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Lesson Q&A

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  • I don't understand how exactly Engine.is_editor_hint() worksmilk_manI know what it does, it checks in the tool script if the code is running in the editor. Still, how important is it? If I leave it out, everything seems to work fine. Also, I'm having trouble understanding when and when not the code is suppose to run in the editor. I wrote the following: ```gdscript if Engine.is_editor_hint(): print("running in the editor") return ``` But whatever I do, the message will not be printed. 4 0 Jan. 20, 2025
  • Double click on resume makes it so pause screen restartFiremaneIf i click twice on the resume button while on the pause screen too fast it stays in the pause screen, I believe this causes the animation to restart on the function _ready() with the _resume.presseed.connect(toggle). Is there a fix so that if the player spam click the resume button it won't go back to pause screen? 1 0 Jan. 20, 2025
  • "if not _is_currently_opening:" seemingly leads to situational responsivenessslim-lemurIn the below code: ```gdscript var duration := animation_duration # If there's a tween, and it is animating, we want to kill it. # This stops the previous animation. if _tween != null: if not _is_currently_opening: # If the previous tween was animating, we want to animate back # from the current point in the animation. duration = _tween.get_total_elapsed_time() _tween.kill() ``` The pause screen is made more responsive as the duration of the transition tween only uses the elapsed time instead of the full duration if the pause screen was mid transition. However, because of the line: ```gdscript if not _is_currently_opening: ``` ...this responsiveness only happens when canceling a "toggle on", and not vice versa. Ergo, when a user closes the pause menu, but quickly changes their mind, the ensuing tween takes the full duration, with very little visual change, lacking the responsiveness of the opposite scenario. This seems counterproductive and commenting out said conditional leads to a more responsive feeling menu. 3 0 Jan. 04, 2025
  • Clicking the resume button has no effecthumble-pelican_resume_button.pressed.connect(toggle.bind(false)) If I write the code like this, my resume button doesn't work, and when I remove bind(false), the resume button will work, so I'm wondering, the toggle function doesn't need to take arguments, so what's the meaning of the false we're binding here?Thank you ~ 1 0 Dec. 07, 2024
  • Hard lessonsPixAngelHellow! Just to say that's 2 previous lessons are harder. I Think the gap is more important than before. I'm afraid I won't be able to code something like it alone in a near future. Have you some advices to integrate all this block of logic? I've got 2 questions : I don't understand why we need this line in the set_menu_opened_amount() fonction. ```gdscript menu_opened_amount = amount ``` I beleived that was already the case because of the argument of the fonction. Another thing : You explained that we want the same time for opening and closing Pause Menu, specially if we do it fast. So we have coded : ```gdscript if _tween != null: duration = _tween.get_total_elapsed_time() _tween.kill() ``` But i observed a weird behavior. When I quickly open and close Pause Menu, and just after, doing it again but very slow, i feel my duration has kept the same value as the first and not the default. Is it normal? I'm searching a solution but in vain :/ 1 0 Nov. 28, 2024
  • still playable? CelsWhy I can still play when I pressed ui_cancel or the pause button even thought the ui_panel_container is visible? I think the code is working well 3 0 Nov. 26, 2024
  • Small UI issue noticedPaulText that follows: `Callout > Note > Code` is all but impossible to read whilst in dark mode. Clearly a rarity as I've not noticed it up until now. Purple text with a grey highlight behind! (seen above in the [How can I consume an input in one of these input functions?](https://school.gdquest.com/courses/learn_2d_gamedev_godot_4/top_down_movement/pause_screen_code#) callout) 1 0 Nov. 25, 2024
  • I wanted to see the joke D:Noro[https://i.imgur.com/mZjvgnc.png](https://i.imgur.com/mZjvgnc.png) but it says the same thing than the good anser :( Also, will we see how to build a GameState manager later in the course? I get the idea but I'm not sure how to build a hierarchy tree in order to do so, especially in a bigger project. 5 0 Nov. 23, 2024
  • Wrong method for Tween + resuming looks a bit offWatchinofoyeHello, First, I'd like to point an error in the lesson : the method called in the lesson is `interpolate_property` but this method does not exist anymore. It should be `tween_property`, instead. Also, I find the rendering of the pause screen seems off, because it release the pause too soon when resuming the game. Instead of : ```gdscript get_tree().paused = amount > 0.3 ``` I'd rather write : ```gdscript get_tree().paused = visible ``` Since the visibility of the pause screen is related to the pause state. 1 0 Nov. 14, 2024
  • Glitching confettis on pauseInotdoggoWhile playing around with the finished pause screen I stumbled upon this confusing glitch. Whenever i pause when the confettis are on the screen, they start stuttering in place and after a while the scene reloads. I tried understanding, why that is happening and i came to conclusion that it might have something to do with creating timers on tree in in confettis_particles.tscn. `func pop_confettis() -> void:` `for _i in confettis_amount:` `await get_tree().create_timer(confettis_pop_time_delay).timeout` `var confettis: ConfettisParticles = ConfettisParticlesScene.instantiate()` `confettis.global_position += Vector2.from_angle(randf() * TAU) * confettis_radius` `add_child(confettis)` `await get_tree().create_timer(confettis_pop_time_delay).timeout` `finished.emit()` I have no idea wheter that's true, but if so what would be the fix for that. 3 0 Nov. 13, 2024
  • The order of input eventicy-chamoisAfter reading [Learn 3D Gamedev from Zero With Godot](https://school.gdquest.com/courses/learn_3d_gamedev_godot_4/gobot_the_sorcerer/input#how-godot-propagates-input-events),“Nodes in the tree receive the input event from top to bottom”, maybe it's"bottom to top,child to parent"? 1 0 Nov. 01, 2024
  • Typo hunterRuben TeijeiroThere is a typo in the code for the argument "or_greater" in the declaration of the variable animation_duration. In the code is represented as "or greater" using a space character but it should be "or_greater" with the underscore character. There is also a typo "contributre" when explaining the inputs. 1 0 Oct. 30, 2024
  • How would one go about toggling the pause menu on and off with the same key?right-cheetahOutside of this course, I've been practicing on my own projects independently, and one of the issues I've been having is getting a pause screen to work as intended by only toggling one key. Just to clarify, if I have "enter" as my key input to toggle the menu, I don't want "esc" or any other key to cancel out of the menu and back to the game, I just want getting into and out of the menu solely designated to the "enter" key. The issue I feel is a problem (besides making sure all the nodes are in the correct processing states) is letting Godot know when the enter key is attached to turning the menu on as opposed to turning it off (i.e. if I have "enter" added into my keyboard inputs under the project settings and have it for toggling the menu, but then try to use it for getting out of the menu within the menu scene, Godot still thinks I'm trying to enter the menu when I press enter). 14 0 Oct. 23, 2024
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