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  • Can't figure out L7.P1 ChallengeBrain Siege Gameworks```gdscript extends Node3D @export var bullet_scene: PackedScene = null @export_range(2.0, 40.0, 0.1) var max_range := 12.0 @export_range(5.0, 100.0, 0.1) var max_bullet_speed := 25.0 # Add an exported variable to control the fire rate of the wand. @export_range(0.01, 100.0, 0.01) var fire_rate := 8.0 : set = set_fire_rate # Use the timer node to control the attack cooldown, based on the fire rate. @onready var timer: Timer = %Timer func set_fire_rate(rate) -> void: fire_rate = clamp(rate, 0.01, 100.0) if timer == null: return timer.wait_time = 1.0 / rate pass func _ready() -> void: set_fire_rate(fire_rate) pass func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void: # Check if the player is pressing the shoot button and the weapon is ready to fire. # If so, shoot a bullet. if Input.is_action_just_pressed("shoot") and timer.is_stopped() == true: shoot() func shoot() -> void: var bullet := bullet_scene.instantiate() # Add the bullet as a sibling of the weapon's owner so that it moves independently. owner.add_sibling(bullet) # Set the bullet's initial position and rotation to match the weapon's. bullet.global_transform = global_transform # Apply the bullet's speed and range based on the machine gun's properties. bullet.speed = max_bullet_speed bullet.max_range = max_range timer.start() #help i can't exit this code block. #Either way, this is my attept at solving the challenge. However the bullet only shoots a #single time despite supposedly starting the timer in shoot() ``` 3 0 Sep. 14, 2024
  • Why is the fire rate bound by range and clamped?authorized-scorpionin the wand script the fire rate is limited by @export_range and in the setter function the fire rate is clamped. This appears redundant to me and like it might conflict if set differently. What's the reasoning of setting a range for fire_rate and clamping new_fire_rate? Would variables be a better practice (larger project consideration) to ensure they don't conflict and are set with the same parameters? `@export_range(0.1, 20.0, 0.05) var fire_rate: float = 3.0: set = set_fire_rate` `fire_rate = clamp(new_fire_rate, 0.1, 20.0)` 1 0 Sep. 13, 2024
  • Constants in Projectile and Wand Scriptauthorized-scorpionTrying to find my error and came across these in the Code Reference lines. Am I missing where/when these were added in the scripts or are they not supposed to be in there? I can't find the script(s) when searching the FileSystem... in the Projectile_3d.gd script this line: **`const ProjectileSkin3D := preload("projectile_skin_020.gd")`** in the wand.gd script this line:**** **`const** **Projectile3D := preload("../projectile/projectile_020.gd")`** 1 0 Sep. 13, 2024
  • L7.P1 - Var Projectile 3D vs Var Node 3DMoKTHello, I'm curious why we didn't use "Projectile3D" for the var bullet in L7.P1, and used "Node3D" in the shoot(). I'm guessing there's a gap in my knowledge, I initially removed the Node3D and tried to use the following in the practice: ```gdscript func shoot() -> void: var bullet: Projectile3D = bullet_scene.instantiate() ``` instead of the correct answer: ```gdscript func shoot() -> void: var bullet: Node3D = bullet_scene.instantiate() ``` Is it just purely how we chose to name the projectile class_name in the projectile_3d.gd script in lesson vs no name in bullet.gd script in the practice? ```gdscript # Lesson projectile.gd class_name Projectile3D extends Area3D ``` ```gdscript # Practice bullet.gd, no class_name, so we can call Node3D? extends Area3D ``` Thanks! 1 0 Aug. 31, 2024
  • Function name Typo, when picking random_angleMelabelaHi, wanted to point out this typo: Two places in the lesson text, where it suggests using `rand_range()` fn -- *"f" is missing before underscore* -- it should be `randf_range()` : - "**Try this on your own**" box -> Hint 1 - "Here's how I've done it:" -> Point 1 1 0 Aug. 24, 2024
  • Practice L7.P1 typoTJHi! Just mentioning a small typo in Hint 3 of the practice, where it mentions the wand instead of the machine gun. 1 0 Jul. 29, 2024
  • Understanding Transform of Child SceneTJIn the lesson we save the wand Marker3D node (with the Timer child) as a scene `wand.tscn`. We do this after positioning the wand Marker3D node in the scene `player_3d.tscn`. Upon further inspection, in the new child scene `wand.tscn`, the position of the root node is showing the same non-identity transform it had in `player_3d.tscn` before exporting. In my case it has x-coordinate 0, y-coordinate 0.502, and z-coordinate -0.66. What I don't fully grasp is if it's necessary for a child scene to define a (non-identity) transform on its root node in order to achieve a certain positioning of it in the parent scene where it gets instantiated. I was so far under the impression that the parent scene always assigns a transform to the root node of each instantiated child scene. So I'm surprised that inside the `wand.tscn` scene the root node actually has a non-zero position. Could you provide some guidance about what is commonly done in Godot development? Are there best practices for root-transforms in child scenes vs their instantiations in parent scenes, or will future lessons elaborate more on this topic? Or perhaps a small note in the current lesson could help. Thanks for your help! 2 0 Jul. 26, 2024
  • Shoot Input differenceexpensive-wallabyEarlier when we originally set up the Input map for shoot you used space and xbox button A, now you're changing shoot to Ctrl and right trigger. 1 0 Jul. 14, 2024
  • Bug with degrees and radiansdkarlberg I believe, there is a bug in the included code for *wand.gd.* ```gdscript @export_range(0.0, 90.0, 0.1, "radians_as_degrees") var max_random_angle := PI / 10.0 ``` The range clearly indicates, that max_random_angle should be in degrees, therefore it would be right to set the initial value instead to following ```gdscript @export_range(0.0, 90.0, 0.1, "radians_as_degrees") var max_random_angle := rad_to_deg(PI / 10.0) ``` Therefore, code inside *shoot()* shall be fixed as well to ```gdscript func shoot() -> void: # ... var random_angle := randf_range(-max_random_angle / 2.0, max_random_angle / 2.0) projectile.rotate_y(deg_to_rad(random_angle)) ``` With call to *deg_to_rad()* to bring it back from degrees to radians, which are used by Godot. 4 0 Jul. 11, 2024
  • Potential typo?half-kuduIn the "Coding the shooting mechanic" section there's a sentence that says "We can assign the projectile's global transform to the wand's global transform to change both the position and rotation at once." I might be misunderstanding but should those objects be reversed, i.e. should it say "assign the wand's global transform to the projectile's global transform"? 1 0 Jul. 10, 2024
  • Using the alternative @tool script from L6 gives error:SniffiI used the alternative @tool script for the projectile_3d.gd during this lesson, which works great when messing around in the editor. (Not sure if i was supposed to use it as an alternative for the following lessons though, but i did just out of curiosity) When you shoot a bullet it gives the error `Invalid set index 'scale' (on base: 'Nil') with value of type 'Vector3'`when `_visual.appear()` gets executed the first time here: ```gdscript # projectile_3d.gd @tool class_name Projectile3D extends Area3D @export var projectile_vfx: PackedScene = null: set = set_projectile_vfx ... func set_projectile_vfx(new_projectile_scene: PackedScene) -> void: ... _visual = projectile_vfx.instantiate() add_child(_visual) _visual.appear() ``` The error is at this line inside `fireball.gd` : ```gdscript # fireball.gd func appear() -> void: ... _core.scale = Vector3.ZERO # _core is null ``` The variable `_core` is null and since it is null it has no property scale. What seems to fix it is either if i replace the last line inside the setter with this: ```gdscript # projectile_3d.gd func set_projectile_vfx(new_projectile_scene: PackedScene) -> void: ... _visual.tree_entered.connect(_visual.appear) ``` or change `await tree_entered` to `await ready` (which based on this lesson breaks the expectation that the setter function should run instantly though) ```gdscript # projectile_3d.gd ... if not is_inside_tree(): await ready _visual = projectile_vfx.instantiate() add_child(_visual) _visual.tree_entered.connect(_visual.appear) ``` I´m not sure if this is the most elegant way in this case though and i´m also not 100% sure why the same 3 lines of code ```gdscript # projectile_3d.gd _visual = projectile_vfx.instantiate() add_child(_visual) _visual.appear() ``` behave differently when they get called in the setter compared to the `_ready()` function in the other script. What exactly is the difference between `await tree_entered` to `await ready` ? As always great lesson and thanks alot! 2 0 Jul. 03, 2024
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