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Lesson Q&A

Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.

  • How do I control the 3D view if I'm using a laptop?KenseiKCYou have to go to Editor> Editor Settings>Editors>3D and enable "Emulate 3 button mouse". You can now use alt/shift/ctrl and drag to rotate/pan/zoom the 3D view respectively. Please include this info to the module. Thanks! 1 1 Jun. 29, 2024
  • Bug - 103: Introduction To 3D In Godot - Step 12GenyaGamesThe first two times I tried tour 103, the yellow/goldenrod "Next" button on step 12 does not appear, blocking lesson completion. Considering that this step (The camera direction) is merely instructional/reading, this is a little odd. That being said, I have managed to get the lesson to complete and have not managed to recreate the bug. I tried triggering the step with the camera in viewport, out of viewport, slightly different coords, but I'm struggling to make the bug happen anymore. Unfortunately, when it did crop up, I forgot to take a look at the output/debugger. I'll try a few more times and see if I notice anything weird in the output/debugger. Just wanted to log this in case anyone else experiences this! 12 1 May. 01, 2024
  • Typo in 104b: The specular propertyvast-baboonThe message says 'I set the Metallic property to 0.0..' when it was set to 0.5 in the inspector. Not sure if that's a typo or the inspector should have a different value. As a side note, I'm blown away by this course! The Godot Tours tool is incredible and I continuously find myself with a smile on my face as I move through each step! 2 0 Sep. 12, 2024
  • Typo talking about running a sceneunused-camelIn the 103 there is a typo saying that to run the current scene it is f5 but it is f6 to run the current scene. 1 0 Aug. 05, 2024
  • Tutorial window on and offlikable-leopardhow does one bring back the tutorial window? I exited it to make space. 1 0 Jul. 25, 2024
  • Stuck in 104.c on osX step 12SCitizenOn step 12 I see no option to continue on the window... did I miss something? 2 0 Jul. 11, 2024
  • Snap in 104a, step 26michaelgame_devJust as an FYI, I had to toggle off snap to get the platform to line up in the right position for step 26. I was able to toggle it back on after that and the shape would like up correctly then, but it was like the platform was on an offset and I couldn't get it to line up without disabling snap first. 2 0 Jun. 22, 2024
  • 14.b typo13eckStep 7 (Apply a texture to the platform) has a small typo: > The albedo category has a Texture property. This texture combines with the **Color** *poverty* and allows you to apply a pattern or image to the 3D geometry. The italic word should be *property*. 1 0 May. 18, 2024
  • Progress on Tour not saved / persistentTimoGI had to leave the 103 Tour before finishing. I saved the project and closed godot. When I returned to the project, all actions within the project where saved (camera location/rotation, lightsource, etc.) but the tour had to be done starting from step 1. I would expect the tour plugin to remember the last session and continue from there. Hope this is feasable. Otherwise I really like this practical teaching approach - Keep up the good work! 1 0 May. 17, 2024
  • Stuck at step 16 in M2 104.c - "Move the platform and the flag"aramplI selected both nodes - PlatformGoal and Flag3D and moved them inside the guide box. Only "Move Flag3D..." is marked as completed, "Move PlatformGoal..." is grayed out. Moving them independently of each other gives the same result. 2 0 May. 16, 2024
  • Tour not usable on Mac trackpadscleverinfoThe tour relies on using both right and left mouse buttons simultaneously to progress (shooting switch). This mechanic is not available using Mac trackpads and makes it impossible to proceed. Can you change the mechanic or maybe provide an alternative? 1 0 May. 10, 2024
  • Intro 103: Step 11 No next button. It just wont completeTrojanato37I suggest to have the next button present as always, so you wont risk blocking people from completion because of bugs like this. 1 0 May. 08, 2024
  • So I tried having multiple moving platforms (Color Issue and Fix)sebbianuuuI experimented with the game scene after finishing the tour. More moving platforms. Linking up the new levers and end point markers was no trouble. However when i tried it out i found that all platforms change color when any lever is switched. Otherwise the platforms were behaving normally, each platform moves according to the state of its own lever. The moving platform @tool actually helped here. I was able to see that the color change occurred whenever any platform changes it's is_active, so it had to be something about set_is_active. I could see that this function animates the albedo on the material. Now it makes sense. Since by default materials are shared (in this case between instances of the same scene), changing it on one platform would change it everywhere. So then i tried making the material unique in the editor, that should work... aand the color change is completely broken. nothing happens. great. What happened? After more experimentation i suppose that now the material is "too" unique. The scene previously used the copied reference of the shared material held by MovingPlatform3D to update the "real" material that's on the CSGBox3D. By making it unique, it is no longer the same material. So how did I fix it? I made the material "semi unique" using code. It should be unique for each instance of the scene, but the same material should be shared between the MovingPlatform3D and CSGBox3D within a scene. The _ready() in the MovingPlatform3D seemed like the best place for now. First I create a new unique material by duplicating the old one (we want to keep the same color) and replace the old material with it. Then i set my new material as the material used by CSGBox3D to keep them in synch. ```gdscript func _ready() -> void: #... #We need to duplicate (make unique) and set the new material on the mesh to keep it in synch platform_material = platform_material.duplicate() $AnimatableBody3D/CSGBox3D.material = platform_material ``` How could this be improved? This fixes the issue, but it creates a separate material for each instance, even if the color is currently identical. Optimally we would only make the material unique when we need it, but this is good enough for me. I've tried putting the material duplication into set_is_active, but then it just makes a new material every time a lever is switched, that's no better. My open questions Why do we hold on to a copied reference to the material on MovingPlatform3D? Is this something you would usually do or just something for the tutorial? 1 0 May. 03, 2024
  • Typo in 104b: Scale the UVsThatEnbyKikiWhen telling the user to scale the UV1, the tour states "... change the Scale property to 4 on **both** axes." The checkbox does correctly state to scale all three axes. 1 0 May. 02, 2024
  • macOS link13eckYou say to use 4.2.2-stable, but the link provided is for 4.2-stable! Might want to update the link: [https://godotengine.org/download/archive/4.2.2-stable/](https://godotengine.org/download/archive/4.2.2-stable/) 1 0 May. 01, 2024
Site is in BETA!found a bug?