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  • a few question when translate to godot 4xccdswhen I translate this code to godot 4, I find there a few place needed to update. please check these code are correct or not. 1. The set_cellv function has been changed to set_cell, and set_cell now requires additional parameters. The get_cellv function can be replaced with get_cell_source_id. 2. If there is no tileset in the tilemap like TowerPlacer, the local_to_map and map_to_local functions won't work. In such cases, you need to use the tilemap from _visual_grid and its corresponding methods. 3. The map_to_local function returns the centered position of a cell, so you should position the tower's origin in the center rather than at the top-left corner. 4. Because the "select" and "tower_placement" actions share the same input event, I noticed that when I click the left mouse button to place a tower on the tilemap, two functions run simultaneously: the first is the TowerPlacer's _place_tower function, and the second is SelectableArea2D's _input_event function. This might not be a bug, but I want to know how to ensure that only one function responds to the input event. ```gdscript extends TileMap class_name TowerPlacer signal tower_placed(tower) # The ID of the tiles where players can place a tower. const AVAILABLE_CELL_ID := 0 # The ID of cells already occupied or obstructed const INVALID_CELL_ID := 1 @onready var _visual_grid = $VisualGrid var _current_tower: Tower var _current_cell := Vector2.ZERO # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): set_process_unhandled_input(false) # test code setup_available_cells([Vector2(12, 7), Vector2(13, 8), Vector2(14, 9)]) var tower = load("res://Objects/Towers/tower.tscn").instantiate() add_new_tower(tower) func set_cell_unplaceable(cell: Vector2) -> void: set_cell(0, cell,INVALID_CELL_ID,Vector2i(0,0),0 ) func set_cell_placeable(cell: Vector2) -> void: set_cell(0, cell,AVAILABLE_CELL_ID,Vector2i(0,0),0 ) func is_cell_placeable(cell: Vector2) -> bool: return get_cell_source_id(0, cell) == AVAILABLE_CELL_ID func setup_available_cells(cells_array: PackedVector2Array) -> void: for cell in cells_array: set_cell_placeable(cell) func add_new_tower(tower: Tower) -> void: # Remove the current tower to work only with the newest one if _current_tower: _current_tower.queue_free() add_child(tower) _current_tower = tower set_process_unhandled_input(true) _visual_grid.visible = true _snap_tower_to_grid() func _unhandled_input(event) -> void: if event is InputEventMouseMotion: _snap_tower_to_grid() if event.is_action_pressed("tower_placement"): _place_tower() func _snap_tower_to_grid() -> void: _current_cell = _visual_grid.local_to_map(get_global_mouse_position()) _current_tower.global_position = _visual_grid.map_to_local(_current_cell) if not is_cell_placeable(_current_cell): _current_tower.modulate = Color(1, 0.375, 0.375) else: _current_tower.modulate = Color.WHITE func _place_tower() -> void: set_process_unhandled_input(false) _visual_grid.visible = false if not is_cell_placeable(_current_cell): _current_tower.queue_free() _current_tower = null return set_cell_unplaceable(_current_cell) tower_placed.emit(_current_tower) _current_tower.sold.connect(_on_tower_sold) _current_tower = null func _on_tower_sold(_price: int, place: Vector2) -> void: set_cell_placeable(_visual_grid.local_to_map(place)) ``` 1 0 Aug. 15, 2024
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