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Lesson Q&A

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  • Interpolation not working on short timeframeAlainWhen playing the animation according to the params given in the example (keyframe at 0, 0.1 and 0.2), it feels like the animation is not doing the interpolation. For example, in the animation player, I cannot click on the 0.15 time. It is either 0.1 or 0.2, so there is no way to see the interpolated position values. I did move the last keyframe further down the animation (at 1sec) and there, I am able to click on the tenth of a sec frame and see the interpolation. Is this normal or I am missing a setting somewhere? 2 1 Apr. 15, 2024
  • Top slides back onto chest after completionboring-buffaloWhy does the animation I made for the chest top slide back to its original position after it is complete? There are no key frames at the end but it tries to reset itself after 0.3 seconds. The issue goes away if I change it to clamp loop interpolation, but why does that happen? 2 0 Sep. 13, 2024
  • X and Y positions not updating.Moss MonsterI’m having a bit of trouble with the X and Y positions not updating automatically in the Inspector. When I click and drag the top to a new position, the values for X and Y don’t change automatically like they do in the example. Because of this, the new keyframe doesn’t save the new position unless I manually enter the coordinates. Could this issue be related to the MaterialStorage warning I’m seeing? **MaterialStorage: Project setting "rendering/limits/global_shader_variables/buffer_size" exceeds maximum uniform buffer size of: 16384** Thanks for any help!☕️ 3 0 Jul. 17, 2024
  • Minor typo in Keyframe popoveragrateJust wanted to point out a minor typo: A keyframe is a snapshot of a property such as ~~positiion~~ position scale or color, at a specific time in the animation. 1 0 Jul. 06, 2024
  • Could we do the same with a tween?quintessential-goldfishCould we play the same animation with a tween by accessing the position property? If yes, what would guide the choice between a tween and an animation player? 3 0 May. 25, 2024
  • About the animation playerWlad-IFII've noticed that the animation player editor is very similar to the old flash animator or Microsoft After Effects. Is it possible to create animations like in flash or a cartoon? 3 0 May. 22, 2024
  • Animation editor study guide missing?expensive-sharkThe lesson mentions a couple of times a study guide dedicated to the animation editor at the end of the module. I only see the SG1 about The code reference. Is it missing? 1 0 Apr. 15, 2024
  • Small error in the lesson textCerealAt the beginning of the lesson, it says "We will also review how to spawn random collectibles around the chest, which we learned in *M5. Looting!*." I believe it should be *M5. Loot it all*. 1 0 Apr. 02, 2024
  • More that one animation player per scene?GilbertTheGreatIs it common to have more than one animation player per scene? If I want to animate multiple things in a scene will they all share the same player usually? 3 0 Mar. 24, 2024
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