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Lesson Q&A

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  • Super fun lesson!AJ StudiosThis has been the most fun lesson so far. I took my time and played around with the particle emitter node to my heart's content. I had to stop if not I was never going to move on to the other lessons. I took on the challenge and recreated the effects on this lesson but with a twist of my own and I also created my own effect. Here's a link to see the effects: [https://youtu.be/Vdk_3IsWR6Q](https://youtu.be/Vdk_3IsWR6Q) By the way, I added sound effects while editing the video. I still have to learn how to add sound in Godot. Let me know what you guys think! 2 6 Nov. 19, 2024
  • Dust emittingOzardI loved this module, I'm officially a big fan of particles now! I implemented this check for dust emitting, is it alright?: ```gdscript move_and_slide() velocity = get_real_velocity() if velocity != Vector2(0.0,0.0): dust.emitting = true else: dust.emitting = false ``` 1 1 Jan. 09, 2025
  • Particles challengesPurpleSunriseHello! Just for completion sake here is a video of the 2 particle challenges. I didn't go to crazy with this as I am too impatient to see what's next on this module! So far it's really fun and I am learning a lot of new things! Thank you! link : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlpr-qaAD_I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlpr-qaAD_I) 5 1 Dec. 07, 2024
  • What is the best way to change the overall scale a particle effect?HardRockWhen experimenting with the particles, I tried to find ways how I could scale up their area (basically the parent Node2D's scale), without the effect falling apart, but due to how the particles themselves are spawned, scaled and how their lifetime works, this doesn't seem feasible, without changing many of the parameters of the GPUParticles2D node to accommodate the new overall scale, to approximate how the effect looked in a smaller scale for example. Am I missing something simple? The only thing I can think of is rendering the particles into a SubViewport like we did with our runner, then into a texture and scaling this texture, but to be honest I don't like how this affects the quality of the original rendering. 3 0 Dec. 26, 2024
  • Code to make dust particles appear only when moving (not just when there is an input event, but when there is an actual change in position). Also, a small change so the idle animation works even when you're stopped and even giving input directions.Lucas PscheidtIn my game I made the movement very frenetic, so there are times that the player might be stuck for half a second or so facing a wall (until he gets the hang of it). Because of this, I decided to change the code so the visual particles would only appear when you are actually moving, as well as the running and walking animations. Here is the code if anyone wonders: ... @onready var last_position = position ... func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: ... if global_position.round() != last_position.round() and has_input_direction: dust.emitting = true var current_speed_percente := velocity.length() / max_speed runner_visual_red.animation_name = ( RunnerVisual.Animations.WALK if current_speed_percente <0.85 else RunnerVisual.Animations.RUN ) else: runner_visual_red.animation_name = RunnerVisual.Animations.IDLE dust.emitting = false last_position = global_position 3 0 Dec. 26, 2024
  • I managed to do 2 different sparkle effectsLucas PscheidtHere is the video of how it turned out: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1h8TbO5ClY_tBIOp3Ps_53EW7hFKQ596t?usp=drive_link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1h8TbO5ClY_tBIOp3Ps_53EW7hFKQ596t?usp=drive_link) 3 0 Dec. 23, 2024
  • Particle effects challenge with added interactions◆ LPI tried to do add a bit more interactions & stuff to the scene after doing the particle effects. Here is the [recording](https://drive.proton.me/urls/F9RCCY7GS4#VeAIDOLnIHFA) of my particle effects & interaction scene. - Added smoke & spark effects to the fire. - Created a healing column & the electric spark particle effects. - Created dust particle. - Added dust particle to the Runner. - Changed dust particle direction using `.emitting` & `.process_material.set("direction", Vector3())` - Added footstep sound to the Runner. - Added sound, color changes to dust & background particles, when runner gets close to the fire, healing column, or electric spark particle effects. - Added background texture using NoiseTexture2D in TextureRect node. I have some questions related to particle effects: - I noticed that my big particle effect for the background took some time to fill the screen. Is it possible to start the scene with some particle already being emitted? - I also noticed that particle effects disappear when the camera gets away from it, even when parts of them should still be visible. I know we can move the pivot points to go around it but how can I keep them visible without disturbing the Y Sort? 1 0 Dec. 07, 2024
  • Can we have Area2D node as the parent of CharacterBody2D(Runner)?◆ LPI tried to use it & it's area_entered & area_exited signals with the particle effects nodes(under Area2D as well) but they didn't seem to work. I wanted to change runner's color & play an audio when it enters the particle effect's area but I couldn't get it to work. At first I tried using node group for each area, to detect them when runner enters those area, it didn't work. Then I tried just detecting anything entering particle effect's area(in the script below), since only runner can enter. Here is the scene tree & editor's [screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/CzUAsAS.png). Added Script as well ```gdscript extends Node2D @onready var fire: Area2D = %Fire @onready var healing_column: Area2D = %HealingColumn @onready var spark: Area2D = %Spark @onready var runner: CharacterBody2D = $RunnerArea/Runner @onready var audio_stream_player: AudioStreamPlayer2D = %AudioStreamPlayer const SPARK = preload("res://lessons/spark.mp3") const HEALING = preload("res://lessons/healing.mp3") const FIRE = preload("res://lessons/fire.mp3") # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready() -> void: fire.area_entered.connect(_on_fire_entered) healing_column.area_entered.connect(_on_healing_entered) spark.area_entered.connect(_on_spark_entered) fire.area_exited.connect(_on_area_exited) healing_column.area_exited.connect(_on_area_exited) spark.area_exited.connect(_on_area_exited) # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta: float) -> void: pass func _on_fire_entered() -> void: audio_stream_player.stream = FIRE audio_stream_player.play() runner.set_modulate(Color(100.0, 0.0, 0.0)) func _on_healing_entered() -> void: runner.set_modulate(Color(0.0,100.0,0.0)) audio_stream_player.stream = HEALING audio_stream_player.play() func _on_spark_entered() -> void: audio_stream_player.stream = SPARK audio_stream_player.play() runner.set_modulate(Color(0.0, 0.0, 100.0)) func _on_area_exited() -> void: runner.set_modulate(Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) audio_stream_player.stop() ``` 3 0 Dec. 06, 2024
  • Big Thank YouPixAngelHello, I would like to thank the whole team and the students. I have read almost all the comments which have taught me a lot in addition to this excellent course. I've been a musician since I was very young, and I've learned many different artistic fields but always on my own except music. For the past year, I've been learning pixel art on my own, and for the past 6 months I've been learning development on my own too. CS50 helped me a lot to acquire the basics because I was the most big noob in this world ^^ . But with this course I've learned so much in such a short time. The explanations are very clear! Teachers are so kind, and it's very reassuring to be surrounded by a teacher who's available and so pedagogical as your team. So I want to encourage all beginner students like me, because this is the first time I've enjoyed learning something so much, and learning so quickly and clearly. Working every day is one of the keys, even with little time (music taught me this when I was young). Like many people, I dream of creating The game. For my part, I want to dedicate this game to the family member I lost and love. That's my ultimate goal. But first, I want to make games of a different style and smaller size, because I love coding and because I want my final goal perfect (for me). So thanks to @Nathan and @Jad for your advice on how to work, and for saving us from bad working methods. And a very big thank you for your crazy work, this whole course is great. Your teaching method is excellent, and I'm sure you'll do even greater things in the future. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 2 0 Nov. 22, 2024
  • Dust particle don't be affected pas the Y sort enabled!00ALBThanks a lot for all your work, these courses are real pleasure. I just realise that my dust particule are not affected by the y sort enabled when i pass behind an obstacle even if it works well for my character! Did i make something wrong? 1 0 Nov. 21, 2024
  • This page makes my (old) GPU overheatSebHello, It was a lot of fun to play with particles, but... near the end, I saw the temperature of my GPU sky-rocket, and not because of the few particles emitted by godot ;). The numerous videos on this page don't pause when they are no more in focus. When I manually paused them all, the temp decreased by nearly 30°C. Maybe you could prevent the videos to loop like gifs? 1 0 Oct. 30, 2024
  • approach to learning/creating gamesnervous-woodpeckerFirst, thank you for putting together this AMAZING course on Godot! I'm coming from a web dev background and am two months into my game dev learnings. With so much domain knowledge to grab onto, it's hard to be efficient -- your course is efficient! I made a Space Invaders clone before starting this course and it took about a month start to finish. Armed with what this course has given, my plan is to now clone a small slice of Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. It will be larger than Space Invaders, but I think I can do it with very limited scope. At what point is it reasonable to start creating original IP with very limited scope? 1 0 Sep. 26, 2024
  • I'm out of fire?CelsWhy it is too hard to create game? Almost 1 year of learning, at first I thought I can build my dream game but I didn't know that I need to learn a lot to actually create one game. 5 0 Sep. 25, 2024
  • Kenney particlesahmed-yassineI don't have the Kenney particles folder 1 0 Sep. 25, 2024
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