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Lesson Q&A

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  • What is the name of the artist that created they Runner Down.pngearnest-meerkatHello, I was wondering if I could know the person who made the runner down png. I like the style and wanted to see if they were open for commission. Thanks in advance! 1 5 Nov. 08, 2024
  • L2.P1 FailingBlatheringGeekI'm not sure if there's something I've missed or if it's an error with the plugin. I have completed the practice and continuously fail the "Direction vector matches simulated inputs" check. It looks like it's behaving identically to the demo half of the test. I even copied the solution from the Solutions project file and it still fails. 16 3 Aug. 26, 2024
  • Smoothness of movementram876When starting a scene with _process(), the character moves much more smoothly and more pleasantly than with _physics_process(). Is it possible to achieve the same smoothness of movement in _physics_process()? If it is not possible to achieve such smoothness as in the process(), will it be acceptable if I use it? 7 1 Oct. 30, 2024
  • steering_vectorOzardDoes the move_and_slide() work similar to the steering vector and desired direction we implemented on M4? Movement feels more "robotic". 1 0 Jan. 05, 2025
  • Help with downloading and learningpikminfan71Hi Guys how are you? long time no see!!! I paused my learning for 2 and a half months because I needed to really focus on studying to the SAT. I stopped learning right when M9 launched and I wanted to ask for advice. Should I go over all that we learned before or should I Proceed with M9 and go back everytime I need a refresher on something? Also, I switched to a macbook and when I tried to download the course files and I open it on Godot 4.3 it only shows me the 1st lesson which is weird. Thank you guys so much and I'm excited to be back! 2 0 Dec. 20, 2024
  • How to think about _process() and _physics_process() togetherTJThe lesson mentions that: > On the other hand, the `_physics_process()` function executes with a fixed delta value of `1 / 60` of a second by default, preventing this kind of bug. So depending on the refresh rate of the monitor (or game window) either `_process()` or `_physics_process()` is executed more often per second. I guess from both the `_process()` and `_physics_process()` functions it's still common to refer to the same root-level variables in the same script? For example, general character properties like stamina/health/max_speed could in principle be read from and written to by both functions (or helper functions called from them). Is there general advice for how to think about how `_process()` and `_physics_process()` interleave their frequency and how to be careful which function reads and which function writes to a common set of variables? For example, the `_process()` function might write to a variable which is also read by the `_physics_process()` function, or vice versa, and this might perhaps lead to unexpected results depending on how these functions interleave in time and how the `delta` time fluctuates with respect to the fixed frequency of `_physics_process()`. I hope my question is not too vague, I'm just wondering if there is common advice for which duties and which types of variable reading/writing tasks should be allocated to either `_process()` or `_physics_process()`. Thanks for your help! 3 0 Nov. 09, 2024
  • Little typo?GurkAt the sentence > Then drag the runner_down.png texture from the res://assets directory to the _Texture* property of the *Skin* node. Later, we will change the image with code I think you wanted to make the Texture word bold, but a _ sneaked in instead of a *. Maybe? 1 0 Oct. 23, 2024
  • L2.P1 Extra Stepunhappy-dragonflyIn the "Practice Makes Perfect" section. Once of the check offs is "The ship collides with asteroids". This is not necessary and may be confusing because you are not yet dealing with collisions in this lesson. 1 0 Oct. 09, 2024
  • Possible Issue with L2.P1Triggern0metry1When I ran the tests the first time, the test 'Ship moves with pressed direction keys' failed as one of the ships collided with one of the asteroids (interupting its pathing). I ran the test again with no changes to the code and all tests passed. My code looks identical to the solution code provided. 1 0 Sep. 26, 2024
  • Missing test for an actual movement (L2.P1)zheqdL2.P1 practice test does not verify that **velocity** is multiplied by **max_speed.** **Actual results:** All test are passed even if velocity vector is not multiplied by max_speed ```gdscript velocity = direction ``` Actually ship moves but extremely slow, visually looks like it is only changes movement direction **Expected results:** additional test to verify ship movement 3 0 Sep. 04, 2024
  • Question relating the _process() function.Abdul Hannan AhmedI have understood the difference between the `_process()` and `_physics_process()` function. The difference is that the `delta` value of the *`process()` function might change every frame, while it's not the case in the* `_physics_process()` function. I also understand `_physics_proces()` syncs the code within with the Godot's physics engine. My question is that wouldn't we want to sync the entire game with the Physics engine? Why do we even use `_process()` function then? 2 0 Aug. 24, 2024
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