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Lesson Q&A

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  • Reset trackstevenroyalsWatch out that the Reset track does not sneak its way into the animation list. This became a problem for me later in the course when I was unable to change levels. The current event never became greater or equal to the animation list size because the reset track was never called upon to be played. I had to delete the reset track from the list so the finish() function could run once all the tracks had played. ```gdscript func start_round() -> void:     if _events_player.current_event >= _events_player.get_animation_list().size():         finish()         return     emit_signal("round_finished") ``` 0 0 Jul. 08, 2023
  • Cell_ID default.Reptilian_OverlordThe tile's cell_id is working fine for me, but for future reference how do I know what a cells ID will be? How do you know what it defaults to? 2 0 Oct. 11, 2021
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