Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.
QuestionarjunIs it fine that I didn't understand much here?10Mar. 08, 2025
Maybe consider putting each module in its own zip fileJohnyWuijtsNLHey, I find myself redownloading the projects zip file at the start of each module, just in case a new update came out in the time it took me to complete the last module. I don't know if it's just me, but maybe it would be better to just have each module in its own zip, and just offer that zip at the start of each module.30Dec. 01, 2024
Release Versionssilver-foxHi, a don't kwon if is an error but the Release changelog says that the last Version ist 0.16. And when I go to the user guide and download the Version, I get the version 0.14. Ist the version 0.16 anywhere else?
Thanks10Nov. 20, 2024
Load Error in M08 Workbookmilk_manWhen I start the M08 Workbook in the godot project editor, a window with the godot logo appears, but then it remains in that state for far longer then usually. Then a new window appears with the name "Load Errors". After the godot editor is finally good to go, I get a ton of the same warnings in the output section. I get the following error:
> Safe save failed. This may be a permissions problem, but also may happen because you are running a paranoid antivirus. If this is the case, please switch to Windows Defender or disable the 'safe save' option in editor settings. This makes it work, but increases the risk of file corruption in a crash.
I haven't worked in the project yet. The only thing I did was to copy and paste M08 to M09 from the 0.9 version of this course to my 0.8.1 version project dictionary. I followed the instructions presented under "Keeping your course projects up to date". Every other module project works, only M08 Workbook throws errors. It appears though that everything still works, eventhough I got all these errors. Can I just ignore them?20Oct. 22, 2024
Help about awaitapt-moosedear MR:
I'm at play_trun() first it pops up the player's menu and waits for the player to select it but I don't know if I can deselect the player and pop up the menu after right clicking on it, what can i do?10Aug. 07, 2024
Lesson Q&A
Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.