Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.
Major Improvement over Previous VersionNoneApplicableGamesI really like how you've implemented the Godot Tours here. Having things explained to me in the editor drastically improves the flow of the learning process since I don't have to keep switching windows after each step. Ive been going through the Godot 3 version of learn to code with zero and I'm really hoping you're going to implement a version of this plug-in for that. It makes the learning process so much more tactile and so far I haven't experienced any issues.313Feb. 05, 2024
Notes on Godot TourHam##### Godot has four essential concepts on which your games rely:
- Scenes
- Nodes
- Scripts
- Signals
## Scenes
**Scenes** are reusable templates that represent anything in your game.
1. A main menu scene.
2. A level design scene for a specific area in your game.
3. A reusable enemy scene with predefined behaviours.
## Nodes
**Nodes** are the building blocks of scenes. They are the elements you see in the viewport.
1. `Sprite2D` node for displaying images.
2. `CharacterBody2D` node for player or enemy movement.
3. `TileMap` node for creating grid-based levels.
## Scripts
**Scripts** are text files that give instructions to the computer. You can attach them to nodes to control their behaviour.
1. A script to handle player movement and input.
extends CharacterBody2D
@export var speed := 460.0
func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
var input_vector := Vector2(
Input.get_action_strength("right") - Input.get_action_strength("left"),
Input.get_action_strength("down") - Input.get_action_strength("up"))
velocity = input_vector * speed
3. A script for controlling enemy AI behaviour.
extends CharacterBody2D
@onready var player = $/path/to/player
func _physics_process(delta):
if player:
direction = (player.position - position).normalized()
5. A script that manages game progression and level transitions.
extends Node2D
@onready var player = $/path/to/player
func _ready():
if player:
player.connect("died", Callable(self, "_on_Player_died"))
func _on_Player_died() -> void:
## Signals
**Signals** are events that nodes emit to report what’s happening in the game. You can connect signals to scripts to run code when an event occurs.
1. `body_entered` signal from a `CollisionShape2D` when a player touches a hazard.
2. `button_pressed` signal from a `Button` node in the user interface.
3. `timeout` signal from a `Timer` node when a countdown is complete.13Aug. 27, 2024
Thank you for the tour - Continue button issuestheSchroeThat tour was nice. Only thing I noticed is that when clicking on "Continue to next tour" for some reasons, it restarted the current tour again. I used the version of Godot that came within the ZIP-File. Great work on the tour you guys!22Feb. 04, 2024
Hi, just a tiny bit of feedback!sugary-shrewI was really struggling with the concept of parameters until I noticed in response to another question here, the source code was linked. Upon looking at the source, it clicked pretty instantly when I saw how you were using the parameters within it. I could clearly see you guys add the value when calling the function, and that's why it's labeled as something like "amount" or "length". Before this what "amount" actually was, and how it was working was a total mystery to me and that was leading to a lot of confusion when doing the practices. I knew it needed a value and that "length" alone would not do anything, but I had no idea that the value would be added to the function when being called elsewhere (sorry if this is at all confusing I'm still wrapping my head around the right terminology). It seems so simple now I can actually see how everything is working "under the hood". I know in the response you gave to the other user it was mentioned that not including all of the code was a compromise you had to make which is totally understandable, but I wonder if including a link to the source or some supplemental documentation that explained a little more about what was happening "under the hood" could help people like me, who need more concrete examples consistently for something to fully click? 11Dec. 19, 2024
A great way to get started!Chief ClancyAlthough I already knew Godot and had already completed the official tutorial, I also ran through the guided GDQuest tutorial again step-by-step.
And I have to say, it would have saved me a lot of time if I had started like this from the beginning. And despite the many repetitions, I found the tutorial very well done and valuable.
If the course continues like this, there's a good chance that this will finally be the game changer I need to develop my first game. That would be great. I'm already looking forward to the next lesson and the GDScript tool.
Keep up the good work! My respects!11Oct. 12, 2024
Should I update Godot to 4.3 version?milk_manWhen I started this course at the beginning of september, the version of godot was 4.2. Now I have reached M6 and am wondering, if you recommend updating godot to 4.3?81Sep. 22, 2024
LOVE the Godot Tours!Kuksiit's REALLY good! and the best part is that it's all inside the game engine, which makes you already feel familiar with the interface as you've already clicked it all before.31Aug. 23, 2024
Very Excited! FIVE STARS!Talan15Wow, this looks amazing!
I just finished the learn-to-code course for Godot 3 and am redoing it to become more familiar with coding. Then I came across this new update, and after doing the first lesson, I was very impressed! The UI is so clean, and the interactive tours are stellar!
I am looking forward to refining my skills with your FIVE STAR courses.
If there is anywhere I can leave a helpful review, let me know. 11Apr. 27, 2024
Feedback on the Interactive Toursmotherly-codHi,
First of all, I love the idea behind the Interactive Tours! It's really a pleasure to learn this way, great work there. I though of creating a single thread where I could share all my feedback about the tour so starting with the "101: The Godot Editor": out of all the 30 steps, I think most of them were good or great but I did not like 13/30 one in particular ([rbY0YTR.png (815×440) (]( I guess it might be confusing at first even though there is the 14/30 step which explains it pretty well. For a new user, seeing you only mentioned four nodes in a screen where there is a long list of items in the scene dock it might be confusing... making it frustrating as well by stating "we can see that (...)" - no, anybody who is not yet familiar what exactly is a node, and what is a nested scene, won't see that. This step needs some polishing, at least it's worth to change the "we can see that" part to "you might wonder why we only mentioned four nodes on the dock scene list, I got you covered on the next step", or similar :) Overall, great module and as soon as I will finish the next one, I will provide some more feedback. I will use my 5 min. breaks between learning sessions just for that. Cheers!111Mar. 23, 2024
404 error on downloadRavenQuillAll of the download links currently only return a json response with a 404 error, so it's impossible to download the files.
On a somewhat similar note, you advertise this course as always being available, but considering that you might not host this website until the end of time I am curious if there is a way to download all of the course materials or if you are planning on implementing one *eventually*30Feb. 17, 2025
Tour download 404Asier```gdscript
"statusCode": "404",
"error": "not_found",
"message": "Object not found"
I tried to download the tour but I got a 404 :(10Feb. 17, 2025
if could not find the projectsyapukif you already used godot previously, when you openned the project manager there is a chance you can not see the godot tour or other projects. if you downloaded the projects different place (from godot which you try to use before this course) you can click scan from top left then find the path which you extracted projects. After that I hope you can see the porjects you extracted :)10Feb. 13, 2025
Note on Open chest animationtwin-fishHitbox was so small I thought the chest wasn't opening due to a code bug.10Feb. 11, 2025
Program Crashes When Unattendedkindhearted-kangarooI've noticed that when I'm running these lessons, it's fine as long as I'm actively using it but it tends to crash if it's unattended for a few minutes (somewhere between 5-30 minutes, I'm guesstimating.) Thought you guys would like to know about that. It has happened multiple times in both 101 and 102 (which I'm in now) in Get To Know Godot (Godot Tours). I'm using Windows 11. I was not actively running the project, just so you know. Just the Godot packaged with the lessons, and the plugin.60Feb. 02, 2025
I can't download the pluginArjun BhumulaI'm on a minimac and when I try to download the plugin for this device, the computer blocks it and says that it blocked harmful files. No matter what I try, the computer is mistaking this for a virus or something and I am unable to use it. Also, is this plugin different than the one that is free and available on your website? That one only had two "lesson" things while I guess this one has a lot more based on the pictures you provided. Have I payed for a better plugin? And what can I do to solve this problem about viruses.30Jan. 26, 2025
Really good and thanks for this easy modesuspicious-coyoteI love this kind of interaction10Jan. 05, 2025
support for different languagessqwirexI really like godot tour, it’s really the best thing I’ve seen for beginners, I’d like to ask if you’re thinking about adding support for different languages so that people who have average English, like me, can learn the engine’s capabilities even faster and more accurately ? Anyway, I kind of like it, together with the engine, I consolidate my knowledge of the english language and learn two skills at the same time))))10Jan. 01, 2025
Course .zip file namesturkeydonkeyJust a small suggestion, the macOS and Linux filenames are nicely descriptive, however the Windows zipfile is oddly "l2dfz-0.22.0-win", which after a second I realized is l[earn] 2D [gamedev] f[rom] z[ero]. Having it named similarly to the other two files will make it easier for users to remember what the file is and where it came from.50Dec. 28, 2024
(very) small suggestionembarrassed-sparrowPlease rename the title of 'M2. Get to Know Godot' to 'M02...' so it orders with the other module titles that are zero-padded.10Dec. 08, 2024
Node Dock intro used LogicGeekIn the "Getting to Know Godot" -> The Node Dock dialog, the last sentence uses the Node tree and associated icon reference for a root node "**O Node**", rather than just the word "Node."
Click on the **O Node** tab in the top-right to select the Node dock.
Since the tab doesn't actually include an icon, I was wondering if this was just an incorrect inclusion (find and replace bug, auto-formatter, etc) or if it's intentional since all Nodes have "**O Node**" as their base element.
I've started using Godot enough that I knew what the tab was, but expect that *any* variation of a prompt from the interface could cause user questions.10Oct. 16, 2024
Godot 4.3 Crash when enable tour plugin.Son of IssacharI just download the zip file for linux above. when i go to enable the tour plugin, then Godot closes. I then restarted Godot and the plugin is still not enabled. I did try the plugin in Godot 4.2 and it does enable but the editor throws a bunch of errors. Not sure whats going on.40Sep. 21, 2024
plug.gdrewarding-chimpanzeeI was clicking around, as you should and stumbled onto the 1000 lines of magic that make this possible. Keep up the good work!10Sep. 11, 2024
Bridge Terrain issue with Godot Tour using v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]WhiteFinchI can't continue the tour to add bridges (stuck on 5/15) because it won't let me select the bridge terrain. There is also a warning on the Bridges scene. "The tilemap node is deprecated as it is superseded by the use of multiple TileMapLayer nodes. To convert a TileMap to a set of TileMapLayer nodes, open the TileMap bottom panel with this node selected, click the toolbox icon in the top-right corner and choose Extract TileMap layers as individual TileMapLayer nodes" -- If I do that, selecting the bridge terrain also doesn't work. 70Aug. 18, 2024
How can I move a Tilemap?raincloudAfter arranging the rooms, bridges, and invisible walls, I decided that I wanted to move everything over to line up more cleanly with the 2d viewport. In the scene list, I selected Bridges, InvisibleWalls, Player, RoomA, RoomB, and RoomC, and tried to use the move tool (with grid snap enabled) to adjust the nodes' positions. The Player and rooms all moved as expected, but the two tilemaps both stayed in the same place. When I tried moving them individually with the move tool, they still wouldn't move. It seemed my only options were to either manually edit the position of the Bridges and InvisibleWalls nodes in the Inspector, or redraw them using the TileMap tab. Is there an easier way to move TileMap objects?10Aug. 06, 2024
UXy_muradovAfter finishing first 30/30 - I wanted to go out and after that I opened the tour again - it started all over again - that is not cool.
Also when I made those bridges I couldn't walk them - but tour told me that is ok, go next
Fix please it
And I can't fix my mistakes with bridges by myself - tour is telling me go next, if I quit - I will lost my 3-4 mini tours - like 30/30 and 21/21 and 15/15 etc10Aug. 04, 2024
Error in tourChefGorgeousEagle100When I try to hit the play button per the instructions in the tour, I'm getting an error message. "Parser error: could not resolve class pickup"10Aug. 01, 2024
Showing Hidden filesUltraJabroniI just wanted to let you guys know when troubleshooting and showing hidden files on a Mac the command is CMD + SHIFT + .10Jul. 05, 2024
Comgrats for the new course, really good!BelinI found a little thing, in the beginning of the tour when it outline the viewport it says "outlined in blue", but it's actually violet10Jun. 25, 2024
Download the game engine later?grateful-shrewFor Windows (and Linux) since the tutorial comes with a copy of Godot, am I correct that I will not need to download a separate copy later of the engine?10Jun. 14, 2024
In the M2 course: Why when I move the background in the viewport ...?HazlarI can't move this background decor in space and even if I move the 3 *abc* rooms simultaneously, when I launch the game the decor is placed in the background. What is the explanation please?10Jun. 03, 2024
5th tour - updating the health barunhappy-hawkI am on the 2nd step of this tour, but when I select the Player node I am not able to move on to the next step. Can you help?90Jun. 01, 2024
Contradictory information on Godot version to get on macOSbronze-parrot> On MacOS, you currently need to [download Godot 4.2.2]( separately
> [IMPORTANT: On macOS, download and use Godot 4.2.0 (exactly this version)!](
So which one is it?10May. 29, 2024
102.e Chest is not showing up directly in start scene after saveSeppo007Hi there,
at first I want to say how thrilled I am with the godot plugin you provided. It works like a charm and is really aesthetic!
I just noticed something that shouldn't work out as declared in the "Save the scene" textbox. You are stating that saving the room_a scene "... will save your change and update the Start scene". At least when I added the chest to room_a, saved via CTRL+S and opened the start scene in the navigation bar at the top of the screen I didn't see the chest there.
After closing the start scene and reopen it again it was shown then.
So i wonder if this has to do something with the settings of the provided Godot instance in the zip file or if it changed over the versions (of this tutorial or maybe of godot itself)?
I'm currently using version 0.4.1 of the tutorial and therefor Godot 4.2.2 stable official, which is provided in the zip archive.50May. 19, 2024
Velocity = velocityslim-lemurIn the first lesson, at step 18/30, when reviewing the player script, on line 49, it says: velocity = velocity, and I was wondering why. This early on in the lessons, I think the shown code is demonstrating what code (in general) could look like, so no big deal. But maybe there's a godot-centric trick where that line might be advantageous. E.g. how is_on_floor() updates after move_and_slide() so there's things you can do with that.10May. 15, 2024
contoller support issueTobiasWwhen trying the game demo in step 1 of the interactive tour 101, I've noticed that the gamepad sticks move and aim the player and the buttons fire correctly however the sprite doesn't update with direction you move in and if you use the dpad to move the sprite changes direction correctly but doesn't move at all, is this a godot bug or somthing to do with the way the demo has been coded, using the arrow keys and mouse the player moves and fires as expected, I was using a Dualshock 5 via bluetooth 10May. 14, 2024
Bug with the guided tourjuicyLuckily I understand enough to know where the issue was, but I imagine a complete beginner would struggle a bit. In the guided tour when adding the UI health bar, for some reason it had no function attached to the damage taken function, it simply had pass written. Which meant that the tour was telling me I should be losing hp, but visually nothing updated. Obviously I know why it wasn't updating, the function was empty, but I imagine someone taking the tour would not have noticed and be frustrated that the guide is checking green and telling you one thing but the actual behavior is different.
Other than that I really like the guided tour a lot better than the previous version with just videos. Nothing wrong with the videos, but the constant switching between videos and sitting in the program made context switching harder. In the new version being guided within godot meant I could breeze through the same info at my own pace and usually a lot faster than the video could. Good job, really like this approach. 10May. 07, 2024
zip file extraction errorcomplicated-queleaWhen extracting I get an error message saying the "Path too long".
How do I fix this?50Apr. 24, 2024
Snapping Grid and Bridge Terrain don't line up.CrazyGruntTrying to figure out why the snapping grid and bridge terrain painter don't line up. The bridges end up being 'off center' from the main grid somewhat and don't line up with my rooms.10Apr. 24, 2024
Godot Install & SetupHasimirI'm on Linux (PopOS_22.04)
I downloaded the Tour zip, unpacked it, run Godot and... the Tour projects are not listed.
In the Godot 3 lessons there were instructions about what happens when you first run Godot and how to load projects in the manager. I see these instructions are missing here, and don't seem to be part of subsequent Ms or Ls.
If the Tuor project is supposed to be already listed, it's a bug.
Else if (😜) it is not to be already listed, the instructions to do it are missing.70Apr. 17, 2024
Windows: Extracting Files, Name Too Longunfolded-gaurWhen I attempt to extract files from the zip the name is too long and windows throws up an error message and doesn't end up extracting some of the files. This is resolved easily by changing the name of the zip folder before extracting. But, in the future, you might want to make the name of the zip folder shorter so that this error doesn't come up for future students.20Apr. 16, 2024
Restart scene Fey ProjectThis is an interesting learning medium for me for the first time because I usually only watch videos. I've just started the 101 course, when I've gone through 2 chapters, I skip the tutorial and take a short break, but when I want to start again, why do I have to start from the beginning, are there any tips?10Apr. 13, 2024
Zip file for windows is emptyvigorous-gnudownloaded and unzipped on 4/11/24. file is empty.
attempted 2x same result30Apr. 11, 2024
No Filespikminfan71Hello, When I download the files to my windows pc, It doesnt show any files inside the Downloaded Zip files. I already tried a couple of times to download it and everytime I do It's empty, Would love some Help.70Apr. 09, 2024
How do I find GlobalResources or How to need to create this one??CelsI just want to know this where the GlobalResources made of?
func _ready() -> void:
var randomized_weapons: Array = GlobalResources.weapons.duplicate()
_weapon_scene = randomized_weapons.pop_back()
_sprite.texture = ICONS_MAP[_weapon_scene] = SOUNDS_MAP[_weapon_scene]
body_entered.connect(_pickup)50Apr. 06, 2024
My bridge glitched in tour 102.eA_Room_With_A_MooseI finished tours 102.a - 102.e in one session (great work on these, by the way), so the editor never closed during this time. Everything worked correctly through tour 102.d as I played the scene to test the health bar decrementing properly upon taking damage from the enemy sprites; upon testing the scene at the conclusion of tour 102.e, however, I was unable to cross the bridge between rooms a and b. My projectiles won't pass through whatever is acting as an invisible barrier here, either. The location on the bridge that I cannot pass through is located directly across from the health bar in the editor viewport. I recorded two short videos demonstrating the problem I encountered, if it would helpful to you in analyzing what caused this. Thanks in advance. 40Apr. 04, 2024
How to make this Godot tutorials with this plug in enable? CelsI want to make this one for may future career. Is this one not easy to make? Can one individual create this Godot for educational purposes? 10Apr. 02, 2024
Glossary, Scenes vs Nodessturdy-mongooseFirst of all, congrats on the tour, this is really well done !
This is just the beginning for me but the concepts of nodes & scenes are not yet entirely clear. I have the feeling that sometimes, some "things" are called both a scene and a node during the tour (like the start scene ?)
**I've noticed that "scene" is missing from the glossary** !
My understanding is that a "scene" is like a "prefab" in Unity (so a template that does not per se exists in the game), while "nodes" are objects, and can be "stand-alone" (not created from a scene), or an instance from a scene (including an instance from a scene that has been further customized in the editor, and then is not "synced" anymore with the scene that was used to instanciate it in the first place).
I think that would be useful to include a definition of a scene in the glossary, and maybe some kind of "formal" definition or statement of what are scenes vs nodes (especially due to the fact that those words seem to have a meaning quite different from their "real life" meaning).10Mar. 27, 2024
Updating course filesAleF2050How can i safely update the course files whenever a new version comes out? I don't want to risk to overwrite my progress i've done. I'm on 0.2.2 and 0.3.1 just came out so i'm a bit confused.10Mar. 26, 2024
Getting this error on Windows JesterBells[](
Tried fixing broken dependancies but nothing, any ideas?
10Mar. 18, 2024
UI Health BarKiddBrainerI double clicked the UI Health Bar node twice in step 7 or 8 but couldnt continue to the next step even though I did everything correctly.40Mar. 09, 2024
Adblocker make the images not visiblejimlIf you are using Ublock origin, turn it off on this site, otherwise you would not be able to see the images in the lessons10Mar. 07, 2024
Kudos to you for this module!Mauri090I have to say that I was extremely happy with this module. The Godot Tours is a perfect starting point for someone like me, who doesn't have any idea what's going on :D.10Mar. 04, 2024
Quick QOL issueFoobzStep 1 of the tour had us play around in a test version of the game. At least on my machine, when I hit play it immediately made the screen full size and I was unable to select the edges of the screen to close out of the test window. I know you can use F8 shortcut to force close it that way, but I couldn't remember the keybind at first and had to google it on a separate machine to get out of the test window. Not sure if there's a workaround for that but thought I'd mention it!10Feb. 20, 2024
Unable to extract some files from the Windows ZIP FolderLitNightHello,
I've tried downloading and extracting the ZIP file, but some of the ZIP file folders are showing as "path too long" and unable to extract, therefore missing these files, I've included gyazo screenshots of all the files I am missing, I'm not sure what the problem is here as usually extraction works when I'm extracting ZIP files.
See screenshots for missing files/folders:
If anyone can suggest a fix or how I can get these missing files? I was really excited to start learning but I'm stuck if I'm missing files from the extraction.
Many thanks!!30Feb. 18, 2024
Back button issue in adding roomsthird-squirrelHello, awesome content so far. I can't wait to get into the actual coding. While goin' through the second lesson of *getting to know Godot(102.a)*, I hit back to re-read something and to take take notes. The dialogue box no longer had a yellow next step option . I believe you're aware of the issue, as it was stated in the early access notes, but if not. it happened to me here. If it helps to pin-point issues, hitting back on the dialogue "open the RoomA scene" caused the problem. I just restarted the section and skipped ahead to get back to my spot.
Again, great stuff so far. I love how you use mechanics gamers are aware of to intro aspects of Godot and coding, helping to create a mental connection.10Feb. 16, 2024
103 Can not select terrain bridgekrauthauptThe blue cursor when asked to select terrain bridges goes to the upper left corner of the screen and I can not select anything.
I checked and my editor language is set to en.20Feb. 15, 2024
List of tiny bugs/typos/feedbackCornflakes- The **game's title** is "**Zelda: Link's Awakening**", not "A Link's Awakening" 😅
- You write "Let's add a CanvasLayer node to the scene so that our user interface **also** moves with the player." I don't see **the point of the word "also"** in this sentence, I think it would reduce confusion if you removed it.
- At the step where we first start adding nodes (the CanvasLayer), **CTRL+A** should probably give you the **green checkmark** as well. Currently, only clicking the Add Node button does that.
- While connecting nodes, I saw the **sentence** "It is the case of the UIHealthBar node." This sounds **pretty weird**. I suggest changing it to: "[...] such as the UIHealthBar node."
- In "The connected function": "Godot indicates that with the green icon in the margin on the left." <- **Changing the word "that" to "this"** prevents this line from becoming a garden-path sentence.
- And finally... I don't mean to discount your many hours designing the tour. Neither do I want to express that I am better at that sort of thing. It's simply my opinion that the **white layer on top of the editor** is a bit **too opaque**. I would turn this down a little or remove it for the section users are supposed to look at.30Feb. 13, 2024
Unable to scrollwelcome-sardineWhen placing the rooms, I'm unable to scroll down to select and place rooms B and C. There are several situations where my screen size (using a 14-inch MacBook Pro) limited my ability to follow along with the tutorial.
Note, that I finally figured out a way to scroll the list by scrolling using my trackpad while my cursor was within the selectable view range. If I tried scrolling anywhere else in the window (including by selecting the scrollbar), it would not scroll.20Feb. 12, 2024
Missing files?MartinBI've downloaded the ZIP file for Mac but there's no Godot_v4 in the parent file?10Feb. 08, 2024
02.getting-to-know-godot crashes, even after deleting .godot folderElementalTJHello,
02.getting-to-know-godot project crashes even after deleting .godot folder as FAQ recommended.
I have tried to use both the supplied Godot .exe as well as my own 4.2.1 that I had before. Neither work. Project crashes when loading up.
GDTour worked in the past but cannot get M2 working. Any suggestions?
Thank you!
To Space and Beyond also does not work.
I should note that while attempting to load, there is audio crackling before the crash.50Feb. 08, 2024
How to list all scenes of a project?fussy-caribouHi, and thank you for the tour. I'm curious to know if it's possible to view all the scenes within a project. The scene view in the top left corner displays the selected scene, which is great. However, when examining a tutorial project, it would be really helpful to have an overview of all the existing scenes.10Feb. 08, 2024
Mac M1 crashGuz GontijoEven after cleaning .godot cash folder, and restarting everything it still crashes. It starts loading the file and freezes at 99% with some .wav file being loaded.
What else should I try?
Running on Godot 4.2.1, Mac OS Sonoma 14.330Feb. 08, 2024
Suggested changesgullible-storkI tried to reset the tutorial when I got an error (it has already been reported as an error with the lesson restarting when I clicked "continue"), but it didn't reset the scene that I had created in Lesson 104, and kept crashing when I tried to restart at Lesson 101. I fixed this by deleting the scenes I created but it may be useful to have an option to reset the entire tutorial.
Another suggestion is to have some indicator that you have completed the lessons in the Lesson select interface. 10Feb. 07, 2024
105: Tour starts asking to add bridgesNoneApplicableGames[](
Wasn't able to replicate this on my own but I was going through the tutorial and suddenly it started asking me to add bridges again even though I had already done it. Restarting the tour seems to have fixed it though...10Feb. 06, 2024
105 Godot Tour Dialogue being drawn under the signals menuNoneApplicableGamesExample Image [](
Not a major bug since the window is moved in the next step but still worth pointing out as it covers the back button in the tour.10Feb. 06, 2024
104: No check in place for existing canvas groupNoneApplicableGamesWas going through the tutorial and when I noticed it was asking me to add a canvas layer group node I used my prexisiting knowlage to add one myself before the actual step that required me to do so. I know I could just add another one to progress but it would make sense to check to see if one already exists in the starter scene.20Feb. 06, 2024
Un-expected crash with lesson 102NoneApplicableGamesHi there. I was going through lesson 102 when I got to the second talking about grid snapping and grid set when I noticed that the back and next button had stopped working. When I tried to launch the project again it now displays an updating scene bar and then crashes.
For reference I am using Godot 4.2 running through steam and Windows 1030Feb. 05, 2024
How to run Godot in secondary display by default?gorohaI use MacBook Air M1 (macOS Monterey 12.4), with 27 inches secondary display. Anytime I open Godot, it's always in the MacBook display. I need to drag it into secondary display manually. It's a little bit annoying. I've already googled how to open Godot in secondary display by default but not found the solutions yet.
If you know any solution, please let me know. Thank you so much! :)30Feb. 05, 2024
Double-clicked room c and couldn't get outfine-cattleWhen placing rooms, I accidentally double-clicked on room C. It then opened room C in its own window in the center screen. But since the tour restricts what I could click on, it wouldn't let me click on anything outside of the center viewing window and I couldn't close room C. I was completely stuck. Had to start over.40Feb. 04, 2024
Bug found in lesson 103PurisukinWhen I was asked to use terrains, the blue cursor would go in the upper left corner of my window and not on the Terrain section, so I was stuck.20Feb. 04, 2024
Mono version is also not workingDragonByte79I have installed the Godot 4.2.stable.mono.official [46dc27791] on my Mac because I also like to learn to script in C#. I realized the mono version also did not work with the interactive course. It doesn't recognize that you played the game.
I installed the normal 4.2.0 version, and the course is working.
All in all, I love that course so much. After a long Godot break, starting again with that interactive tour is a good point. Thank you so much! We had to wait long for the Godot 4 version :) Now it's here!10Feb. 04, 2024
DimmersRomanRioter**Wow, that's a cool feature!** Are we going to be able to learn how to use Dimmers ourselves in a future lesson?10Feb. 03, 2024
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