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  • Don't forget to put UISelectBattlerArrow to ActiveTimeQueue SelectArrow fieldblackbird9I tripped up upon testing this code. Realised I forgot to switch back to the CombatDemo scene, with ActiveTimeQueue node highlighted to expose the exported SelectArrow field and attach (by dragging) the UISelectBattlerArrow scene. Maybe remind about this step after editing ActiveTimeQueue script. 1 0 Apr. 20, 2021
  • Battler Scenes, Anchors, and SpritesThePirateKingWhen I ran into the following part of the lesson, I was somewhat confused: > To place the anchors for a given battler, open their scene and right-click on _BattlerAnim_. In the context menu, toggle _Editable Children_. The reason for the confusion was that up to this point in the lessons, I had yet to create standalone scenes for the Bear/Bugcat. In the lesson **The active turn queue** in the **core systems** chapter we were instructed: > In the image below, _Bear_ and _BugCat_ are two instances of `Battler.tscn`. In our demo, the _ActiveTurnQueue_ node has the encounter’s battlers as its children. following which, I instanced Battler.tscn twice under the ActiveTurnQueue node in the CombatDemo.tscn. In the lesson **Taking and inflicting damage** in the **core systems** chapter we were instructed: > I prepared a scene with the following node structure, with our _ActiveTurnQueue_ and two battlers: one for the player and one for the enemy. In which I simply changed the names of the previous Battler.tscn instances in the CombatDemo.tscn. Given that up to this point I only created instances, to customize the anchor points I would need to toggle _Editable Children_ twice: once on the _Battler_ node, and then once again on the _BattlerAnim_ node. Upon checking the final project example, I found that there were standalone scenes created for the Bear and Bugcat and that these two scenes are where it was intended for us to toggle _Editable Children_ on the _BattlerAnim_ node. Additionally, I found that each of these scenes added a _Sprite_ node under the _BattlerAnim > Pivot_ node branch; though, perhaps adding the sprites comes up in a later lesson. 5 0 Jan. 06, 2021
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