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Lesson Q&A

Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.

  • What is the reason of using if "background" in node: instead of node.has('background')carlo_montoyaI commented out the original in a test code. ```gdscript #if "character" in node:  if node.has('character'):   print("node has 'character' key") ``` Both works. Is there a reason for using if "background" in node vs. node.has('background")? Thank you. 1 0 Nov. 07, 2023
  • Bug: All character animations get skipped after the first (Godot 3.3.1)craig13I don't know if this bug existed in the original project, or if it's just because I'm on the latest engine version (3.3.1), but the character animations after the first one get skipped. This happens when I try running a test scene in this lesson, and it also happens in the final project from the course files. I (sort of) figured out why it's happening, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Basically, it seems like when you hit Enter ("ui_accept") at the end of the first line of dialogue, the CharacterDisplayer's unhandled input function also captures that and skips the next animation. So, in the final project's first scene, Sophia enters normally, speaks her line, then you press Enter and Dani instantly appears. It just continues like that for the rest of the scenes, with characters instantly appearing or disappearing instead of animating. 4 0 Jun. 13, 2021
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