Making the most of the theme editor

In this guide, I'll walk you through the main areas of the theme editor and how to use them.
At the end, you'll learn a neat trick to kickstart your themes.
We will cover:
  • The main areas of the theme editor
  • The different tabs in the theme editor
  • How to add new items to a Theme resource
  • How to quickly generate a theme from the Godot editor theme

The theme editor

We'll look at the three main parts of the editor in this order:
  1. The Style Editor, where you can edit Control elements
  2. The Items Manager, where you add or remove the types you want to style
  3. The Preview Pane, where you can see the effects of your changes

All item style tabs

The theme style editor has 7 tabs:
  • Colors: Pick colors for text
  • Constants: Select numerical values like margins and spacing
  • Fonts: Specify the fonts files used (the text style)
  • Font Sizes: Control the size of the text in different contexts
  • Images: Add icons, textures and other graphical elements
  • StyleBoxes: Control backgrounds, outlines, and other dynamic frames
  • BaseType: Select another UI element to inherit styles from
How these tabs are used depends on the specific UI element you're styling.


This tab allows you to set up the colors of an item. For example, for a Button element:
Here is the same for a ProgressBar:
Usually, the colors specified here are for fonts and small details. Background and border are handled by StyleBox resources in another tab.


Constants are numerical values used by interface themes. They're mostly margins, distances, etc. Here are the constants for a GridContainer:
Here are the constants for a Label:


All elements inherit the default theme font, but fonts can be overridden here on a per-item basis if necessary.
This is also where you set different fonts for items that support them. For example, the RichTextLabel node supports different fonts for bold, italics, and so on:

Font Sizes

Font Sizes determines how large your font appears. It's inherited by default from the theme font size but can be overridden on an individual basis.
Some items, like the RichTextLabel node, may support different font sizes:


The Images tab is where you'll find anything graphical that isn't text or the element's background.
For example, a CheckBox node's styles:
The HSlider node's handle:
Or the OptionButton node's dropdown arrow:


StyleBox resources are where you can set the background and border of an item. Almost all UI elements (except Container nodes) have one or more StyleBox attached to them.
You're familiar with the Button node's styleboxes:
But almost all elements have at least one. Here is the VScrollBar node's stylebox:


This is a special category for your own element variations. For example, you could make a button_large style that would override the default Button style:
Any styles not overridden would be inherited from the Button style.

Adding new items

You can:
  1. Add a new item without any default style
  2. Import a new item from a theme or from the current editor theme
  3. Add your own custom types
To simply style a UI element that exists, press the Add button:
Alternatively, you can import an existing item by pressing Manage Items:
You can import one or more items:
  • from the default Godot UI theme
  • from the current editor theme
  • from a theme file
You can select the items to import. If you don't check "with data", images and values won't be imported. So you generally always want to enable "with data."
Once you've picked the items to import, click "Import Data", and then "Close." You'll get a warning that some items are selected; it's fine.

Creating your own variations

Most games have several types of the same element. For example, the "confirm" and "cancel" buttons often look different. The theme system supports that! You can create a custom element:
Press Add Type. Once it's added, you can decide what this element extends from. To make it extend, say, a Button, press the Select the variation base type, and pick the base type:
You can also write the base type yourself:
Once you have named and created your custom style, you can click on any Control element, unfold the Theme field, and write the custom name in the Type Variation field.
Despite extending a specific element, you can still apply the type to any other element.
For example, here, I have a my_type custom type that extends a Button and uses a red StyleBoxFlat. If I apply it to the Label, it still works!
Whether you're overriding an existing type or creating your own custom type, you can use "Show Default" to see which fields are used by the element. Turning it off will only show fields you have overridden.
with Show Default on
with Show Default on
with Show Default off
with Show Default off

Theme previewer

Of course, you can see a theme preview right in the editor. It's a great way to test your theme.
But you may want more testing. Well, you can use any scene as a test scene (as long as the root is a Control)!
Press the Add Preview button:
Pick a scene that has a Control root node and a few controls, and you'll see a new tab. Here, I use a custom scene to see a button and my custom button next to each other:

StyleBoxes: the cornerstone of your theme

A cornerstone of the theme is the StyleBox resource. As you design custom interfaces, this is what will probably matter most in how your style looks.
There are 4 types of StyleBox: StyleBoxFlat, StyleBoxTexture, StyleBoxLine and StyleBoxEmpty.
In the tutorial, you've used StyleBoxFlat, so I want to explain the second most used StyleBox: StyleBoxTexture. StyleBoxTexture has mostly the same properties as StyleBoxFlat, but it also has a Texture property, as well as provisions for nine slice scaling

9-slice scaling

9-scale-slicing allows to split an image in 9 parts: 3 rows of 3 columns each.
This allows to control how the different parts of the image stretch. Generally, we don't want the corners to stretch, for example.
This allows to create complex and nice looking panels for text and buttons.
More on 9-slice scaling
Here, I set a texture (Turtle Themed Texture by dcwilson303 on OpenGameArt) with 9-scale-slicing set up:
See how the distances in the spinners of Texture Margin are reflected in the slices drawn in the texture preview:
This is how the texture would look without nine slice scaling:
StyleBoxLine is for drawing a line only. This is mostly for separators; it does not draw an outline, only a single horizontal line.
As for StyleBoxEmpty, it's only used when you don't want any StyleBox to be applied.

Bonus trick: get a quick base theme from the editor

Designing a theme from scratch can be daunting, especially when you want to test an idea or participate in a Game Jam. But at the same time, using the default Godot theme can be a bit boring.
Here's a trick to get a quick base theme from the editor.
Founder and teacher at GDQuest
The editor itself is a Godot theme. That means you can use the editor theme customizer as a quick template for your game or software!
Head to EditorEditor Settings...Theme (on macOS, GodotEditor Settings...Theme)
You can play with all those options to create a theme base suitable for your game.
Here, I picked the "Solarized (Light)" base theme and changed a few options.
Once you're done, press Close.

Creating a theme file

in the FileSystem Dock and pick New Resource:
Pick a Theme resource type:
Save it wherever you like. I named mine main.theme. I find using the .theme extension instead of .tres to be clearer, but feel free to use .tres if you prefer.
Click the theme, and this will open the theme editor.

Importing the editor theme

We want to import elements. Click on Manage Items:
Then click the Import Items tab, then the Editor Theme sub-tab:
If you know what elements you need, you can import only those. Make sure to tick the "data" column; without that, you'd just import a skeleton of a theme, without the actual colors and images.
Importing only the elements you need is better, as it will keep the theme light. In my case, I'll just import everything for demonstration purposes. I'll click on Select with Data at the bottom, then Import Selected:
Let the importer work...
And you're done!
You can now apply this theme to any top-level control, and/or customize it further:
You can restore the editor theme to default and keep tweaking the theme.

Lesson Q&A

Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.

  • Changing non-default cursors?SingleMom420Cool guide. I have a question about changing the mouse cursor. I see that we can change the default cursor via project settings. It seems that to change other cursors though (like the "hand pointer" that appears when hovering over [meta]-tagged words in BBcode), we have to do it via code. So I see there's the `set_custom_mouse_cursor` method in the Godot docs for Input singleton. That seems simple enough to make use of, but I'm unclear of *where* I would call this method in the code. Should I do it in the main scene's `_ready()` method, so it applies throughout the whole game, or do I have to attach scripts to the RichTextLabels that would make use of this and add this line there? 3 3 May. 16, 2024
  • Type Variation video croppedStonemonkeyThe video demonstrating adding a custom style to the Type Variation field is cropped and doesn't show everything. I can pop the video out on it's own window/tab and see everything, but on the lesson page it is cropped and the cursor actions are obscured. -edited some grammar 1 0 Jul. 15, 2024
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