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  • Autoskip Button Bugryanrom5Hello Nathan, Thank you for the amazing course. I ran into a bug with the autoskip button that I've been trying to work around for awhile, I'm wondering if you knew of an easy solution? **Bug:** With the "shortcut" hotkey assigned to skip text, if you hold the key down until you arrive at a choices prompt, it disables/hides the skip button. With the button hidden/disabled, the shortcut key does not register an "on_button_released" (keeping its pressed = true state) and immediately skips text after the choice was made, until you press and release the skip button again. I tried a few fixes with no perfect solutions: 1) I tried setting _skip_button.pressed = false, just before the _skip_button.hide() call. But Godot wont let me modify the pressed state via code at all for some strange reason. I did a debug print and confirmed it will not change unless you click with a ui_accept action key, or use the shortcut method. 2) I also tried the input via code, without the shortcut method. This worked just fine in terms of starting and stopping the text skip, however, the button doesn't get visibly pressed when I hit the hotkey, only when I click with the mouse. This is because I am calling the button down/up functions directly in my input conditional. The hotkey is never actually pressing the button or raising the signals for button down/up. Is there a way to press the button with the hotkey (to change the pressed state) AND to deactivate the pressed state when the choices dialogue pops up (so it doesn't skip text immediately afterwards)? Thank you! 2 0 Jan. 10, 2022
  • Three questionsLaloGamerHi! First of all, thanks for this great course, I really think I have learned how to setup an dialogue system for any kind of game. Also, I want to ask two questions, hope you can help me to figure out some answers or approaches: 1) First, the main node could be attached to an NPC to activate the scenes (including dialogues, options, etc.) as the player interacts with the NPC (for example, entering in its area and pressing a button)? 2) Is there a way to add a quest system? I'm thinking that the Character resource can be extended by adding a quest (a string description of a task) and a condition (a boolean, maybe?) that can be meet when the player fulfill the task, but I do not know how to stablish the relations between these components. Is there any possible way to add conditions to this dialogue system? 3) I exported the demo to an android mobile device, but it is not working; the screen keeps in black, and the scenes never are played, somebody else tried to export to android and could make the demo work? Hope I explained well my questions, english is not my native language. Many thanks! 3 0 Dec. 05, 2021
  • Thank you...jlsmith456@gmail.comJust wanted to say thank you for this tutorial on Visual Novel. I have taken your scene manager and expanded it's capabilities, which means you successfully taught me the concept. :). The approach of communicating across the various systems within the game, learning about Resources and how to use them, etc etc, all are valuable lessons to me. Thanks again, and I'm sure the things I have learned from you will be useful to me. Keep up the good work, and looking forward to learning more from you. In fact I have just begun studying your lessons on "Tactical JRPG movement". I have sooooo much to learn, and hungry for these intermediate level courses so I can take my skills to the next level. You are filling that need. Thank you very much. 1 0 Jun. 27, 2021
  • AutoSkip Buttong0atfly-gmail-comFirst of all, thank you for the interesting course. I learned a lot. This is not really a question, but I wanted to share my idea of adding an AutoSkip button, because keeping a key (or a mouse button) pressed to skip a large portion of text can be tiresome. I took your initial idea, but set Toggle Mode to "on" for the button and, depending on the button state, emit one of the two signals. Like this: extends Button signal autoskip_toggled_on signal autoskip_toggled_off func _ready(): connect("toggled", self, "_on_button_toggled") func _on_button_toggled(button_pressed): if button_pressed: emit_signal("autoskip_toggled_on") else: emit_signal("autoskip_toggled_off") Then I added my button to the TextBox scene with some additional variables: export var autoskip_toggled_on = false export var elapsed_time = 0.0 export var autoskip_interval = 0.1 ... onready var _autoskip_button = $AutoSkipButton ... func _ready(): ... _autoskip_button.connect( "autoskip_toggled_on", self, "_on_AutoSkipButton_autoskip_toggled_on" ) _autoskip_button.connect( "autoskip_toggled_off", self, "_on_AutoSkipButton_autoskip_toggled_off" ) func display_choice(choices): ... _autoskip_button.hide() _autoskip_button.pressed = false func _on_ChoiceSelector_choice_made(target_id): ... _autoskip_button.show() func _on_AutoSkipButton_autoskip_toggled_on(): autoskip_toggled_on = true func _on_AutoSkipButton_autoskip_toggled_off(): autoskip_toggled_on = false func _process(delta): elapsed_time = elapsed_time + delta if autoskip_toggled_on and elapsed_time >= autoskip_interval: advance_dialogue() elapsed_time = 0.0 This way I can control the auto skip speed with the autoskip_interval variable. Once again, thanks a lot for the knowledge you share! 1 0 Mar. 23, 2021
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