Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.
Varfox-favingerAs a student of JS and web development, seeing "var" in GDScript scared me at first.
Imagine no type checking AND no scope nesting 🤣10Dec. 11, 2024
Error when running the scene (it opens a hidden script)andrea-putortiHey there! When I run the scene, after refactoring exactly as said and changing to either show_text(0) or (1) or (2), I receive an error "Invalid access to property or key 'list' on a base object of type 'null instance'. I copy-pasted your script too, same error.
Also, a script called "" opens up.
Cheers10Oct. 30, 2024
Missing "Practice Makes Perfect" section Bruno GiovagnoliI think this page is missing the L3.P1 and L3.P2 exercices. At least that's what I see in my Godot Engine after opening M08 (Workbook). 20Jul. 17, 2024
Lesson Q&A
Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.