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  • Dani's animationburandoriI have a question. Why doesn't Dani enter with the entrance animation that goes from right to left?. By the way, the course is amazing. I've already bought several packages and I love it 2 0 Aug. 13, 2023
  • Using AnimationPlayer but having any duration you want through codeeh_jogosJust an alternative it you want to use AnimationPlayer for the fade transitions, but would like to be able to pass any duration to the transition through data: 1. First make your animations have 1 second 2. your data will need to have an optional "duration" key: ```gdscript { transition = "fade_in", duration = 0.5, }, ``` 3. Add a duration parameter to the fade functions: ```gdscript func _appear_async(duration := 0.7) -> void: _anim_player.play("fade_in", -1, 1.0/duration) yield(_anim_player, "animation_finished") yield(_text_box.fade_in_async(), "completed") emit_signal("transition_finished") func _disappear_async(duration := 0.7) -> void: yield(_text_box.fade_out_async(), "completed") _anim_player.play("fade_out", -1, 1.0/duration) yield(_anim_player, "animation_finished") emit_signal("transition_finished") ``` What happens here is that you can give [AnimationPlayer.play() function](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.5/classes/class%5Fanimationplayer.html#class-animationplayer-method-play) a custom playback speed in the third parameter, and if the animation duration is 1 second, 1.0 / desired_duration will always give a playback speed that will be of the duration you want. We have to give a -1 before the custom speed because as you can see in the documentation linked above there is a "custom_blend" optional parameter before the "custom_playback_speed" one. 4. On transition data elif, use the duration in the node dictionary: ```gdscript ... elif "transition" in node: call(TRANSITIONS[node.transition], event_data.get("duration", 0.7)) yield(self, "transition_finished") key = node.next ... ``` It's probably better to have a constant for the default transition duration, but that's it. 1 0 Mar. 13, 2023
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