How to make the most of Learn 3D Gamedev From Zero

In this guide, we'll talk about how to make the most of the course. We'll cover the following topics:
  • Prerequisites: what you need to know before starting the course.
  • How to access the user guides: where to find all you need to know about the platform.
  • How to be an active learner: tips to maximize your learning.
  • The course's replay value: you can revisit the course and tackle optional challenges in new runs to reinforce your learning.


This course builds upon Learn 2D Gamedev From Zero with Godot 4, so we assume you have a good understanding of 2D game development in Godot. This knowledge is essential to focus on the specifics of 3D and really push the learning further.
You should be comfortable with scenes, signals, composition, the GDScript programming language, input handling, the use of physics in Godot, and more. If you're not, we recommend you start with the 2D course.
That's for the pre-requisites. Now, let's talk about how to make the most of this course if you're ready to dive into 3D game development.

How to be an active learner

In short, you need to be active in your learning. We've used text and interactive exercises to nudge you towards staying mentally engaged. If you want to get great results and get every ounce of value out of this course, you have to:
  1. Do all the practices as they come in the course.
  2. Read other students' questions and answers and ask your questions.
  3. Practice daily if you can, or at least regularly.
  4. Experiment with making small changes on top of the course material.
  5. Complete the course.
You can also take on optional challenges you'll find scattered throughout the chapters to further your learning.
The more active you are in your learning, the faster you will improve and memorize new things.
Founder and teacher at GDQuest

Do all the practices

Programming is a skill. So, to get good at it, you must practice. A lot. We designed fun and varied assignments to get you to practice all sorts of programming and game development techniques.
Screenshot of 3D game level with a platform, a gap, a level, and a flag on the other side of the gap
Each lesson builds on the ones before them to help you memorize them. Be sure you don't go through the content quickly and superficially: doing all the steps and all the practices is the only way for you to become good at game development.

Read and ask questions

Below every lesson, you will have the opportunity to read questions and answers and also ask your questions.
Whenever you have doubts about a lesson or encounter a problem, you can check to see if other students have already asked. Chances are, a fellow learner faced the same issue before you.
If not, please ask! We're here to help.

Practice a little each day

If you spread the work on the course and do a little bit daily, you'll create solid habits and maximize your learning.
We recommend practicing at least 30 minutes daily without any distractions. The more focused practice time you can put in, the better.
If you have very little free time, we recommend filling the tiniest gaps in your day with short learning sessions. Many practices and lessons are short enough to make progress in only ten minutes at a time.

Experiment with making small changes on your initiative

A great way to reinforce your learning is tinkering with the code. When you finish a complete course module, make a copy of the project and make small experiments and changes to the code.
By making a copy of the files, you ensure you will not lose any of your progress in the course. So feel free to make any changes and risk breaking things! It's a great way to learn.

Follow the entire course

You have to do every step in the course from start to finish to get the most out of it. I'm stating the obvious here, but we both know how hard it can be to follow an online course like that.
We wrote a companion guide about productivity to help you organize yourself and motivate you to keep going. On the next page, we'll explain our approach to teaching in this course. Feel free to skip it if you're not interested, as this one's optional.

This Course Has Replay Value

Learning follows a CopyCustomizeCreate progression: The 3Cs. Most courses stay at the Copy stage, but not this one.
Throughout the course, you'll find challenges: guided tests to push you to use what you've learned in a new way. Depending on your initial skills, you may be unable to do them. If a challenge is too difficult in your first run, skip it! Challenges are optional.
You can always tackle the challenges later when you are more comfortable with the required techniques. Feel free to even redo the course from the start, skipping or skimming through the modules that are now too easy.
Reviewing and redoing lessons is great. It will show you how much you've progressed, making things that used to be confusing seem simple. It will also anchor the knowledge much more. You will also be able to help fellow game developers who are still getting started!
Remember! It's always ok to set aside a concept that seems too complicated and return to it later. Sometimes, a bit of distance or practice is what you need to unfreeze your brain.
Founder and teacher at GDQuest

Lesson Q&A

Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.

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