To Space And Beyond - Overview

After completing Learn GDScript From Zero, you have the foundations you need to start coding in Godot.
By the end of this module, you will have a player-controlled ship seen from above in space.
You will learn the code to move a character in a top-down action game, and a ship is perfect to get started as we don't have to worry about character animation.
You will learn:
  • How to listen to player inputs on the keyboard or a gamepad.
  • How to make a top-down character move in any direction.
  • To rotate a character in the direction the player is pressing.
  • To code a time-limited speed boost mechanic using a Timer node and signals.
  • To create smooth and satisfying movement with steering behaviors.
And more.
You will reuse the same techniques to move projectiles and other entities in the interactive practices.
We will also build upon this code in the course's final game project, as it's a solid base for top-down character movement.

How to follow the lessons

This course has both step-by-step tutorials and interactive practices. In every lesson, you should follow the tutorial and reproduce every step in the provided Godot project. We will tell you which project to open and how to get started.
This course has both:
  1. Step-by-step instructions to follow along.
  2. Interactive practices to apply what you learned.
In every lesson, you should follow the steps and reproduce them in the provided workbook project. We will tell you which project to open, how to create files, and where to save them (typically in a directory named lessons in the Godot project).
Then, you will apply what you learned in the interactive practices. You will solve little problems using the techniques you learned in the current lesson or the past few lessons. Practices have a unique number, such as L4.P1, which stands for Lesson 4, Practice 1. When you see a practice like the one below, you should open it and complete it. We'll detail how to do that in the next lesson when we encounter the first coding practice.
Below, you'll find your first practice listing, to get a sense of what practices look like. Click the mission statement below to open the practice, see how it works, and how to mark it as completed!

Practice Makes Perfect!

Time to put your new skills to good use. Open the workbook project in Godot to follow along.
Check all the tasks you completed successfully to mark your exercise as done.
This is the mission statement. It summarizes what the practice is about. Click here to open this practice!
Using the practices

How to download the project files

In M2. Get to Know Godot, we provided links to download Godot and the project files for the course. If you haven't downloaded the project files yet, you can do so now.
Click the link corresponding to your operating system:
This will download a ZIP file with everything you need to follow the lessons and interactive practices. For detailed instructions on how to use the project files, check out the page Get to Know Godot.
Now, we're ready to get started. Head to the next lesson to set up the project and start coding!

Lesson Q&A

Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.

  • Project not opening correctlyantsmathWhen I attempt to open "M4. To Space and Beyond Workbook," it keeps crashing. Note: I have unzipped the file. These are some of the things I've tried: 2. I Tested both the download from chapter M2 and M4. 3. I restarted my computer. 4. Opening up the other projects, with the following results 5. - M4. To Space and Beyond Workbook (Does not work) 6. - M4. To Space and Beyond Solutions (Does not work) 7. - M5. Loot it All Workbook (Works) 8. - M5. Loot it All Solutions (Works) 9. - M2. Getting to Know Godot Interactive Tour (Works) 10. I attempted to open the project from my own godot 'install' not from the download Anything else I can capture for you to troubleshoot? 11 2 Feb. 27, 2024
  • Projekt Updatingsilver-foxHi, I have a Question. How I know if my Project is Up to Date? where can I see that? Thanks 1 0 Sep. 08, 2024
  • Windows, Linux and Mac links all incorrect.IronEvaHey GDQuest, None of the download links point to the correct download file. Windows: M2 - Getting to Know Godot. ( Linux: M6 - Looting (Workbook). ( Mac OS: M2 - Getting to Know Godot. ( Where can I get the download link so I can continue with the course? Cheers. 1 0 May. 20, 2024
  • No lessons for macos tart-hippopotamusHello, sorry, maybe I couldn't find it, but I don't see projects in macos zip file. It has only M2 module, no other lessons and modules 4 0 Apr. 23, 2024
  • Error While Extracting...JeightwAn unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem. Error 0x80010135: Path too long 2 0 Apr. 18, 2024
  • Unable to write to file xxxx file in use, locked or lacking permissionskokolalaOn loading project this error pops up. The file it refers is:"C:\Users\kokolala\Godot\Projects\learn-2d-gamedev-projects-0.2.2-windows\projects\04.to_space_and_beyond_workbook\.godot\shader_cache\SkyShaderGLES3\331e47de05070875e56be349ed1024f3f313d252946b69aa0a138e9ac9271a5f" I am on windows 11 with godot 4.2.1 stable. What should I do to solve this error? 2 0 Mar. 06, 2024
  • Path2d - PathFollow2d QuestionTheClogHi there, I was about half way through the godot 3 version and thought I would wait and restart the Godot4 version, so far it looks great. While I wait for the rest of the modules, I have a question about Path2d. I am trying to get an object to follow a path and then stop at the end, click on button and then continue along another path. How is the best way to go about this please. I want the object to smoothly transition from the end of path to the beginning of the next, so it looks as if it is continuing its journey. Anyway thanks in advance. 2 0 Feb. 13, 2024
  • Touches physiques ! :)EricRogerGarciaIn the examples, you should put the "physical keys" in the settings for those who use the course in French for example! (and who do not know how to change that). :) Dans les exemples, il faudrait que vous mettiez les "touches physiques" dans les paramètres pour ceusses qui utilisent le cours en français par exemple ! (et qui ne savent pas comment changer ça). amicalement 1 0 Feb. 12, 2024
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