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Lesson Q&A

Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.

  • Naming Consistency StevenYou might want to change this: "Save it in the lessons/ directory as res://player.tscn." to have player_3d.tscn instead. 1 1 Jul. 13, 2024
  • Searching Help menu for GobotSkin3DTJHi, in the course it is written that we can search the help menu and look for *GobotSkin3D* to see the documentation for this script. But for me this doesn't work, nothing is found, even though the filter option of the help menu is set to "Display All". Do I need to enable a particular GDQuest plugin in the project settings for this to work? Thanks for your help! 1 0 Jul. 14, 2024
Site is in BETA!found a bug?