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Lesson Q&A

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  • Excellent Lesson!StevenThank you for this lesson. It was awesome to put all these concepts together and experience how to think like a designer and the translate the design into code. Most tutorials just show you how to 'code'. I would love to see more lessons like this! Also, I'm hoping there will be lessons on how to create these cool mobs... 1 1 Nov. 09, 2024
  • Small confusion about the last challenge "If you can stomp once, you can stomp multiple times!"SniffiIn the very last challenge *"If you can stomp once, you can stomp multiple times!"* I managed to make everything work, but i´m not 100% sure how much was supposed to be implemented by ourselves. It says: "The beetle skin emits a signal when the mob steps during its walk animation: `stepped`. This signal can synchronize the shockwaves with the beetle's walk animation." Is the walking animation supposed to emit a `stepped` signal already (i couldn´t find it) or should we add it ourselves. I wasnt really 100% sure how to interpret the challenge text in that regard. (In the `beetle_skind.gd` I basically added the stepped signal and created functions that get called when a foot hits the ground in the walk animation myself) Another thing i noticed: In the first hint in the challenge text it says "use `mob.skin.play("walk")`", which wouldn´t work with the default `beetle_skin.gd` script. We have to call `mob.skin.play("chase")` to play the walk animation. ```gdscript # beetle_skin.gd func play(animation_name: String) -> void: ... elif animation_name == "chase": state_machine.travel("walk") ``` I really love that we get a lot of challenges by the way! Keep up the great work :) 3 1 Oct. 22, 2024
  • Challenge: Multiple stompsSandra MoenI had a different solution, and *I'm wanting feedback on it's viability*. What I did was run the enter method over again, meaning I didn't use a for loop. ```gdscript func enter() -> void: _stomp_count += 1 if _stomp_count > num_stomps: mob.get_tree().create_timer(attack_duration).timeout.connect(func() -> void: finished.emit()) return mob.skin.play("attack") var stomp_attack := StompAttackScene.instantiate() mob.add_sibling(stomp_attack) stomp_attack.global_position = mob.global_position mob.get_tree().create_timer(attack_duration).timeout.connect(enter) func exit() -> void: _stomp_count = 0 ``` 4 0 Oct. 31, 2024
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