Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.
Update on typed Dictionaries. / using enumsEasySpeedsTyped Dictionaries are coming in Godot 4.4!
var dict : Dictionary[int, CompressedTexture2D]
I'd like to be cautious about using strings as keys in a dictionary as it seems too error prone. So instead of using strings or variables like (var sophia = "sophia"), I opted to use an enum. As a bonus, the key index can also be auto-completed to some degree. Please forgive the variable names being almost identical.
extends Control
@onready var sophia_button: Button = %SophiaButton
@onready var pink_button: Button = %PinkButton
@onready var normal_button: Button = %NormalButton
@onready var sad_button: Button = %SadButton
@onready var happy_button: Button = %HappyButton
@onready var body: TextureRect = %Body
@onready var expression: TextureRect = %Expression
enum Bodies {SOPHIA, PINK}
enum Expressions {NORMAL, SAD, HAPPY}
var body_textures = {
Bodies.SOPHIA : preload("res://assets/sophia.png"),
Bodies.PINK : preload("res://assets/pink.png"),
var expression_textures = {
Expressions.NORMAL : preload("res://assets/emotion_regular.png"),
Expressions.SAD : preload("res://assets/emotion_sad.png"),
Expressions.HAPPY : preload("res://assets/emotion_happy.png"),
func _ready() -> void:
sophia_button.pressed.connect(func() -> void :
body.texture = body_textures[Bodies.SOPHIA]
pink_button.pressed.connect(func() -> void :
body.texture = body_textures[Bodies.PINK]
normal_button.pressed.connect(func() -> void :
expression.texture = expression_textures[Expressions.NORMAL]
sad_button.pressed.connect(func() -> void :
expression.texture = expression_textures[Expressions.SAD]
happy_button.pressed.connect(func() -> void :
expression.texture = expression_textures[Expressions.HAPPY]
```68Sep. 11, 2024
Solution without LambdasDustin```gdscript
extends Control
@onready var button_sophia: Button = %ButtonSophia
@onready var button_pink: Button = %ButtonPink
@onready var button_regular: Button = %ButtonRegular
@onready var button_sad: Button = %ButtonSad
@onready var button_happy: Button = %ButtonHappy
@onready var expression: TextureRect = %Expression
@onready var body: TextureRect = $Body
const HAPPY := 0
const REGULAR := 1
const SAD := 2
const PINK := 0
const SOPHIA := 1
var available_bodies: Array[CompressedTexture2D] = [
var available_expressions: Array[CompressedTexture2D] = [
func _ready() -> void:
var sad_expression: Callable = switch_expression.bind(SAD)
var happy_expression: Callable = switch_expression.bind(HAPPY)
var regular_expression: Callable = switch_expression.bind(REGULAR)
var sophia_body: Callable = switch_bodies.bind(SOPHIA)
var pink_body: Callable = switch_bodies.bind(PINK)
func switch_bodies(index) -> void:
body.texture = available_bodies[index]
func switch_expression(index) -> void:
expression.texture = available_expressions[index]
22Aug. 03, 2024
A question about L8.P1EddyI did the exercice and completed the tasks. But I have a question about the result. Before completing it, if I ran the scene the first displayed character is Dani. Why, after completing the exercice, do I have Nova displayed first instead of Dani? Is there a part of the code where she is selected first or is it something else? 81May. 22, 2024
Multiple cursors...AJ StudiosI imagine that this technique is very useful when dealing with large dictionaries and or arrays but I'm struggling a bit when it comes to multiple cursors. I'm using a Macbook Pro and a separate bluetooth keyboard. There is no end key or home key on the laptop or the keyboard I'm using. So when is time to let's say insert parenthesis it will insert "()" in the beginning of all the lines, not the lines within parenthesis.
I will continue doing research on this topic and report back if I find a solution for Mac users like myself.81May. 21, 2024
Typo in practice codenear-octopusIn `L8.P1.pick_your_character/` there is a small typo in the code comment:
# make the gobot and sophia buttons work below
But the characters for the exercise are Dani, Gobot, and Nova.11May. 20, 2024
We will not use Expressions scene anymoreMarcJJust FYI, at the end of this lesson there's a line that says
> We will not use the scene expressions.tscn in this module anymore
But it's used in the next lesson and repeats the line at the end11May. 13, 2024
Lambda vs BindingmattvanlawI tend to take the start of these lessons as prompts, code things up, and then run through the instructions.
For using the dictionary values based on the button pressed, my mind first went to calling a connected function with arguments and (though it's all but dead due to arrow functions in JS) an old friend `.bind`.
E.g., `button_sophia.pressed.connect(_change_character.bind("sophia"))`
Was surprised this worked haha!
I really like your list of pros for using lambdas, but thinking the tradeoff for me will always be code duplication and worse readability vs (damn forgetting the fun academic word for it from *Clean Code*) keeping the code as close to its implementation as possible.
Anyway, not really any questions here. Just dropping a coding comment! Loving the course so far :raised-hands:10Mar. 05, 2025
Minor Typo in Indirection Glossaryafriendlydog"Code with fewer indirection has a few key benefits:"
should be
"Code with **less** indirection has a few key benefits:" (or possibly "...fewer levels of indirection...")10Mar. 04, 2025
Small typo!PingoTV"It's also common to write lamdas in a more compact form, with the function definition on the same line as the `connect()` function:"
Missing a 'B' in lambda on this line!10Feb. 25, 2025
Any notable difference between using set_texture() vs texture = ?quarterly-snakeI was just wondering if there is any difference other than syntax to using the set_texture() function over just making the texture property equal to the new texture. I used the set_texture() function to solve the first small challenge and just stuck with it for the lesson instead of the alternative.
body.texture = bodies["sophia"]
```10Feb. 09, 2025
I can't get Pink to show up or the expression to changeimprobable-walrusI'm up to this step:
func _ready() -> void:
body.texture = bodies["pink"]
expression.texture = expressions["happy"]
But it's still showing me Sophia, and the expression isn't changing. It's not showing Pink at all. All my code seems to be exactly the same though so I can't figure out why.
Edit: okay listen, this is embarrassing but I'll leave this here in case this happens to someone else. I was pressing the play button to run the scene, not the "run current scene" button. So I was looking at the expressions scene in the editor and the dialogue scene when testing.10Jan. 08, 2025
Typo in Indirection example codeSeppo007Hi,
I just noticed that there is a small typo in the first example of the Indirection explanation:
func _ready() -> void:
button.pressed.connect(_on_button_pressed) # <-- should be called _on_sort_button_pressed
## sorts the inventory items by value
func _on_sort_button_pressed() -> void: # <-- or should be called _on_button_pressed
```10Nov. 21, 2024
Alternative insert preload linesdatiswousIf you write in body dictionary `"sophia" :` and then CtrL-move the image file next to it you automatically get this line: `"sophia" : preload("res://assets/sophia.png")` . So it automatically adds the correct preload line. Maybe this is mentioned in the lesson later, but I didn't see it.10Nov. 20, 2024
Add Caret Below in Macfox-favingerThis drove me up the wall until I researched what went wrong. Command+Shift+L pulls up the Library folder in Finder, but only while focused on the desktop. The command doesn't work when focused on another window, but MacOS won't register the L key when Shift and Command are held down. This is clearly a bug in the OS, or I'm losing it.
As a workaround, I added Shift+Command+; to ui_text_caret_add_below in Editor Settings. As a VS Code user, I love being able to add cursors without picking up my mouse, but I'm happy Option Click is here as well.10Nov. 15, 2024
Best practicemajestic-turtleWhen scripting in Godot, is it considered best practice to default to the following:
- access nodes as scene unique names by marking them as Scene Unique ?
- use the @onready annotation to get references to nodes ?
- preload all the resources with the preload() function ?
Or are there instances where a beginner like myself should avoid them ?
Thank you for your time and dedication. I'm really impressed by the quality of your content :)20Nov. 10, 2024
{} and []silver-foxI have a Quenstion. The list of the Dictionary is in curly braces. And to access dictionary values we use curly braces. Shouldn't we use also curly braces for accessing the values? is a little bit confusing10Oct. 30, 2024
Feedback: ["this"] and .thatMrBright01One of my biggest confusion points during the learning process with gdquest is when to use ["name"] and .name when changing a value. I spent a lot of effort trying to memorize when you use which, and it made it sometimes much harder to finish tests because I was trying to figure out what they did differently and which I needed at any given time.
... But they both work? Arrrrglebargle.
Just my opinion of course, but I think a small dropdown helper early on that explains that they do the same thing but are used differently for clarity/good style practices would go a long way for someone like me in really understanding how they both work. Not sure how common that is, might not be worth it, but was worth commenting.
That said, your explanation of arrays and dictionaries was wonderful and helped me a great deal, as that was something I had a lot of difficulty with the same subject in the "learn to code from zero in godot" free course. Like the other suggestion, might just be me, and might not be worth pursuit (probably take a lot of work because of the structure differences), but wanted to comment on that as well.
This has been a great course, and I am glad I picked it up. It was during the practice on the previous chapter when it all clicked and I started to be able to predict solutions and write them ahead of time, even if they were generally less elegant than the solutions taught by the end. So the objective of teaching enough to be able to go past copying was a complete success in my case. And now, with arrays and dictionaries so wonderfully explained, it feels like I am reaching a point where I could actually go try to make something entirely on my own with nothing but my notes and the documentation.
Very well done. Thank you.10Oct. 28, 2024
Small inconsistency - & expressions.gdCasimirMorelThe script file for expressions is referred by in the body of the lesson and by at the end of the lesson (and also at the end of lesson 9)
BTW thank you for the puns in the lessons, those are important ("because it's full of bugs", "42", etc.)10Oct. 24, 2024
Text to fix (and thanks)LaevusTwo small text mistakes to fix in the next update:
When explaining lambda's, between the two code examples of the formatting, there's "lamdas".
In the optional drop down box "How can I save preferences?" there's the text "you'll learn this in a next module", where "a next" should be either "the next" or "a later", depending on which is correct.
But just so it's not all corrections, thanks for the pace change. It's helping me to start engaging my brain more and pay closer attention.10Oct. 17, 2024
Slight refactoringfabulous-giraffeNot a question, more of a note
While I see the value in lambdas, I think adding a "change_expression" and "change_body" function called via those lambdas could be helpful, something like : (to avoid typos / simplify refactoring down the line if the dicts names changes for example)
func _ready() -> void:
body.texture = bodies["pink"]
expression.texture = expressions["happy"]
button_sophia.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
button_pink.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
button_happy.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
button_regular.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
button_sad.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
func _change_expression(exp: String) -> void:
expression.texture = expressions[exp]
func _change_body(b: String) -> void:
body.texture = bodies[b]
```10Oct. 02, 2024
Alternate way to change the textures (not a question)Abdul Hannan Ahmed```gdscript
extends Control
const BODY_TEXTURES := {
"pink": preload("res://assets/pink.png"),
"sophia": preload("res://assets/sophia.png")
"regular": preload("res://assets/emotion_regular.png"),
"sad": preload("res://assets/emotion_sad.png"),
"happy": preload("res://assets/emotion_happy.png")
@onready var body: TextureRect = %Body
@onready var expression: TextureRect = %Expression
@onready var button_sophia: Button = %ButtonSophia
@onready var button_pink: Button = %ButtonPink
@onready var button_sad: Button = %ButtonSad
@onready var button_regular: Button = %ButtonRegular
@onready var button_happy: Button = %ButtonHappy
func _ready() -> void:
button_sophia.pressed.connect(change_texture.bind(body, BODY_TEXTURES["sophia"]))
button_pink.pressed.connect(change_texture.bind(body, BODY_TEXTURES["pink"]))
button_sad.pressed.connect(change_texture.bind(expression, EXPRESSION_TEXTURES["sad"]))
button_regular.pressed.connect(change_texture.bind(expression, EXPRESSION_TEXTURES["regular"]))
button_happy.pressed.connect(change_texture.bind(expression, EXPRESSION_TEXTURES["happy"]))
func change_texture(texture_rect: TextureRect, new_texture: Texture2D) -> void:
texture_rect.texture = new_texture
Hi! I just found an alternate way to change the textures. I just wanted to ask, is this way considered a good practice too?
Thanks in advance,
Abdul Hannan Ahmed30Sep. 09, 2024
Lambdas inside LambdaspicrocAs a JS developer, I use Lambdas a lot, and was really glad to find out they are in GDScript.
However, it's still not as good because
- Indents instead of braces make it hard to read
- If assigned to a variable, you can't call them as regular functions (only by using `.call`)
Here's my take on the connections code:
var set_body := func(body_name: String) -> Callable:
return func() -> void:
body.texture = bodies[body_name]
var set_expression := func(expression_name: String) -> Callable:
return func() -> void:
expression.texture = expressions[expression_name]
```10Sep. 02, 2024
Workaround for autocompleting keys in dictionary lookupsprofuse-otterI don't really like using strings for lookups since you don't get autocomplete or error-checking so I tried a solution using enums for keys. I was wondering if there are any drawbacks to this. It did somewhat limit my ability to do multiline text editing
var bodies := {
BODIES.SOPHIA: preload("res://assets/sophia.png"),
BODIES.PINK: preload("res://assets/pink.png")
var expressions := {
EXPRESSIONS.HAPPY: preload("res://assets/emotion_happy.png"),
EXPRESSIONS.REGULAR: preload("res://assets/emotion_regular.png"),
EXPRESSIONS.SAD: preload("res://assets/emotion_sad.png"),
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
body.texture = bodies[BODIES.PINK]
expression.texture = expressions[EXPRESSIONS.HAPPY]
```10Aug. 27, 2024
Tiny typo in Lambda functions glossaryMatejUnder [Case 4]( immediately invoked function expressions, second code example, Node2D is typed as Nod2D
@onready var largest_target := (func() -> Nod2D: # We nodding in 2D
10Aug. 21, 2024
Object Notation Owl Knight1. It's more explicit. When you write `bodies["sophia"]`, you are reminded that you are not sure the key exists. If you write `bodies.sophi` (the "a" is missing here), Godot will not tell you if there is an error.
At least at the stage this is stated, I do not find this to be true. I see no squigglies or console message warning me about either method when purposefully using a typo. Perhaps I am missing something?
var bodies: Dictionary = {
"sophia": preload("res://assets/sophia.png"),
"pink": preload("res://assets/pink.png"),
var expressions: Dictionary = {
"regular": preload("res://assets/emotion_regular.png"),
"sad": preload("res://assets/emotion_sad.png"),
"happy": preload("res://assets/emotion_happy.png"),
func _ready() -> void:
body.texture = bodies["pin"] # TYPO HERE
expression.texture = # TYPO HERE
```40Aug. 14, 2024
Expected end of file.KaiI had a weird error show up:
Error at (41, 1): Expected end of file.
Line 41: Expected end of file.
I was so confused at first until I hit "ctrl s" to save my work. Suddenly, it automatically created a line 41 and the error went away. I removed line 41 to see if it would come back and it did. Do you know the precise reason this error occurs or is it intended? I suppose it wasn't able to tell I was finished with the ready function without that additional line after the final bracket?
This is the code with the error:
func _ready() -> void:
body.texture = bodies["pink"]
expression.texture = expressions["happy"]
button_sophia.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
body.texture = bodies["sophia"]
button_pink.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
body.texture = bodies["pink"]
button_regular.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
expression.texture = expressions["regular"]
button_sad.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
expression.texture = expressions["sad"]
button_happy.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
expression.texture = expressions["happy"]
And here's the code without the error:
func _ready() -> void:
body.texture = bodies["pink"]
expression.texture = expressions["happy"]
button_sophia.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
body.texture = bodies["sophia"]
button_pink.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
body.texture = bodies["pink"]
button_regular.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
expression.texture = expressions["regular"]
button_sad.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
expression.texture = expressions["sad"]
button_happy.pressed.connect(func() -> void:
expression.texture = expressions["happy"]
You can see the only difference is the new line created after line 19.20Aug. 12, 2024
Anyone else having issues with the multiple cursors?PurrNuggetI'm on windows with a standard keyboard. I checked the editor setting shortcuts and it does show the ui_text_caret_add_below/above to be Ctrl+Shift+Down/Up but nothing happens when I click them. I tried both ctrl+shifts. Only way I can create multiple is using ctrl+d to grab similar words and then move out of the selection to keep multiple cursors.
Using ctrl+up/down doesn't do anything either but shift+up/down does work. Very strange.30Jun. 22, 2024
Typopuzzled-magpie> It's a function we use it to load resources20Jun. 20, 2024
Lambda FunctionstesfalconI saw lambda functions referenced in the GDScript reference book, but I didn't understand what they were or how to use them. This was very clarifying. Now, I just don't understand why they're called lambdas.40Jun. 15, 2024
Lambda Glossary entry questionStonemonkeyHow would you pass an argument to the lambda in the following code. I can't figure out how to use `num`
func _ready() -> void:
var multiply_by_ten := func (num: int) -> int:
return num * 10
Also in the example:
func characters := [
{name = "Gimly", age = 139 },
{name = "Frodo Baggins", age = 50 },
{name = "Gandalf", age = 2000 },
{name = "Samwise Gamgee", age = 33 },
I know it's an array that contains dictionaries as values, but the syntax of the dictionary values doesn't make sense to me. Are `name` and `age`supposed to be the keys? If so why aren't they using colons?20Jun. 03, 2024
what does using ":" in a dictionary declaration do?nedif it can't deduce the type of objects in a dictionary, what does it do?10May. 31, 2024
Lesson Q&A
Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.