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  • exported Max health stays the same when is changed in the editorsamyIf I am not missing something... Suggested solution: in mob_3d.gd script: ```javascript @export_category("Base Stats") @export var max_health := 3 var health # change here ``` and in mob_bee.gd in func _ready() -> void: ```javascript state_machine.activate(idle) state_machine.is_debugging = true health = max_health # change here hurt_box.took_hit.connect(func (hit_box: HitBox3D) -> void: health -= hit_box.damage if health <= 0: state_machine.trigger_event(AI.Events.HEALTH_DEPLETED) else: state_machine.trigger_event(AI.Events.TOOK_DAMAGE) ) ``` 2 0 Dec. 04, 2024
Site is in BETA!found a bug?