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  • On the Multiple Voice ChallengePewskeepskiI achieved it without an additional AudioStreamPlayer. I simply assigned current_item["voice"] to the audio_stream_player.stream, after creating an additional "voice" dictionary and adding it to all of the dialogue. This seems to work just fine. 6 8 May. 28, 2024
  • My solution to the multiple voices challengeAceThis is what I came up with to solve the challenge. I ended up with a dictionary inside of a dictionary inside of an array. ```gdscript extends Control @onready var rich_text_label: RichTextLabel = %RichTextLabel @onready var next_button: Button = %NextButton @onready var back_button: Button = %NextButton2 @onready var audio_stream_player: AudioStreamPlayer = %AudioStreamPlayer @onready var body: TextureRect = %Body @onready var expression: TextureRect = %Expression var bodies : Dictionary = { "sophia" : { "texture": preload("res://assets/sophia.png"), "voice": preload("res://assets/talking_synth.mp3"), }, "pink" : { "texture": preload("res://assets/pink.png"), "voice": preload("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg"), } } var expressions := { "regular": preload("res://assets/emotion_regular.png"), "happy": preload("res://assets/emotion_happy.png"), "sad": preload("res://assets/emotion_sad.png"), "angry": preload("res://assets/extras/emotion_angry.png") } var dialogue_items : Array[Dictionary] = [ { "expression": expressions["regular"], "text": "I'm learning about Arrays...", "character": bodies["sophia"], }, { "expression": expressions["regular"], "text": "How is that going?", "character": bodies["pink"], }, { "expression": expressions["sad"], "text": "It's a little bit coplicated.", "character": bodies["sophia"], }, { "expression": expressions["regular"], "text": "Tell me what you know so far.", "character": bodies["pink"], }, { "expression": expressions["happy"], "text": "Let's see if I got it right: an array is not a list of values!", "character": bodies["sophia"], }, { "expression": expressions["sad"], "text": "...", "character": bodies["pink"], }, { "expression": expressions["happy"], "text": "Did I get it right? Did I?", "character": bodies["sophia"], }, { "expression": expressions["sad"], "text": "No.", "character": bodies["pink"], }, { "expression": expressions["angry"], "text": "Dang it!", "character": bodies["sophia"], }, ] var current_item_index := 0 func show_text() -> void: var current_item := dialogue_items[current_item_index] rich_text_label.text = current_item["text"] expression.texture = current_item["expression"] rich_text_label.visible_ratio = 0.0 var tween := create_tween() var text_appearing_duration : float = current_item["text"].length() / 30.0 tween.tween_property(rich_text_label, "visible_ratio", 1.0, text_appearing_duration) audio_stream_player.stream = current_item["character"]["voice"] var sound_max_length : float = audio_stream_player.stream.get_length() - text_appearing_duration var sound_start_position := randf() * sound_max_length audio_stream_player.play(sound_start_position) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player.stop) body.texture = current_item["character"]["texture"] slide_in() ``` 4 7 Aug. 12, 2024
  • Solution to the voice challenge! (Not a question)Abdul Hannan AhmedHi! Here's how I came up with a solution to the voice challenge! ```gdscript extends Control @onready var rich_text_label: RichTextLabel = %RichTextLabel @onready var next_button: Button = %NextButton @onready var back_button: Button = %BackButton @onready var audio_stream_player: AudioStreamPlayer = $AudioStreamPlayer @onready var body: TextureRect = %Body @onready var expression: TextureRect = %Expression var bodies := { "sophia": preload("res://assets/sophia.png"), "pink": preload("res://assets/pink.png"), } var voices := { "sophia": preload("res://assets/talking_synth.mp3"), "pink": preload("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg") } var expressions := { "happy": preload("res://assets/emotion_happy.png"), "regular": preload("res://assets/emotion_regular.png"), "sad": preload("res://assets/emotion_sad.png"), "angry": preload("res://assets/extras/emotion_angry.png"), } var dialogue_items: Array[Dictionary] = [ { "expression": expressions["regular"], "character": bodies["sophia"], "text": "Are you a feminist?", "sound": voices["sophia"] }, { "expression": expressions["happy"], "character": bodies["pink"], "text": "Yes!", "sound": voices["pink"] }, { "expression": expressions["regular"], "character": bodies["sophia"], "text": "What's the difference between a feminist and a knife?", "sound": voices["sophia"] }, { "expression": expressions["regular"], "character": bodies["pink"], "text": "What do you mean?", "sound": voices["pink"] }, { "expression": expressions["regular"], "character": bodies["sophia"], "text": "I just said what's the difference between a feminist and a knife?", "sound": voices["sophia"] }, { "expression": expressions["sad"], "character": bodies["pink"], "text": "Is that even a question???", "sound": voices["pink"] }, { "expression": expressions["happy"], "character": bodies["sophia"], "text": "At least the knife has a point", "sound": voices["sophia"] }, { "expression": expressions["angry"], "character": bodies["pink"], "text": "😡😡😡😡😡", "sound": voices["pink"] }, ] ## Holds the index of the currently displayed text. var current_item_index: int = 0 func _ready() -> void: show_text() next_button.pressed.connect(advance) back_button.pressed.connect(go_back) func show_text() -> void: var current_item := dialogue_items[current_item_index] var tween := create_tween() var duration: float = current_item["text"].length() / 30.0 expression.texture = current_item["expression"] body.texture = current_item["character"] rich_text_label.text = current_item["text"] slide_character() rich_text_label.visible_ratio = 0.0 audio_stream_player.stream = current_item["sound"] var maximum_sound_offset: float = audio_stream_player.stream.get_length() - duration var sound_start_position: float = maximum_sound_offset * randf() audio_stream_player.play(sound_start_position) tween.tween_property(rich_text_label, "visible_ratio", 1.0, duration) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player.stop) func advance() -> void: current_item_index += 1 if current_item_index == dialogue_items.size(): current_item_index = 0 show_text() func go_back() -> void: current_item_index -= 1 if current_item_index <= 0: get_tree().quit() show_text() func slide_character() -> void: body.modulate.a = 0.0 body.position.x = 200.0 var tween := create_tween() var duration := 0.5 tween.set_trans(Tween.TRANS_QUART) tween.set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT) tween.tween_property(body, "position:x", 0.0, duration) tween.parallel().tween_property(body, "modulate:a", 1.0, duration) ``` 2 3 Sep. 10, 2024
  • Text Speed Challenge Solutionintent-mantis```gdscript ... rich_text_label.visible_ratio=0.0 var tween := create_tween() #the dialog will appear at a rate of 30 characters per second var tween_time:float = rich_text_label.get_total_character_count()/30.0 #minimum tween time will be 0.5 seconds if tween_time<0.5:tween_time=0.5 ... tween.tween_property(rich_text_label,"visible_ratio",1,tween_time) ... ``` Here is the solution I had for the text speed challenge. It is very similar to your solution, but I added a minimum for the tween time that I think works better if the dialog is very short. 1 3 May. 20, 2024
  • FootgunFlatwaterThe Footgun entry in the glossary footgunned itself! :) In the code example: ```javascript @onready var line_edit_1 := $LineEdit @onready var line_edit_2 := $LineEdit2 func add() -> void: var number_1 := line_edit_1.text() var number_2 := line_edit_1.text() var result := number_1 + number_2 print(result) ``` Line 6 should probably be: ```javascript var number_2 := line_edit_2.text() ``` 1 1 Nov. 11, 2024
  • What's a footgun?tesfalconThat sounds like a bad translation of a Japanese anime. 1 1 Jun. 19, 2024
  • My solution to different voiceVilldarI've used the same AudioStreamPlayer, I've only changed the stream value based on character. The only issue I have is the alternative voice is a little bit to low. Don't know if there's a way to loud it a little bit. Anyway here my code: ```gdscript @onready var audio_stream_player: AudioStreamPlayer = %AudioStreamPlayer var voices := { "sophia_voice" : preload("res://assets/talking_synth.mp3"), "pink_voice" : preload("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg") } var dialogue_items : Array[Dictionary] = [ { "expression" : expressions["regular"], "text" : "I'm learning about Arrays...", "character" : bodies["sophia"], "voice" : voices["sophia_voice"] }, { "expression" : expressions["sad"], "text" : "...and it is a little bit complicated.", "character" : bodies["pink"], "voice" : voices["pink_voice"] }, ------ ] func show_text() -> void: ------ audio_stream_player.stream = current_item["voice"] var sound_max_length = audio_stream_player.stream.get_length() - tween_appearence_duration var sound_start_position = randf() * sound_max_length audio_stream_player.play(sound_start_position) ----- ``` 2 1 May. 31, 2024
  • Transitioning only when the character changes, and bumping the other character out of frameWiseRatI wandered off on my own and ended up achieving much the same thing. I was having a bit of fun with the character animation as I didn't like yours (sorry!) and I came up with a bounce which I thought would be funny if it knocked the old character out of scene. So the first thing I realised was that I needed to have a second body to animate at the same time, and I thought that it would be best to generate the body programmatically so if I added other characters that would work, and there would be no confusing duplication in the editor. My naive approach is to just use "duplicate" like so: ```gdscript var expressions := { "happy": preload("res://assets/emotion_happy.png"), "regular": preload("res://assets/emotion_regular.png"), "sad": preload("res://assets/emotion_sad.png"), } var people := { "sophia": { "body": preload("res://assets/sophia.png"), "voice": preload("res://assets/talking_synth.ogg") }, "pink": { "body": preload("res://assets/pink.png"), "voice": preload("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg") }, } var dialogue_items: Array[Dictionary] = [ {"expression": expressions["regular"], "person": people["sophia"], "text": "I know what arrays and dictionaries are"}, {"expression": expressions["sad"], "person": people["sophia"], "text": "Someone please put me out of my misery."}, {"expression": expressions["happy"], "person": people["sophia"], "text": "I want to learn the stuff I don't know."}, {"expression": expressions["regular"], "person": people["pink"], "text": "Well, to get there you need to go through the whole lesson."}, {"expression": expressions["sad"], "person": people["sophia"], "text": "Dammit."}, {"expression": expressions["happy"], "person": people["pink"], "text": "We are born just to suffer!"}, ] func show_text() -> void: var current_item := dialogue_items[current_item_index] rich_text_label.visible_ratio = 0 var current_text: String = current_item["text"] var current_expression: Texture2D = current_item["expression"] var current_person: Dictionary = current_item["person"] rich_text_label.text = current_text body.texture = current_person["body"] expression.texture = current_expression var tween := create_tween() var text_display_rate := 30.0 # characters/second var text_display_time := rich_text_label.text.length() / text_display_rate # Load in the voice audio_stream_player.stream = current_person["voice"] var audio_stream_length := audio_stream_player.stream.get_length() var audio_sample_start := randf_range(0.0, audio_stream_length - text_display_time) audio_stream_player.play(audio_sample_start) tween.tween_property(rich_text_label, "visible_ratio", 1.0, text_display_time) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player.stop) animate_transition() func animate_transition() -> void: if current_item_index == 0: slide_in(body) else: var new_speaker: Texture2D = dialogue_items[current_item_index]["person"]["body"] var old_speaker: Texture2D = dialogue_items[current_item_index - 1]["person"]["body"] if new_speaker != old_speaker: var body_old = body.duplicate() body_old.texture = old_speaker body_old.get_node("Expression").texture = dialogue_items[current_item_index]["expression"] self.add_child(body_old) slide_in(body) slide_out(body_old) func slide_in(body_new: TextureRect) -> void: body_new.position.x = 600 var tween := create_tween() tween.set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT) tween.set_trans(Tween.TRANS_BOUNCE) tween.tween_property(body_new, "position:x", 64, 0.5) body_new.modulate.a = 0.0 tween.parallel().tween_property(body_new, "modulate:a", 1.0, 0.4) func slide_out(body_old: TextureRect) -> void: var tween := create_tween() tween.set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT) tween.set_trans(Tween.TRANS_EXPO) tween.tween_property(body_old, "position:x", -400, 0.5).set_delay(0.05) tween.parallel().tween_property(body_old, "modulate:a", 0.0, 0.4) tween.tween_callback(body_old.queue_free) ``` But I have a question about the wisdom of this approach. Would a better approach be to set up the animation character in say _ready() and toggle it visible or not as and when it's needed? Or is it generally better to only create the nodes when needed and clean them up ASAP? 3 0 Feb. 13, 2025
  • My Solutions to Voice and text speed challengesquarterly-snakeFirst Voice challenge, I added each voice to a dictionary ```gdscript var voices : Dictionary = { "voc_Sop" : preload("res://assets/talking_synth.ogg"), "voc_Pink" : preload("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg") } ``` Then added those to Dialogue_items Array Dictionary to the corresponding Dictionaries for each character *Sophia* ```gdscript { "expression" : expressions["sad"], "text" : "flowers are blooming...", "character" : bodies["sophia"], "voice" : voices["voc_Sop"], }, ``` *Pink* ```gdscript { "expression" : expressions["angry"], "text" : "(Is this guy for real?)", "character" : bodies["pink"], "voice" : voices["voc_Pink"], }, ``` then I changed the voice in the show_text() Function by changing the Audio_stream_player 's Stream ```gdscript audio_stream_player.set_stream(current_item["voice"]) ``` and thats all that was needed. I was able to think up of a few different ways of achieving this such as using If or switch statements and storing the voices in variables instead of a dictionary and array Dictionary that probably would've saved me some copy and pasting but I decided to stick to using the dictionaries since thats what we've been practicing. Next the text Speed, This was the solution I came to a few lessons ago, its probably a bit more work than the method shown but it seems to work fine, First I created a new variable that held a multiplier for the text speed. ```gdscript var text_appearing_duration_mult : float = 0.03 ``` Then in the show_text() function using the get_total_character_count() function from the rich text label I multiplied the amount of characters in the text label by the multiplier to adjust the speed at which the text appears using trhe tween. ```gdscript var text_appearing_duration : float = text_appearing_duration_mult * rich_text_label.get_total_character_count() ``` both of these solutions seem to work fine for me although I'm sure there are more efficient/straightforward ways to achieve the same results especially the voice Challenge as stated before. 1 0 Feb. 11, 2025
  • Text speed solution (not a question)luminous-wrenJust wanted to share an alternative to dividing by desired characters per second: instead of dividing by characters, multiplying by the desired fraction of a second each character should occupy. Like this! ```gdscript var text_appearing_duration: float = current_item["text"].length() * 0.05 ``` 1 0 Feb. 06, 2025
  • Different solution to constant text speedSpookyDoomSince the constant text speed thing was bothering me immediately I didn't even realize this was a challenge. :D Anyways here's how I did it: ```gdscript # advancement speed per character @export var text_advancement_speed : float = 0.015 # a maximum time limit in case the speed per character gets out of hand, accidentally @export var max_dialog_time : float = 2.0 # calculation based on String input: func calculate_advance_time(text : String) -> float: # get the amount of characters in the text string var text_length : int = text.length() # calculate the total display time but clamp it in case something weird happens: var total_time : float = clampf(text_length * text_advancement_speed, 0.0, max_dialog_time) # return time, the text takes if every char advances at "text_advancement_speed" seconds return total_time func show_text() -> void: ## ... (lesson code) # calculate the time it takes for the individual text to be displayed at constant speed: var advance_time : float = calculate_advance_time(current_item) # then tween the animation (linear is good, here) up to the calculated "advance_time" tween.tween_property(rich_text_label, "visible_ratio", 1.0, advance_time) ## ... (lesson code) ``` (Yes, I really like strong type hinting.) 1 0 Jan. 10, 2025
  • About Type Inferencemilk_manIn this example: ```gdscript var text_appearing_duration: float = current_item["text"].length() / 30.0 ``` Godot doesn't know the type of current_item["text"] and thus of the whole expression. I understand why it doesn't (somewhat), but could you explain in more detail why godot is not able to look at what type the value corresponding to the "text" key is? I mean, when the length() method is being called and a length value to be returned is being calculated, godot has to know that the method length() is being called on a String and not Vector2 for example, no? The more I think about it the more I get confused 6 0 Jan. 06, 2025
  • Showing text at consistent speedmausikWhat I've done to make the text showing speed more consistent: ```gdscript var char_appearing_time := 0.1 func show_text() -> void: #... var text_appearing_time := cur_text.length() * char_appearing_time tween.tween_property(rich_text_label, "visible_ratio", 1.0, text_appearing_time) #... ``` Basically it is the same as using the division, but in my opinion this is a bit more readable since you explicitly say that each character should appear in 0.1 seconds :). Edit: I also noticed some unwanted behaviour when pressing the buttons too fast - the `visible_ratio` doesn't reset properly on each button press, so the text after button press has the `visible_ratio` from previous "screen". The animations and sounds for displaying bodies and text also break. Not sure if I've done something wrong, but I fixed it by disabling the buttons at the beginning of the `show_text` function and enabling them again on the end of the tween for sound effects. Edit2: Now I see that the problems with showing the text are addressed in the next lesson :). 1 0 Dec. 27, 2024
  • BreakpointdatiswousI get an **unhelpful** breakpoint error on the following code: ```gdscript if current_item["character"] == bodies["sophia"]: var sound_max_length := sophia_voice.stream.get_length() - text_appearing_duration var sound_start_position := randf() * sound_max_length sophia_voice.play(sound_start_position) tween.finished.connect(sophia_voice.stop) ``` I changed the name of the audiostreamplayer node. 6 0 Dec. 17, 2024
  • Small typo or inconsistency in the reference codeHazlarSmall typo or inconsistency in the reference code for this course regarding the naming of the variable line: `@onready var expression_texture_rect: TextureRect = %Expression` In Lesson 11, it is written: `@onready var expression: TextureRect = %Expression` 3 0 Dec. 04, 2024
  • Why can't Godot infer the type when the divider is a float?ma9nificoWhen explaining why we add the `float` type hint to the `text_appearing_duration` variable, you say: > If you try removing  `float` in the part `: float`, you'll see an error. This is because Godot does not know the type of the expression `current_item["text"].length() / 30.0`. Precisely, it doesn't know the type of `current_item["text"]`. Couldn't Godot in fact know the result would be a float since one part of the division (the divider in this case) is a float? Just prior to this text, we are told that it's enough for one part of the division to be a float for the result to be a float: > So, when you want to perform a floating point division, you need to write at least one of the numbers with a decimal place. Or you need one of the values in the calculation to have the type  `float`. I understand that Godot doesn't do this when it comes to type inference, for some reason, but it's a big confusing to read a pretty thorough explanation about why we need to be explicit with the type hint, when we've just learned that only one part of a division being float gives a float result. Perhaps a callback to this is in order, maybe just making a note of the fact that Godot probably *could* do this? 1 0 Nov. 30, 2024
  • My solution to character voicesPurpleSunriseHello, just posting my solution to character voices. It's very simple. I just added another dictionary with the voice files and assigned each voice to each dictionary in the array. Finally I added a line to show_text() adding the selected voice to the audio stream player. ```gdscript extends Control @onready var audio_stream_player: AudioStreamPlayer = %AudioStreamPlayer @onready var rich_text_label: RichTextLabel = %RichTextLabel @onready var next_button: Button = %NextButton @onready var body: TextureRect = %Body @onready var expression: TextureRect = %Expression var bodies : Dictionary = { "pink": preload("res://assets/pink.png"), "sophia": preload("res://assets/sophia.png"), } var expressions : Dictionary = { "happy": preload("res://assets/emotion_happy.png"), "regular": preload("res://assets/emotion_regular.png"), "sad": preload("res://assets/emotion_sad.png"), "angry": preload("res://assets/extras/emotion_angry.png"), } var voices : Dictionary ={ "pink" : preload("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg"), "sophia" : preload("res://assets/talking_synth.ogg"), } var dialogue_items : Array [Dictionary] = [ { "expression": expressions["regular"], "text": "The path of self-overcoming...", "character": bodies["pink"], "character_voice" : voices["pink"], }, { "expression": expressions["sad"], "text": "Is a dance between failur and resilience,", "character": bodies["sophia"], "character_voice" : voices["sophia"], }, { "expression": expressions["happy"], "text": "Shaping your best self.", "character": bodies["pink"], "character_voice" : voices["pink"], }, ] var current_item_index := 0 func _ready() -> void: rich_text_label.visible_ratio = 0.0 show_text() next_button.pressed.connect(advance) func show_text() -> void: var current_item := dialogue_items[current_item_index] rich_text_label.text = current_item["text"] expression.texture = current_item["expression"] body.texture = current_item["character"] audio_stream_player.stream = current_item["character_voice"] rich_text_label.visible_ratio = 0.0 var text_appearing_duration := 1.2 var audio_max_lenght := audio_stream_player.stream.get_length() - text_appearing_duration #var sound_start_position := randf() * audio_max_lenght #audio_stream_player.play(sound_start_position) audio_stream_player.play(randf_range(0, audio_max_lenght)) var tween := create_tween() tween.tween_property(rich_text_label, "visible_ratio", 1.0, text_appearing_duration) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player.stop) slide_in() func advance()-> void: current_item_index += 1 if current_item_index == dialogue_items.size(): get_tree().quit() else: show_text() func slide_in() -> void: var tween = create_tween().set_trans(Tween.TRANS_QUAD) tween.set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT) body.position.x = 200.0 tween.tween_property(body, "position:x", 0.0, 0.5) body.modulate.a = 0.0 tween.parallel().tween_property(body, "modulate:a", 1.0, 0.2) ``` Thank you very much for the nice lesson. 1 0 Nov. 04, 2024
  • Several characters are on stage at the same timeram876Hello! In visual games, there is usually more than 1 character on the screen at the same time during dialogues on the stage. I quickly looked at the future lessons and did not notice such an opportunity there. Then I thought about how it could be implemented. Before that, we implemented everything through an array of dictionaries and assumed that it was necessary to implement what we wanted in the same way. In dialogue_items, for each character in each element, you need to define a modulate 0 or 1 for visibility on the stage, the initial and final position values for animation, and in show_text() draw and animate all characters. If two characters have a modulate equal to one, then there will be 2 characters on the screen at the same time, if three, then respectively all three at the same time. If the modulate is 0, then these characters will be hidden. Am I thinking in the right direction or is there something simpler? With this method, it seems to me that resources will be used uneconomically. 1 0 Oct. 19, 2024
  • I have an error line 2 "current_item not declared in current scope"substantial-tarsier```gdscript func show_text(): var text_duration:float = current_item["text"].length() / 30.0 var current_item = dialogue_items[current_item_index] var sound_max_length = audio_stream_player_2d.stream.get_length() - text_duration if current_item_index == dialogue_items.size(): get_tree().quit() else: var tween = create_tween() var sound_start_position= randf() * sound_max_length rich_text_label.visible_ratio = 0 tween.tween_property(rich_text_label,"visible_ratio",1, text_duration) tween.finished.connect(kill_audio) rich_text_label.text = current_item["text"] expression.texture = current_item["expression"] body.texture = current_item["character"] current_item_index += 1 audio_stream_player_2d.play(sound_start_position) ``` 1 0 Oct. 15, 2024
  • Another solution for the voice challengedavidakFirst i added a `voices` dictionary like we did with `bodies` and `expressions`: ```gdscript var voices := { "default": preload("res://assets/talking_synth.ogg"), "alternate": preload("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg"), } ``` Then, my **first solution** was to add the voices to the `dialogue_items` dictionary, but i did not like to repeat the data which character has which voice so many times, which could lead to errors and less readable code. ```gdscript { "text": "Roses are red", "expression": expressions["regular"], "character": bodies["sophia"], "voice": voices["default"], }, ``` I set the `stream` of the `audio_stream_player` we already had to the voice file from the `dialogue_items` dictionary. ```gdscript audio_stream_player.stream = current_item["voice"] ``` This does work, but is not very elegant. In my **second solution**, i added the voices dict and this code to `show_text`. This is easier to understand. ```gdscript if current_item["character"] == bodies["sophia"]: audio_stream_player.stream = voices["default"] elif current_item["character"] == bodies["pink"]: audio_stream_player.stream = voices["alternate"] ``` I think the most elegant solution would be to add the voice file to a `characters` dictionary, like we did with the texture. So all data about the character is in one place and you separate data from logic. Like @Ace did in their solution. 1 0 Sep. 18, 2024
  • Preloading: predict result types?TJBy reading other posts here I was able to solve the challenge of the two voices as well. I am just wondering if we could somehow know what type of object (class) is returned by the `preload()` keyword. Consider for example the following preloads: ```gdscript preload("res://assets/talking_synth.ogg") preload("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg") ``` To me it felt as some kind of luck that we could directly assign the result of these preloads to the `audio_stream_player.stream` property. It might perhaps be better, in terms of acquiring problem-solving skills, if we could know or predict the result type of the preloads and match that to the documentation of the `audio_stream_player`. What is your advice? Is there some kind of look-up table to match resource file extensions to the resulting object types (classes) that preloading makes of them? Thanks for your help! 2 0 Aug. 15, 2024
  • Defi HazlarHello, To solve the challenge, I encounter a problem, here is the code: ```gdscript @onready var audio_stream_player: AudioStreamPlayer = %AudioStreamPlayer @onready var body: TextureRect = %Body @onready var expression: TextureRect = %Expression const PINK := 1 const SOPHIA := 0 var speaker_audio :={ SOPHIA : preload("res://assets/talking_synth.ogg"), PINK : preload("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg") } var current_speaker := SOPHIA var current_item_index := 0 func show_text() -> void: slide_in() var current_item := dialogue_items[current_item_index] rich_text_label.text = current_item["text"] expression.texture = current_item["expression"] body.texture = current_item["character"] rich_text_label.visible_ratio = 0.0 var tween := create_tween() var duration_appearing_txt := 1.2 tween.tween_property(rich_text_label, "visible_ratio", 1, duration_appearing_txt) audio_stream_player.stream = speaker_audio[current_speaker%2] var sound_max_length := audio_stream_player.get_length() - duration_appearing_txt var sound_start_position := randf() * sound_max_length audio_stream_player.play(sound_start_position) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player.stop) current_speaker += 1 ``` Edit: I modified the code by keeping it and wanting to directly modify the stream property that connects the audio file. And I get several errors: **In the 'call stack' console:** *Parser Error: Cannot infer the type of "sound_max_length" variable because the value doesn't have a set type.* **And in the editor script:** *Line 108:Cannot infer the type of "sound_max_length" variable because the value doesn't have a set type.* *Line 109:Cannot infer the type of "sound_start_position" variable because the value doesn't have a set type.* 4 0 Aug. 13, 2024
  • Invalid get index 'regular' (on base: 'Nil').TheEffingLawNot sure why I'm getting this error message on line 13 ```gdscript extends Control var expressions: Dictionary = { "happy": preload("res://assets/emotion_happy.png"), "regular": preload("res://assets/emotion_regular.png"), "sad": preload("res://assets/emotion_sad.png"), } var bodies:= { "pink": preload("res://assets/pink.png"), "sophia": preload("res://assets/sophia.png") } var dialogue_text: Array[Dictionary] = [ { "expression": expressions["happy"], "text": "I'm learning about Arrays and Dictionaries...", "character": bodies["sophia"], }, { "expression" : expression["regular"], "text" : "That's amazing! How is it coming along?", "character" : bodies["pink"], }, { "expression" : expressions["sad"], "text" : "it is quite complicated", "character" : bodies["sophia"], }, { "expression" : expressions["regular"], "text" : "But I won't give up. Practice makes perfect!", "character" : bodies["sophia"], }, { "expression" : expressions["happy"], "text" : "That's the spirit! You got this!", "character" : bodies["pink"], } ] var current_item_index := 0 @onready var rich_text_label : RichTextLabel = %RichTextLabel @onready var next_button : Button = %NextButton @onready var previous_button : Button = %PreviousButton @onready var audio_stream_player : AudioStreamPlayer = %AudioStreamPlayer @onready var body: TextureRect = %Body @onready var expression: TextureRect = %Expression func _ready() -> void: next_button.connect("pressed", _advance_text) previous_button.pressed.connect(_previous_text) show_text() func _advance_text() -> void: current_item_index += 1 show_text() func _previous_text() -> void: current_item_index -= 1 show_text() func show_text() -> void: var current_item := dialogue_text[current_item_index % dialogue_text.size()] var text_appearing_duration := 1.0 rich_text_label.text = current_item["text"] expression.texture = current_item["expression"] body.texture = current_item["character"] rich_text_label.visible_ratio = 0.0 var tween = create_tween() tween.tween_property(rich_text_label,"visible_ratio", 1.0, current_item["text"].length()/30.0) var max_sound_length = audio_stream_player.stream.get_length() - text_appearing_duration var sound_start_position = randf() * max_sound_length audio_stream_player.play(sound_start_position) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player.stop) slide_in() func slide_in() -> void: var tween = create_tween() tween.set_trans(Tween.TRANS_QUART).set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT) body.position.x = 200.0 tween.tween_property(body, "position:x", 0.0, 0.3) body.modulate.a = 0.0 tween.parallel().tween_property(body, "modulate:a", 1.0, 2.0) body.scale = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) tween.parallel().tween_property(body, "scale", Vector2(1.0,1.0), 2.0) ``` 2 0 Jul. 02, 2024
  • Function Nikita MyshkinI did not add the function `slide_in()` in `show_text()` I added in the functions `advance()` and `previous()`Everything works for me. I'm wondering why my option works? And how important is it to add `slide_in()` to `show_text()`? Here is my code: ```gdscript extends Control @onready var rich_text_label: RichTextLabel = %RichTextLabel @onready var next_button: Button = %NextButton @onready var previous_button: Button = %PreviousButton @onready var audio_stream_player: AudioStreamPlayer = %AudioStreamPlayer @onready var audio_stream_player_pink: AudioStreamPlayer = $AudioStreamPlayerPink @onready var body: TextureRect = %Body @onready var expression: TextureRect = %Expression var expressions := { "happy": preload("res://assets/emotion_happy.png"), "regular": preload("res://assets/emotion_regular.png"), "sad": preload("res://assets/emotion_sad.png"), "angry": preload("res://assets/extras/emotion_angry.png") } var bodies := { "sophia": preload("res://assets/sophia.png"), "pink": preload("res://assets/pink.png") } var voice := { "voice_sophia": preload("res://assets/talking_synth.ogg"), "voice_pink": preload("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg") } var dialogue_items : Array[Dictionary] = [ { "expression": expressions["regular"], "text": "I'm learning about Array...", "character": bodies["pink"], "voice": voice["voice_pink"] }, { "expression": expressions["sad"], "text": "... and it is a little bit complicated.", "character": bodies["sophia"], "voice": voice["voice_sophia"] }, { "expression": expressions["happy"], "text": "I'm happy!", "character": bodies["pink"], "voice": voice["voice_pink"] }, { "expression": expressions["angry"], "text": "Шел бы ты нахуй мудила и забери собой свои две сосиски!", "character": bodies["sophia"], "voice": voice["voice_sophia"] }, ] var current_item_index := 0 func _ready() -> void: show_text() next_button.pressed.connect(advance) previous_button.pressed.connect(previous) previous_button.visible = false func show_text() -> void: var current_item := dialogue_items[current_item_index] rich_text_label.visible_ratio = 0.0 rich_text_label.text = current_item["text"] expression.texture = current_item["expression"] body.texture = current_item["character"] audio_stream_player.stream = current_item["voice"] audio_stream_player_pink.stream = current_item["voice"] next_button.visible = current_item_index < dialogue_items.size() - 1 previous_button.visible = current_item_index > 0 var tween := create_tween() var text_appearing_duration: float = current_item["text"].length() / 20.0 tween.tween_property(rich_text_label, "visible_ratio", 1.0, text_appearing_duration) var sound_max_lenght_pink := audio_stream_player_pink.stream.get_length() - text_appearing_duration var sound_start_position_pink := randf() * sound_max_lenght_pink audio_stream_player_pink.play(sound_start_position_pink) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player_pink.stop) var sound_max_lenght := audio_stream_player.stream.get_length() - text_appearing_duration var sound_start_position := randf() * sound_max_lenght audio_stream_player.play(sound_start_position) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player.stop) func advance() -> void: current_item_index = min(current_item_index + 1, dialogue_items.size() - 1) show_text() slide_in() func previous() -> void: current_item_index = max(current_item_index - 1, 0) show_text() slide_in() func slide_in() -> void: var tween := create_tween() tween.set_trans(Tween.TRANS_QUART) tween.set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT) body.position.x = 200.0 tween.tween_property(body, "position:x", 0.0, 1.0) body.modulate.a = 0.0 tween.parallel().tween_property(body, "modulate:a", 1.0, 1.0) ``` 1 0 Jul. 01, 2024
  • Make the body slide in only if it change charactertuktuk22i add new variables and if statement to make the body slide only if it change character (body texture). it works but i curious is there any "better/proper" way to code it ? ```gdscript # ........ var current_item_index := 0 # new var var character_name : Dictionary = bodies["sophia"] var last_character : Dictionary = character_name func _ready() -> void: show_text() slide_in() next_button.pressed.connect(advance) func show_text() -> void: var current_item := dialogue_items[current_item_index] rich_text_label.text = current_item["text"] expression.texture = current_item["expression"] body.texture = current_item["character"] audio_stream_player.stream = current_item["voice"] rich_text_label.visible_ratio = 0.0 #new code here character_name = current_item["character"] var tween := create_tween() #var text_appearing_duration := 1.2 var text_appearing_duration : float = current_item["text"].length() / 30.0 var sound_max_length := audio_stream_player.stream.get_length() - text_appearing_duration var sound_start_position := randf() * sound_max_length audio_stream_player.play(sound_start_position) tween.tween_property(rich_text_label,"visible_ratio", 1.0, text_appearing_duration) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player.stop) func advance() -> void: # new code here last_character = character_name current_item_index += 1 if current_item_index == dialogue_items.size(): get_tree().quit() else: show_text() if last_character != character_name : slide_in() func slide_in() -> void: var tween := create_tween() tween.set_trans(Tween.TRANS_QUART) tween.set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT) body.position.x = 400.0 body.modulate.a = 0.0 body.scale = Vector2(0.8, 1.1) tween.tween_property(body, "position:x", 0.0, 0.8) tween.parallel().tween_property(body, "modulate:a", 1.0, 0.7) tween.parallel().tween_property(body, "scale", Vector2(1.0, 1.0), 0.7) ``` 3 0 Jun. 14, 2024
  • Adding the second voice challenge.AJ StudiosThe second voice is not playing. I'm including here the following lines of code: the `voices dictionary` I created, the lines of code I added to the `var dialogue_items: Array[Dictionary]`, the `@on ready variables` and the lines of code that play the sound under the `func show_text()` ```gdscript # The voices dictionary I created var voices := { "voiceA": preload ("res://assets/talking_synth.mp3"), "voiceB": preload ("res://assets/talking_synth_alternate.ogg"), } # The new additions to the dialogue_items Array var dialogue_items: Array[Dictionary] = [ { "character": bodies["sophia"], "voice": voices["voiceA"], }, { "character": bodies["pink"], "voice": voices["voiceB"], }, # New @on ready vars @onready var audio_stream_player_a: AudioStreamPlayer = $AudioStreamPlayerA @onready var audio_stream_player_b: AudioStreamPlayer = $AudioStreamPlayerB # I was wondering If I can combine var sound_max_length & var sound_max_length_2 # var sound_start_position & var sound_start_position_2 # That way I don't have to write so much code. func show_text() -> void: ... var sound_max_length := audio_stream_player_a.stream.get_length() - text_appearing_duration var sound_start_position := randf() * sound_max_length audio_stream_player_a.play(sound_start_position) # We stop the audio when the text finishes appearing. tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player_a.stop) var sound_max_length_2 := audio_stream_player_b.stream.get_length() - text_appearing_duration var sound_start_position_2 := randf() * sound_max_length audio_stream_player_b.play(sound_start_position) # We stop the audio when the text finishes appearing. tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player_b.stop) ``` 10 0 May. 30, 2024
  • Preformance CostStevenWhat is the performance cost of preloading data into a dictionary over and over verses loading when needed? Also, would it be better to have multiple AudioStreamPlayers? I'm thinking that the most hands-off approach in code would be to include it in the dictionary or have a separate dictionary for audio. I ended up adding audio to the dictionary and using one line of code to play the audio. audio_stream_player.set_stream(current_item["voice"]) 1 0 May. 27, 2024
  • Is my way of handling the "different voice" challenge sub-optimal or otherwise bad?SingleMom420My solution to the challenge of using the alternate voice sound for the other character involved making another AudioStreamPlayer node and then adding a check to `show_text()`: ```gdscript if current_item["character"] == preload("res://assets/sophia.png"): audio_stream_player.play(sound_start_position) else: audio_stream_player_2.play(sound_start_position) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player.stop) tween.finished.connect(audio_stream_player_2.stop) ``` This seems to be working as intended, but the hint for the challenge mentioned creating another dictionary with the preloaded sound files, which I did not do. My method seems quicker because I don't have to go back and add a new item to all the dictionaries in the `dialogue_items` array. Is there some disadvantage to my way that I'm not seeing, or is it also acceptable? 4 0 May. 17, 2024
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