Loot It All - Overview
- Refactoring: Understand how to gradually iterate on existing scenes and code to adapt them to your game's needs.
- Creating collectibles: Learn to design and implement lootable items that increase the ship's properties, like health and gems (which could also be the player score or any in-game resource).
- Composition: You'll learn how to reuse the elements you created in different places to keep your work adaptable to new situations and chunk it into logical pieces (this helps to make your code scalable and reusable as your projects grow).
- Implementing your first user interface: Add UI elements to display health and gem counts to give players feedback on their state.
- Spawning items randomly: Dive into random numbers and create scene instances with code to generate collectibles in your game level dynamically.
- Procedural animations and particles: We'll learn to create animations using code to make the items float and make them more visually appealing with rising sparkles.
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