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  • Updating to Godot 4ChepChafThere were some changes on using Tween on Godot 4. ```gdscript # It is not a Scene Node anymore but it's own class @onready var _tween: Tween # Added a reset function for comodity func reset_tween() -> void: if _tween: # Kill the tween if it is already playing _tween.kill() # It is not created from the scene tree class _tween = create_tween() # New syntax for connect _tween.finished.connect(_on_Tween_tween_all_completed) ... func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"): if _blinking_arrow.visible: emit_signal("next_requested") else: if _tween: # Instead of seek it is not custom_step _tween.custom_step(INF) ... func _begin_dialogue_display() -> void: reset_tween() var character_count := _rich_text_label.get_total_character_count() _rich_text_label.visible_characters = 0 # Instead of interpolate_property _tween.tween_property( _rich_text_label, "visible_characters", character_count, character_count / display_speed ) # Instead of start _tween.play() ``` Other notes on moving to Godot 4 - `yield` was deprecated, so instead of ```gdscript yield(_anim_player, "animation_finished") ``` use: ```gdscript await _anim_player.animation_finished ``` - export and onready not have an at in front (@) ```gdscript @export var bbcode_text: String = "" : set = set_bbcode_text @onready var _rich_text_label: RichTextLabel = $RichTextLabel ``` 1 0 Jul. 05, 2024
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