Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.
Thank youupright-anteaterAs a person who initially picked up this course in an effort to ensure accessibility in any game I make, be it for the visually impaired, physically, or in the case of my daughter epileptic I want to thank you for stressing the importance of accessibility in this module, and I hope you keep this in mind as you move forward for other options that may present themselves in the engine.
P.S. Been tearing through the content so far, really helpful for a developer who's never really done games before.210Jul. 07, 2024
Can't save resource, get a warningmilk_manWhen I try to save the **normal** StyleBoxes resource from the Button node, I get the following warning:
*This resource can't be saved because it does not belong to the edited scene. Make it unique first.*
86Oct. 12, 2024
Why do the buttons respond to Tab and Spacebar?big-hearted-emuI've added three buttons. Once I click on one and it is in focus, I can switch between them using TAB and can press them using the spacebar.
Given what we have learned so far, this is strange since the buttons should not have any behaviour without us scripting it. Indeed we should not even be able to click them without a script.
I've looked at the docs and thanks to M6, found the answer pretty quickly. And it is quite interesting. Thought I'd share the process:
I pressed F1 and searched for "**button**" since that's the Node we are using. A quick look at the page shows that it only has visual properties. So we move a class up to **BaseButton** from which it inherits.
Here we find the first mention of "**focus_mode**", which is what we are interested in since that is when the unexplainable behaviour occurs. It is the only property we cannot click on, which means it has no property description on this page. What it does have is a... **Control.FocusMode** type...?
So we go one class up to the **Control** one, from which **BaseButton** inherits. Here we finally find what we are looking for. We see that the **focus_mode** property defaults to a value of 0, which if we click on the type, takes us to the ennumeration that tells us that 0 means... the node cannot grab focus...?! But it does! So what gives?
Well, if we return to the **BaseButton** docs, the page we were previously on, and look at where we first encountered this property again, we see it says in the default value that it **[overrides Control: 2]**. And now that we know what the values are and what they do, we know that 2 means: *"The node can grab focus on mouse click, using the arrows and the Tab keys on the keyboard, or using the D-pad buttons on a gamepad."*
I feel like this could be a nice begginer challenge when it comes to explaining unexpected behaviour.14Aug. 08, 2024
Button focused stateAJ StudiosMy button works perfectly as indicated in the lesson when I move the mouse away the purple border is still visible though. In other words, the purple border still shows on the "normal" and "hover" states. Is this happening because it's the only button on the scene? I made all the style boxes unique and saved them as files.62May. 16, 2024
Border Width instead of Content Marginsdatiswous> Finally, expand the *Content Margins* category and set the top and bottom margins to `32`, and the left and right margins to `48`. This controls the space between the text and the edges of the rectangle.
I had increased the border instead and set the border-color the same as the BG Color.
Is there a reason why this might not be the proper way?11Oct. 26, 2024
Shadow with RichTextLabelHazlarHello,
I wanted to add a shadow to my `RichTextLabel`, but the shadow doesn’t project into the scene. However, in the inspector preview, it is properly displayed. So, I created a `Label` node and added the theme to test it in the scene. The shadow for the `Label` works correctly.
I went back to the `RichTextLabel` variable in the theme editor to modify the "Flat" style box again. I modified the **Skew** to distort the box, and the shadow appears behind it. But when the box is straight, the shadow is gone or at least hidden.
Do you have any idea where this comes from?
image :
[]( -> richTextLabel Incorrect
[]( - > Label node correct31Oct. 24, 2024
Pixel bleed through "focus" state borderAdrDuring the customization of the focused state, I noticed a small "bleed" of pixels through the border: visible pixels of the inside color outside of the border. It's visible in the [purple border of the example too]( Note the jaggy black pixels outside the purple borders. I've tried playing with border sizes and the antialiasing in the hope to get a cleaner look, so far to no avail.
Could you please tell whether there a way to ensure no bleed at all?61Jul. 15, 2024
Grammatical errors in StyleBox glossaryA_Room_With_A_MooseThe StyleBox glossary entry ( has a couple of grammatical errors:
Under the "expanded margins" bullet, there is a period (.) before the word "contribute."
Under the "content margins" bullet, there is a word spelled "iternal" (did you mean "internal"?).
That's all I spotted. 11Jun. 08, 2024
Text too big in Theme bottom panelandrea-putortiHey there. When I increased the Default Font Size of the Theme, the text in the Theme Editor increased, but it got ridiculously big and became hard to use. Can't seem to find a way to fix this without decreasing the Theme's Font Size and I believe it's not mentioned in the lessons.
Here's the situation: [](
Any ideas? :/21May. 18, 2024
Other interface elementsram876Hello! I wanted to know at this stage, are we going to learn how to create other interface elements that we saw in the theme editor, such as a tree, tabs, menu button, lineEdit, CheckBox and others? And I also wanted to know if it is possible to create my own designs for them, for example, if I draw all the button states in a graphical editor.20Oct. 17, 2024
RichtText font color works, but background color with StyleboxFlat notlokidevI tried/checked:
- starting from scratch
- making sure that RichtText is child from Dialog node (where the theme also is selected)
- trying to override with theme IN the richtextfield
- creating a new rich text node (just to be sure I didn't uknowingly override something in the other one)
What's weird is that the rich text font color is used, but not the background. 10Oct. 10, 2024
4.3 Godot - RichTextLabel Styles has extra optionsIronEvaI'm not sure if this is a Godot 4.3 thing, but I have noticed two additional Styles options within the RichTextLabel. The ones I am seeing are '**Background**' and '**Fill**'.
I tried applying the StyleBoxFlat to the '**Background**' but nothing happened.
Applying it to the '**Normal**' works just as you said it would.
I haven't finished this section of the course yet so if you have already mentioned this I apologise in advance as I wanted to bring this to your attention before I forgot.
40Sep. 03, 2024
Button states don't change style, but they overlap!ZorgI tried wiggling my button while hovering over it or pressing it. I use different content margins, borders, and shadows to make it bounce when I hover over it and be "pressed down" when I tap on it. But it doesn't look good, the different themes overlap and don't change. Is there an option to change styles and not overlap? 60Aug. 25, 2024
Theme Panel Text vs Game TextMoKTI'm really enjoying this lesson, but why aren't we able to change the text size for only the game text in the theme editor and each individual button state? Is that beyond the scope of this lesson?
For example, if I wanted to keep the theme panel a certain size, and the game text another? Is the correct way to just use theme overrides?
Or if I wanted to make the text of the button change colors and increase in font size when clicked on?
Thanks!10Jul. 20, 2024
Quick question about resourcesinferior-gnatIt seems resources are a fair bit more flexible than scriptable objects from Unity. I.e. you can decide to save mutated state or not to a .tres file, whereas with scriptable objects it saves all data changed during runtime by default.
As such, the use case on the Unity side tends towards immutable, readonly data accessible across gameObjects, with mutable data living at the game object level.
Is this a similar pattern expected with resources, or can I store mutable data on resources, which then becomes easily accessible by objects that reference the resource?10Jul. 17, 2024
StyleBox very large in 4kfilthy-rookHey there!
By default we're working on 1920x1080 so I know that may be part of the issue here, but using the anchors for the RichTextLabel in the suggested setup of half the viewport results in the StyleBox getting VERY large when the window is maximized, and the text inside the box remaining completely static. I've tried moving the anchors around some to see if I could get a different result, but couldn't get anything quite satisfactory.
Can anyone explain why this is happening, or how to remedy it?30May. 17, 2024
Theme Style Guide 404devery-elkHey y’all! Just dropping a note that Theme Style guide 404s.
Thanks! 10May. 13, 2024
Lesson Q&A
Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.