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Lesson Q&A

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  • Use of a singleton instead of a BlackboardDédéHi. I have a question regarding the use of a blackboard to keep track of data commonly used by multiple nodes (like in this example the global position of the player). What about using a singleton in the Project's autoload instead of including that type of data in a AI class? 6 1 Sep. 17, 2024
  • I'm getting a print message regarding a missing transition whenever I activate the mob's state machine.Brain Siege GameworksI've got this print message whenever I try to activate the mob's state machine with the idle state: `Trying to trigger event PLAYER_ENTERED_LINE_OF_SIGHT from state Idle but the transition does not exist.` `At: res://lessons/ai.gd:143:trigger_event()` This is clearly the transition event. However I don't know why the transition does not exist. Through some printing, it seems it's trying to get a 3rd dictionary item which does not exist. 9 0 Sep. 18, 2024
  • Is there a file missingDédéIn the Getting a reference to the player, it is mentioned to modify the script res://lessons/player_3d.gd, but I don't see that file in the File System. Is it something that I have missed? 3 0 Sep. 16, 2024
  • How could I go about separating the states into their own files?late-alligatorHello, I just finished this module, and I'm tinkering around with the state machine concept. I was wondering how I could break the states of the state machine out into their own files. I think in my own projects I would prefer to have the states, the state machine, and the blackboard all in one file, but I am a little bit lost on how to do that in GDScript. For the challenge, I created a StateWait2 class in a separate file but I can't figure out how to access it from the mob_dummy_3d file p.s. this is my favorite module so far! your approach to state machines is different from what I'm used to, but there's a ton of useful information here and I think this is great! 1 0 Sep. 14, 2024
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