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  • update code for godot 4.XxccdsIn godot 4.X, you cannot attach astargrid.gd to a empty tilemap node. so I attach it to the TileMap in Level scene. and I use a layer in tilemap to store path cell. so there are some code needed to update like below. astargrid.gd ```gdscript extends TileMap var _astar := AStar2D.new() @export var start_point := Vector2.ZERO @export var goal_point := Vector2.ZERO var walkable_cells: PackedVector2Array var _start_id := 0 var _goal_id := 0 const NEIGHBOR_DIRECTIONS := [ Vector2.UP, Vector2.LEFT, Vector2.RIGHT, Vector2.DOWN ] func _create_astar_points(): var cell_id := 0 for cell in walkable_cells: _astar.add_point(cell_id, cell) if Vector2i(cell) == local_to_map(start_point): _start_id = cell_id if Vector2i(cell) == local_to_map(goal_point): _goal_id = cell_id cell_id += 1 func _connect_neighbor_cells(): # Turn the walkable_cells into an Array to find its elements indices var walkable_cells_array := Array(walkable_cells) # Iterate on each element of the get_points() list then look for neighbor # cells # offsetting the current cell using the directions in the # NEIGHBOR_DIRECTIONS list for point in _astar.get_point_ids(): # Figure out the current cell ID var cell = _astar.get_point_position(point) # Offset the current cell by one cell at each direction provided in the # NEIGHBOR_DIRECTIONS for direction in NEIGHBOR_DIRECTIONS: var neighbor_cell_id = walkable_cells_array.find(cell + direction) # Skip cells that weren't found if neighbor_cell_id == -1: continue # Connect the current cell to the current neighbor cell _astar.connect_points(point, neighbor_cell_id) func _get_astar_path() -> PackedVector2Array: var astar_path: PackedVector2Array _create_astar_points() _connect_neighbor_cells() # Creates a walkable path from the start_point to the goal_point astar_path = _astar.get_point_path(_start_id, _goal_id) return astar_path func get_walkable_path() -> PackedVector2Array: var walkable_path := PackedVector2Array() var astar_path = _get_astar_path() # Convert the map cells in the `astar_path` to world positions for cell in astar_path: var point := map_to_local(cell) # Offset the positions to get the center of each cell instead of its top # left corner walkable_path.append(to_global(point)) return walkable_path ``` level.gd ```gdscript @onready var path_preview = $PathPreview @onready var tile_map = $TileMap @onready var start = $start @onready var goal = $goal func _ready() -> void: path_preview.clear_points() tile_map.start_point = start.global_position tile_map.goal_point = goal.global_position tile_map.walkable_cells = tile_map.get_used_cells(1) path_preview.points = tile_map.get_walkable_path() ``` one more thing, there is a new class named AStarGrid2D in Godot 4.X. This class maybe more easy to use with tilemap than AStar2D? 1 0 Aug. 26, 2024
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