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  • move_and_slide in top down need extra line for slide correctlyDowarFor `move_and_slide` to work correctly for sliding on diagonal wall you should precise to put in the `_ready` of `runner.gd` script the line `set_motion_mode(MOTION_MODE_FLOATING)` because the default motion mode `MOTION_MODE_GROUNDED` only slide on floor wich cause to only slide the slope in one way due to no gravity or real floor in top down game ^^ 1 1 Sep. 05, 2024
  • Feedback (Positive)apt-barracudaThank you for including a collapsible slide about how the animated runner scene was made, despite it being beyond the scope of the course to learn how to make it. Doing this helps generalists such as myself to get started looking into these topics independently. 1 0 Sep. 11, 2024
  • "move smoothly" broken link to M4jmagrippisHey, great stuff on this one too, working through it and excited for the rest of the modules 🙌 Just a heads-up that there's a broken link near the start, "we made the spaceship [move smoothly]". Instead of the relative path of the internal link you may have typo'd in something weird 🙂 1 0 Sep. 06, 2024
  • Small remark + "migration" issue from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0iDieHello, It looks to me that these sentences are duplicates (maybe only one was supposed to stay): - An artist may choose to import assets with a higher resolution to allow you to animate camera zoom later on without losing visual quality. - Here, the artist made the character bigger to allow for more detail. The higher resolution allows for effects like zooming in on the character without losing quality. Also, I was working using the files from `l2dfz-0.6.0-win` but I didn't want to lose my changes -> I copied the content of the folder `M09.top_down_movement_workbook` from `l2dfz-0.7.0-win` into my existing folder and I had a strange issue : the scene `runner_visual_red.tscn` was pointing to `character_visual.gd`. This prevented me from having: `@onready var _runner_visual: RunnerVisual = %RunnerVisualRed` I realized it was related to the old "character" files (coming from `l2dfz-0.6.0-win`) and reattached the script `runner_visual.gd` to `runner_visual_red.tscn`. After having a closer look, I noticed that the exact root cause was that `runner_visual_blue.tscn` has the same uid as `character_visual_blue.tscn` (same for `runner_visual_red.tscn` and `character_visual_red.tscn`). Not sure it will impact a lot of people but I prefer to indicate it here. Dai 3 0 Sep. 02, 2024
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