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  • Only the player icon is spawningstupid-grouseFor some reason only the player icon is spawning on my timeline. I'm using Godot 4 and this is where I got so far. ```gdscript func setup(battlers: Array) -> void: for battler in battlers: # We first calculate the right icon background using the `Types` enum from `UIBattlerIcon`. # Below, I'm using the ternary operator. It picks the first value if the condition is `true`, # otherwise, it picks the second value. var type: int = ( UIBattlerIcon.Types.PLAYER if battler.is_party_member else UIBattlerIcon.Types.ENEMY ) # We create an instance of the `UIBattlerIcon` scene using a function and add it as a child. var icon: UIBattlerIcon = create_icon(type, battler.ui_data.texture) # We get to use the `Battler.readiness_changed` signal again to move the icons along the turn bar. # Once again, we bind the icon to the callback for each battler, so we don't have to worry # about which battler corresponds to which icon later. battler.readiness_changed.connect(_on_Battler_readiness_changed.bind(icon)) _background.add_child(icon) ``` 2 0 May. 08, 2024
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