Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.
An easy effective workflow method of centering sprites.leafWhen making the chest, there is a quick and easy to way to center the sprites; I noticed it was not mentioned and is good for workflow when needing quick centered and precise placement of sprites on the center axis.
- Add your three chest sprites (bottom, lock, top) to the viewport.
- Make sure all three sprites are selected, go to the transform drop menu in the inspector, and click the reset arrow on the position's x and y axis (or change them manually to 0 and 0 respectively).
- Change your draw order in the scene window as instructed within the lesson.
- Then select the sprite you want to move, and simply use the arrow keys (or drag them with shift held.. or not, but there is more room for error here) to move them up and down as needed.
- Make sure to align the chest with the horizontal axis as instructed in the lesson as well (be careful, avoid moving the Area2D node along with the sprites, keep this centered at (0, 0)!110Apr. 30, 2024
Shader course in the future?FeeyraAre there any future plans to teach how to create shaders?
I find the idea very fascinating, and you guys are my prime source for knowledge now! 1310Mar. 23, 2024
Humorineap | Echoes of the OutworlderI've been getting a lot out of this course so far and from answers in the comments section, but one thing I've missed compared to some other sources of learning is the humor/personality in the lessons. It's definitely not necessary, but I see it as kind of the salt added to a meal. It's not needed, but it makes the difference between eating the meal because you need to and eating it because you want to.
So imagine my joy at seeing both a Mario reference and the amazing line "...but it's not what we want. Well, what **I** want. And I decide, so there!"
I love stuff like that so much. It feeds my soul. I hope to see some more quick asides like that in the future, but it's definitely okay if not!13Jan. 14, 2025
How do you know what to make the first node?AceWhen creating a scene how do you know what node to put first? For instance the chest uses an area2d but the torch just uses a node2d. Does the order matter or is it just personal preference?12Apr. 04, 2024
Multiple shaders on a sceneMarcJA little off topic since I know shaders aren't covered in this course but I was wondering how you would handle a scene that could use different shaders depending on the situation. for example a sword that could have a fire/lighting or frost effect depending on active abilities.
would you have all shaders that could potentially be used on the item in question and toggle the visibility on them or would you dynamically load and add or remove materials as needed?12Apr. 03, 2024
CanvasGroup not working properly unhappy-dolphinHello there,
When i reparent the sprites to a canvasgroup node, the texture becomes completely white in the editor (exactly like the example that shown when we add new shader material before applying the coded shader). However, it works perfectly fine when I run the scene.
Even when I add the already coded shader, the material it is still completely white in the editor, but works fine when I run the scene.
Is this common issue?
132Mar. 25, 2024
CanvasGroup Self Modulate does not work when shader appliedmilk_manlike in the title, before applying the shader to the **CanvasGroup** Node, **Self Modulate** works just fine, but once we do apply it, it doesn't work at all, the chest remains visible. **Modulate** still works, but of course then there is overlapping between the three sprite nodes when going invisible. I checked if the same problem also happens in the Solution project and it was.
I wondered why that's the case? Is this a general problem with godot or specific this shader's problem?
Also a small follow-up question, when adding a Shader, is there a benefit in adding it this way
`Click on empty Material -> Click ShaderMaterial -> Slide group_outline.gdshader to empty Shader`
rather than just sliding in to the empty Material, which is a lot faster.31Nov. 28, 2024
typoraincloudIn the info box "Does the collision shape still work when it's hidden?", It looks like it should read "The visibility of a node does not affect **any** other property or behavior than drawing." Also, I think it may be clearer if it instead read, "The visibility of a node does not affect **any** property or behavior **other** than drawing."11Aug. 30, 2024
I've been receiving errors with the M6 workbook in Godot!leafEvery time I open the work book project in Godot, a large (and blank) window appears and says 'load errors' at the top, with the option to select OK and nothing more.
When I proceeded with applying a new material to the CanvasGroup node, or even when I click on the CanvasGroup node to view it, a Load Errors window pops up saying "Unable to write file to D:/Folder/Godot_V4.2.1-stable_win64.exe/learn-2d-gamedev-projects-0.3.1-windows/projects/M06.looting_work/.godot/shader_cache/
SceneshaderGLES3/6b4ead17a53266.......e.cache', file in use, locked or lacking permissions.
Set material
Safe save failed. This may be a permissions problem, but also may happen because you are running a paranoid antivirus. If this is the case, please switch to Windows Defender or disable the 'safe save' option in editor settings. This makes it work, but increases the risk of file corruption in a crash.
Safe save failed. This may be a permissions problem, but also may happen because you are running a paranoid antivirus. If this is the case, please switch to Windows Defender or disable the 'safe save' option in editor settings. This makes it work, but increases the risk of file corruption in a crash.
Safe save failed. This may be a permissions problem, but also may happen because you are running a paranoid antivirus. If this is the case, please switch to Windows Defender or disable the 'safe save' option in editor settings. This makes it work, but increases the risk of file corruption in a crash.
Attempting to parent and popup a dialog that already has a parent.
Attempting to parent and popup a dialog that already has a parent.
The only factors I can think of is, that I am running Godot from my HDD, and it is using bit locker encryption; I have never ran into any troubles until this particular module though, this particular project has been like this from the start, and I seem to be encountering new problems as we move along!
Also, I am not running any active anti-virus software besides windows defender.11Apr. 30, 2024
Changing inspector value with mousewheelAlainIn the last video of this page, we see the value of the "line thickness" change by what seems to be a scroll wheel action. When I try on my side, it does not work. Is this a "me" problem or is there a setting somewhere I need to enable? Or is this done in another matter that I havent figured out? Thx21Apr. 13, 2024
Will we be able to move to 4.3 eventually?MartinBIt's just an error I've experience that I've been able to avoid by using 4.3
I'm on a Mac, and when using 4.2, the TileMap node causes the entire editor to chug and lag quite badly when the grid is visible. I did some research and heard some people mention something about Quadratic... something or other.
Anyway, Razoric over on the discord did mention it seems to be primarily a Mac issue but if we're doing any TileMap node related stuff later in the course, it could become an issue for other MacOSX Godot users... rare though we are <3
And when I say lag I mean Powerpoint slides are faster. 11Mar. 28, 2024
Regarding visibilityMonarch- if i have a button on screen that is invisible, will i trigger an action associated to button even if the button is invisible.
- I mean i pressed in the place where is button is but it is invisible.
- since u said it only effects drawing and not properties and functionality. Will this be same for UI elements and things.
- Is this only for collisions or for all other nodes, like if nodes are invisible their functionality still works, like lets say I have a scene that has a script that triggers an action but the scene is invisible will the scripts still trigger actions
- 11Mar. 25, 2024
Self modulateilliterate-spiderHow come after this lesson I can't self modulate the opacity of the chest anymore but I can modulate51Mar. 24, 2024
italian spelling :)Belinmama mia is actually spelled with two M "mamma mia" :)20Jan. 06, 2025
Where to learn more about shaders?ma9nificoI see the thread where you mention the plan to make a course about shaders in the future. In the meantime, do you have any tips for where I can go to learn the basics?
I don't really need, nor want, to become an expert on them. However this outline shader for instance seems pretty simple, that a day-time app developer like me should be able to understand if I just were to get a crash course. 😊20Nov. 25, 2024
Typo - The material definition in the glossary appears in a shaders entryCasimirMorelHi, the glossary definition for []( appears in a shaders entry (two shaders entry are in the list one for material, one for shaders)10Oct. 10, 2024
RE:Dragging multiple pngs to create multiple sprite2d nodes:ironclad-eelI tried to mass create the sprite2d nodes and realized that the order of clicking on the png's matter. When I selected Bottom -> top -> lock I couldn't drag and drop it on the viewport. But using the aforementioned bottom->lock->top order "magically" allowed me to create the sprite nodes. Why?10Sep. 26, 2024
what was this text for?dofudengamesIt's an interesting style, but it's not what we want. Well, what **I** want. And I decide, so there!50Aug. 12, 2024
typobluepillin one of the information sections it reads "I have you use *Self Modulate* specifically to see what the `CanvasGroup` node works.". It should probably be "how the `CanvasGroup` node works."10May. 28, 2024
Lesson Q&A
Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.