the plan for the content the course should have at the end of early access. Please note that we may adjust some things based on feedback and the needs of students and schools using it. - [Learn 2D Gamedev From Zero with Godot 4]( If you went with the starter kit bundle, here are the outlines for the other courses: - [Learn 3D Gamedev From Zero with Godot 4]( - [Node Essentials Godot 4 Edition]( If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 6 13 Jul. 28, 2024
  • Thanks a lot!SCitizenJust a little word of encouragement to everybody who's finding himself or herself in the same situation as I am: already found a lot of interesting tutorials on youtube etc. before starting this course, but I feel like my knowledge is fragmented. I purchased this course knowing it would start at the very basic, starting with a lot of stuff I already know. But I was hoping to do it from A to Z in case there would be here and there elements of knowledge I ignore or tutorials I saw on Youtube didn't mention. Just finished the newly added M5, and this is 100% what I need! This course is already a gold mine of little things here and there I didn't know, or didn't realize I could do, despite teaching the very "beginner stuff". So even if you feel like the beginning of the course if full of stuff you already know, keep going through every step of it, who knows, you could learn stuff you ignored =D Thank you Nathan and everybody involved in this course. I can't wait to continue! 1 20 Feb. 20, 2024
  • Afterclass: Share Ships!HasJamOnI would like to invite everyone to continue learning by experimenting and creating ships with various controls and flair. I have set up a github: [GitHub - HasJamOn/harbour: Godot project for sharing ships based on GDQuest's lesson: "To Space And Beyond".]( This project is under the Open Works NAP License. [harbour/LICENSE at master · HasJamOn/harbour · GitHub]( If you are unfamiliar with GitHub, for a short summary, it is a useful way to backup your project and go back to different places in development. It is also a great way to collaborate on projects. As a beginner, I recommend using GitHub Desktop to get started: [GitHub Desktop | Simple collaboration from your desktop]( Create an account and download GitHub Desktop. How to contribute: [Contributing to a project - GitHub Docs]( 1 6 Feb. 11, 2024
  • Timeline for next module?theSchroeI just wanted to say thank you for the modules so far. In my opinion it was the right pace between the chapters and thus, it was easy to follow along. The exercises provided enough challenge but were also solvable (I think). I also like that the artwork that you are using in this tutorial has a very good look, which in my opinion is contributing to keeping up the motivation to work through the chapters. I am looking forward to the next modules in this course! And as this is the question and answer section, I need to put in a question, don't I? Is there already a timeline for the next modules? 2 4 Feb. 09, 2024
  • Ant 2 4 Feb. 08, 2024
  • Just purchased the full set of courses. No list of planned lessons?shadowI understand that things are in progress, but I've also seen mention of 19 modules being planned, but no mention of what they are. Would it be possible to at least get the list of planned modules? I have seen the posts where you mention that the website is also being developed at the same time, but does that really prevent such a list from being given? If so, why? It's understandable if the items change as you further develop the course or get feedback, but what is the current planned set of lessons? Even without supplying dates it would be nice to know what the course will contain as it seems like a lot of people have asked variations of this already. Thank you. 5 2 Mar. 31, 2024
  • Proposed challenge exercise for the end of this modulemq95Hi, since we have to wait between the release of modules, I've thought of a little challenge that can be added to the end of this ship project, and that we should be able to accomplish using just what we learned here. The challenge would be to add asteroids that spawn at a set interval and begin moving in a random direction, wrapping around the screen (or even bouncing when they touch the screen edge!), and when the ship collides with them it loses some health and makes them disappear. I think we can do it! I'll try it right now. 4 2 Feb. 20, 2024
  • Just wanted to thank you!KetanThe course is easy to follow up until now, I'm now trying my first game jam even though I still heavily rely on tutorial 1 1 Jul. 26, 2024
  • Nicebogus-cranethis is probably the most helpful coding thing for beginners 1 1 Jun. 28, 2024
  • I think a lesson randomizer would be a cool learning tool.J.DotAt the end of each module we get lessons. I think it would cool if all of these lessons were taken and put into some type of randomizer where we just get back to back lessons; I would like to practice on my downtime at work or on the bus. Any opportunity to get pounding this to muscle memory. 4 1 Mar. 17, 2024
  • Any plans for the platformer module?AJ StudiosHey GD-Quest! In the previous version of this course you guys offered a module teaching how to create a simple platformer / sample level. Will this be included in this updated version of the course? I love 2D platformer games and I'm really looking forward to this :) 1 1 Mar. 13, 2024
  • Is it allowed to use the art assets from the modules into jams?Be_1Hi, thanks for these modules. I like to have something like that to start a new engine. It focuses on important basics and don't ask you to do everything. I am the kind to be really discouraged, on solo projects, when I need to work on assets (art, sound, material, animation, etc) because it's not what I like to work on (I am more appealed toward design and code) . So I was wondering: **Am I allowed to use the art assets from the modules in my prototypes or game jam projects?** 2 1 Mar. 10, 2024
  • What's Discord?tesfalconYou mention a Discord server. What's Discord? 2 1 Mar. 09, 2024
  • How long will modules release for each course?InverseBirchI've seen the timeline for each course's planned starting date and I was wondering if those courses starting marks the end of the current course, for example when the Intro to 3D course begins in April, does that mean this course will be complete or will they both be getting updates at the same time. 3 1 Mar. 05, 2024
  • Difficulty curveFasionMagazineHi. I completely understand the reasoning of starting this course with an extremely basic intro to keep it unintimidating and make sure beginners are absorbing everything. And I really think that's the right way to do it. So far I've taught myself by making mini games with googling and asking chat gpt questions and doing the odd side tutorial, so I really don't know what I don't know, just that there's a ton of it. I am disappointed realizing what a beginner course actually looks like and have found that I'm hardly learning anything new yet. It's of course not the course's fault and I particularly love your teaching style so I hope that doesn't come off the wrong way. I'm wondering what the difficulty curve is expected to be in this course. I'm really excited to learn game dev the right way, I'm just wondering if I should hold off until a follow-up to this course is made for intermediate game dev. 3 1 Feb. 13, 2024
  • Suggestion maybeJazzHey, I'm really enjoying the course so far! I see others are asking what they can do to practice while we wait for the next module, and I similarly have an itch to learn! I personally have a project I'm working on, so that can hold me over till the next module. Perhaps you guys could give a challenge prompt or project remix ideas for people to work on between modules. Something like a Mini-Game Jam prompt for students that uses the concepts we've learned so far! Just a thought I wanted to throw out :) Keep up the great work!! 1 1 Feb. 09, 2024
  • What should I learn in the meanwhile?ecstatic-herringI finished all the released modules so far and was wondering what I can learn while I wait for more modules to release? 3 1 Feb. 09, 2024
  • Will the course be split in two?CerealIn your discord server, you mentioned a possible plan to split the 2D course into two courses: Modules 1-10 and 10-19. However, all who paid for the 19-module course will receive both courses. Now that we are on the brink of the end of module 10, is this still your plan? 1 0 Dec. 04, 2024
  • Plan for the Content ModulesboaroHello guys! I just saw the "M10. Path of Sorcerers" and it looks awesome! It seems you have changed the order for the planned content modules (PDF). Will the other modules still be available? Thank you! 2 0 Nov. 12, 2024
  • Word of encouragement AphexThis course is really great and I'm absolutely amazed by it. Please continue the hard work and I'm very glad to learn GameDev while the team behind the site are working on it to make it better and better. Worth every penny. 1 0 Nov. 06, 2024
  • Opinion: Releasing simultaneously 2D and 3D coursesVerryHello. I want to state that this is just my opinion, maybe you'll take this as a feedback, maybe you won't, I don't have any expectations, just wanted to share my thoughts. Somewhere on the website I read that the curriculum of the whole course is to first do the 2D part, then come to the 3D. So the only part of the whole course that I don't like is that both 2D and 3D courses' modules are released simultaneously, instead of finishing the 2D first, which is a foundation required to continue into 3D. Assuming that the pace of 1 module per month will be continued, it is still 9 months to finish the 2D course (modules 10-19). I totally get the other side of the coin, that there are people who know everything from the 2D part from other sources and want to start at the 3D already. And that you want to maximize purchases by supplying the 3D part, when there's a demand for it. But still, from my perspective, buying a little expensive course (even at the EA price, and after applying coupons from YouTube) and waiting almost a year for it to be finished, is a bit disappointing. Of course, I get that it's EA, I accepted it by purchasing. But looking at how good the course is - still a bit sad to wait 9 more months to finish the foundations, and have to look in other places to learn topics from the syllabus. Again - just some thoughts and personal opinion. Obviously, you cannot get everything you want. :) The course is great, thank you for it. I know Unity pretty well and use it professionally everyday (working in gamedev). But C# was always a wall for me, even though I tried multiple times. But with Godot, GDScript and your course, I finally feel that I'm learning and I can do something on my own. Thanks, waiting for more! 2 0 Sep. 22, 2024
  • Could a Little Event be done?bogus-craneCould there be a youtube video featuring some new games that are close to release, that are made thanks to this course(like for example mine)? 2 0 Aug. 07, 2024
  • Thanks I needed some knowledge about godot to make my gamebogus-craneI was making a game and got stuck so I looked for things about how to code GDscript and found this, what I needed to know was how to code and how Area2d nodes worked and this helped a lot, I already know how to use Krita for game art but I didn't know how to code thanks for teaching me that, I think that there's no other thing like this I really think more people should teach how you do. 18 0 Jun. 28, 2024
  • I'm not getting notified.tesfalconI have all my email notifications turned on, but I'm not getting ANY emails from GDQuest. If I don't go to my profile to check for updates, I don't see them. 1 0 Jun. 19, 2024
  • Game genresArtemaleThe course is great, I've learned a lot. I will definetely recommend it on public. I hope to see more learning game genres variety in the future though. In my opinion, It's pretty much no point to create new course on 2d platformer that is shown in plans. Especially after Brackeys great tutorial. I've checked Youtube many times for "godot (game genre name) tutorial" and most of them are platformers and RPG type games. I know it's kind of easier to start with platformers and "one-character-games" but with your level of teaching, I am eager to see some official courses on RTS games and turn-based strategies. Drag and drop, units control, etc. Because there is pretty much no authority couses for that type of games. Most of the stuff at this course is partly reliable for any type of game genre but I see the opportunity to add some variety even for beginners. If it's not a beginner type info, I hope to see it on Node Essentials course than! The point is to move away from the huge number of tutorials at one game genre to some other genres, that are actually even more popular for players. 2 0 Jun. 14, 2024
  • Bug Fixing Lesson?haunting-camelI've just finished going through the existing modules and will likely be starting over again next week just to keep into the rhythm and making sure things stick whilst deciding what toy projects to start on. With that in mind, is it possible with your current "tests" or in the scope of the project to provide relatively simple code with typical errors - syntax, non-declared variables/functions etc. to both reinforce how things should be, but also how to untangle a mess you might find yourself in, particularly when working on independent projects? Or, if this isn't in your pipeline, do you know if there are similar resources out there or where might be best to find them? All told, still rough with arrays, dictionaries and maths but managed to make it through to the end and hopefully will only get faster. Looking forward to the future <3 Edit - Just seen that this is the plan for Module 17 1 0 Jun. 08, 2024
  • Keep it up!MildwinI'm still finishing up M7, but I think this course is a lot better than then the Godot 3 one, with the amount a detail and structure of the modules. It is clicking with me a lot more, and I'm able to understand what is being taught and even feel comfortable to a temp my own solution before seeing how you do it in the lesson. I will be eagerly waiting the release of new modules so KEEP IT UP! Y'all are amazing! 1 0 May. 22, 2024
  • Request: quick publishing tutorialeuphoric-sheepHey, as we finish the course available, I'd like to expand on what we learn and would love to do a show and tell with the other people on the course. Any chance you could share (or upload) a quick tutorial about the best way to do this - like using for WebGL and Unity? 2 0 May. 17, 2024
  • How shader work just like I wanted to turn it on and off?CelsI just wanna thanks for this course Learn 2D Gamedev from zero. 1 month ago I can't even write more than 50 lines of code since I enroll in this course. This is big leap in my skill now I already write 500 lines of code, I didn't expected it to have this skill since i only learn from youtube back then.. If you can answers my question on that shader what specific need because it really not working in instantiate, it make my work less but if not then I use this opportunity to thank you so much. 1 0 May. 17, 2024
  • Godot 3 secret bundleCelsoh i need to learn shader, VFX, and PCG.. do this course update in the future godot 4? 1 0 May. 04, 2024
  • Quality of the learningRudiI have been on a learning journey of late and it's shocking how poor the quality of some other courses are. Great that you cover a bunch of topics, but most people don't give you time to practice. I feel like this information is definately sinking in more than other courses. Thanks for all the hard work from the team! I am excited and looking forward to learning more and more throughout the year! 2 0 Apr. 02, 2024
  • Timeline for Course Completionindelible-cormorantHi Nathan! First off, I love what you've been doing here and I'm super excited to get started. I was an early bird purchaser, and understood that the course would be completed around April 30th before the 3D course starts. I don't want to start until the course is complete, and I have a backlog of things to learn anyway, but I was just wondering, do you have an estimate of when the modules for this course would be completed? I saw that you mentioned 2/3 modules a month, so would something like August or September be a reasonable expectation, or are things going to ramp up since lots of the groundwork/backend has been built the past couple of months? 5 0 Apr. 01, 2024
  • Is there any grid based modules planned?crisp-peafowlI very curious about grid based games and turn based systems, are there anything planned for the sort in the future modules? 1 0 Mar. 31, 2024
  • How many modules are planned for the 2D tutorial?cuddly-squirrelHow many modules are planned for the 2D tutorial? 4 0 Mar. 26, 2024
  • TunnelingJankiKhanFirst I wanna thank you again, I've been enjoying this course a lot! So I just finished M5 recently and I decided to try a few things, learn a few things along the way, and I was like let's try Pong. So I made the Paddle with an Area2D and a CollisionShape2D and a ColorRect, and did a Ball with an Area2D and a CollisionShape2D, added the circle shape in _draw, didn't want to use Sprites here. I honestly was expecting to forget more things from this course but it was buttery smooth, felt like I knew my way around, so definitely a testament to your teaching style! I'm just doing horizontal bouncing at the moment, and as I was playing around I quickly came across the Tunneling problem, where on_area_entered would not happen exactly at the expected moment of collision (learned that that's due to fps), and got me wondering if you'll cover topics like that? I'm not sure how advanced that is, and I know there are multiple paths to explore like CCD, but I guess I'm wondering how advanced the course will become and if it'll cover topics like that. There are definitely similar scale things that I have in mind, like path finding (not just free roaming, but more like tile-based path finding), in-depth viewport sizes, scaling for mobile / desktop etc... Aside from that question I have a few suggestions: 1) Perhaps a map of the course, maybe a rough outline for things to come. 2) A space where we can submit fun projects as we're learning, this will invoke questions from the community and more learning. 3) Links to more in-depth articles for the curious peeps. 1 0 Mar. 20, 2024
  • Rogy)steep-tarsierHello, the question of the course will concern the elements of roguelike on the example of the game Brotate? 1 0 Feb. 19, 2024
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