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Lesson Q&A

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  • Great module, thank you!SebI particularly appreciated the numerous challenges to write the code *before* you give the "teacher version". 8 12 May. 22, 2024
  • My favorite aspect of BBCode RichTextLabels is ...tesfalcon... displaying IMAGES! I used RichTextLabel in my game to display images to show the player which game items produce with which other game items in the merge trees and in the catcher. I'm not talking about emojis in speech, but explaining the game's characters, enemies, etc. using the actual images from the game in the notebook. 1 3 Jun. 19, 2024
  • Help with making hints using BBCodeFioretinI’m trying to make hints in dialogue using the BBCode. Ideally, the hint will pop up when the player hovers over the text. I’ve added the following line of code into my script, but the hint doesn’t pop up when I hover over it. I think I’m missing something but I’m not sure what to do… ```gdscript var dialogue_items : Array[Dictionary] = [ . . . { "expression": expressions_dictionary["sad"], "text": "[i]\"The world is what you make of it,\"[/i] or so [hint={Pink}]she[/hint] says.", "body": bodies_dictionary["sophia"], "voice": voices_dictionary["voice_1"] }, . . . ``` Also, in certain games, they add an additional text above the dialogue to clarify what certain words are. For example, in Honkai Star Rail, the first time you hear about the Interastral Peace Corporation, there’s a smaller text right above it that says “Galatic Monopoly”. I wonder how to implement such things in Godot? 11 0 Sep. 09, 2024
  • Typo about BBCodeTJHi! The lesson says: > Notice how in the last line, I *nested* BBCode tags to combine the bold and italics format. Looking at the actual code, what is probably intended is the `tornado` and `rainbow` tags. 1 0 Aug. 16, 2024
  • Cannot wait for M8FernandoIt was a great module, I learned a lot and it made me excited for the next one. Just thinking about writing the name of a character and automatically knowing what texture use, what sound play and which accent color use, made me thrilled for more. 1 0 Jun. 16, 2024
  • Button effect on 2nd attempt seems has no toggle button animation?CelsDid I miss something? Seems the toggle button and focus (color yellow animation) seems not show after the 2nd attempt? 5 0 May. 22, 2024
  • The last BBCode dialogue sentence change suggestion doesn't match the animationGurkWhen suggesting the three sentences changes, I noticed in the changes log that the third change is not the sentence corresponding to the rainbow decoration, and it show the same sentence twice (old and new). I checked in the code reference and i saw that it actually changes the last one: Instead of: `"text": "Mhhh... I see. I'll keep at it, then.",` It should be: `"text": "Thanks for the encouragement. Time to [tornado freq=3.0][rainbow val=1.0]LEARN!!![/rainbow][/tornado]",` 1 0 May. 18, 2024
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