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Lesson Q&A

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  • Visual Novels are essentially "menus" so why use Node2D and Sprite rather than Control and TextureRect?eh_jogosAlso, using controls you could have positioned the root node of the character to "Bottom Wide" or "Bottom Center" and it would support different window sizes/screen resolutions. 2 0 Mar. 13, 2023
  • Shouldn't set_age use max instead of min?eh_jogosIf we want age to always be positive, shouldn't its setter be: ```gdscript func _set_age(value: int) -> void: age = int(max(0, value)) ``` Instead of ```gdscript func set_age(value: int) -> void: age = int(min(value, 0)) ``` as I gather, the **min(value, 0)**, will always make any positive numbers become zero, and allow negative numbers to pass. 1 0 Mar. 13, 2023
  • The final animation doesn't completetndentWhen I run the CharacterDisplayer test with additional code in the _ready() function, whatever Leave animation I run last doesn't seem to complete. The character will remain on screen with high, but not total transparency. This only affect the final animation for whatever side and character. The official code is the same result. Godot 3.5.1 on macos 4 0 Dec. 22, 2022
  • Missing Best Practices Chapter?LiyiThere's a line in this chapter/lesson: "_To learn more about resources, check out the dedicated guide in the Best Practices chapter._" However, when I check that section of the course, I only see three chapters: - Best practices with signals - Code cleanliness and readability tips - Choosing the best save game format But nothing on resources. Is that a chapter that is being worked on? Or is it labelled as something else in the course? 3 0 Mar. 03, 2022
  • Lines of code addedMathieu01In the reference code, those lines should not be there: ```gdscript if character == ResourceDB.get_narrator(): return ``` 1 0 Feb. 20, 2021
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