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Lesson Q&A

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  • Missing test for an actual movement (L2.P1)easy-going-narwhalL2.P1 practice test does not verify that **velocity** is multiplied by **max_speed.** **Actual results:** All test are passed even if velocity vector is not multiplied by max_speed ```gdscript velocity = direction ``` Actually ship moves but extremely slow, visually looks like it is only changes movement direction **Expected results:** additional test to verify ship movement 1 0 Sep. 04, 2024
  • L2.P1 FailingBlatheringGeekI'm not sure if there's something I've missed or if it's an error with the plugin. I have completed the practice and continuously fail the "Direction vector matches simulated inputs" check. It looks like it's behaving identically to the demo half of the test. I even copied the solution from the Solutions project file and it still fails. 3 0 Aug. 26, 2024
  • Question relating the _process() function.Abdul Hannan AhmedI have understood the difference between the `_process()` and `_physics_process()` function. The difference is that the `delta` value of the *`process()` function might change every frame, while it's not the case in the* `_physics_process()` function. I also understand `_physics_proces()` syncs the code within with the Godot's physics engine. My question is that wouldn't we want to sync the entire game with the Physics engine? Why do we even use `_process()` function then? 2 0 Aug. 24, 2024
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