Send yourself a one-time link

One-time links allow you to log in and register without a password.

We will send you a one-time link in your mail box. Click the link to log in here. If you don't have an account, we will create one automatically.

Each link works only once and you need to open it in the same web browser.

Do you prefer using a password? register

if you already registered, login with a password


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What happened to my old account and all my courses?
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Why is my password not working?
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Why do I have to login here now instead of on the old website?
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I did not receive the sign-in email
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I opened the link in the same browser, why am I still getting an error saying that I did not?
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If I signed in with a one-time link, how do I add a password to my account?
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How do I change my password?