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Lesson Q&A

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  • Question relating the `lerp()` functionAbdul Hannan AhmedHi! If I'm not wrong, I think I figured out what the result of the lerp function will be. ```gdscript var starting_value = 0.0 var ending_value = 10.0 var weight = 0.7 lerp(starting_value, ending_value, weight) const FORMULA := starting_value + [ (ending_value - starting_value) * weight ] ``` 1 0 Nov. 12, 2024
  • A bit confusediDieHello, At some point, you explain that we need to check if some nodes are null to > prevent a potential issue but right after, you explain that the setters are called before the nodes are available: > This process happens before nodes are added to the tree, so before other nodes are even available! When I read that, it seems to me that it is not a potential problem but an actual one that will occur every time we instantiate that scene. Is it the case? By the way, is there are reason why you say > so before other nodes are even available and not "so before other nodes are even **ready**"? Related to that, according to me, the property `Menu Opened Amount` is only applied in the preview thanks to the `@tool` annotation (I guess because the node is ready in the preview) but when you launch the game, it is never applied because the setter is applied "too early". I assume this is not really a problem because in next lesson, we will animate the pause screen -> we'll call the method `set_menu_opened_amount` multiple times. But wouldn't it be better to make sure the initial property is taken into account by doing this (or did I miss something)? ```gdscript func _ready() -> void: set_menu_opened_amount(menu_opened_amount) ``` Another thing that confused me is that the info block > Nothing is happening when I move the slider! was put after the sentence > *Give it a try!* (with a video in between). If I understand correctly the change was not picked up because when you add `@tool` you need to reload the scene after. Is that correct? And if so, it would be better to explain it before proposing to test. Dai 2 0 Nov. 02, 2024
  • Setter Method ConfusionCave Darr I feel like I may have unintentionally glossed over setter methods when they were first introduced. I don't understand their syntax, or use case. When are they needed and when not. Which module and lesson where they first taught? Thanks! 3 0 Oct. 31, 2024
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