This course is not over yet!

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There's more content to come! We're currently working on the next modules and we will release them one by one as soon as each is ready.
How can I get notified when new modules are released?
You can subscribe here to be notified by email.
Another option is to join our Discord server, right-click the #announcements channel, and select Notification Settings -> All Messages. This way, you'll get a notification every time we announce an update.
How often will new modules be released during Early Access?
It depends on the module. Some modules contain more lessons than others and will take longer to be completed. We only notify you and make an announcement on Discord once a module is completed. However, we do publish on average 1-2 lessons per week so you can check back weekly in your courses to keep learning at a steady pace.
Bear in mind, the release pace is an average not a schedule set in stone.
Some modules are also more challenging than others. During Early Access we're very active in the Q&A forum to identify areas of the program that require further clarification. Depending on the complexity of the module we're teaching, there may be periods where students need more or less support than usual. This may occasionally cause some variation in the lesson release pace.
Finally, please remember your teachers are humans who are subject to the same human factors as you. We're not immune to the common cold and there are days in which we may need more rest than others.

Lesson Q&A

Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.

  • Planned length of the courses.RainSo I have read the roadmap and looked all over, but hey maybe I still missed it. I get that some new modules come out every month for the different courses but how many modules are planned for each section in the the 2D & 3D from zero series? 2 0 May. 09, 2024
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