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Lesson Q&A

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  • is there a simple method to make the shadows don't appear when over the background? Lucas PscheidtCurrently I am using a collision shape to do that but I would like another option if there is one, because my movements gets kinda limited close to walls because my collision is too downwards. 1 0 Jan. 11, 2025
  • Multi-level bridgesram876And how, in theory, can multi-level bridges be made. That is, the bridge path is arranged in a spiral and the player seems to rise, or another example: bridges go from room 1 to room 2 and from room 3 to room 4 (bridges A and B). These bridges seem to intersect, but if the player wants to get into room 4, he needs to go from room 2 to 3 and from there to 4 (bridge B is higher than bridge A). 2 0 Jan. 01, 2025
  • A question about sortingram876Hello! I don't understand how sorting works in rooms. If I manually move the character along the floor in the editor, the character is always above the floor in the display, but if I move it along the destroyed walls, then sorting is triggered and the character is displayed higher in front of the wall, and if you put the character behind the destroyed wall, the player will be behind him. 6 0 Jan. 01, 2025
  • First challenge. Invisible walls don't work.ram876Hello! I have a few problems in the first challenge. The player does not react to Invisible walls and Invisible walls do not disappear when the scene starts. And colliding with destroyed walls works. Or I'm asking the question early and it will be explained when we study tilemaps. 2 0 Jan. 01, 2025
  • The Bridges and Invisible Walls scenes does not existRuben TeijeiroI'm trying to find the scenes mentioned in the challenge: > For the bridges and invisible walls, I prepared two scenes for you: > bridges.tscn > invisible_walls.tscn but I can only find the tres elements instead: res://levels/rooms/tilesets/tileset_invisible_walls.tres res://levels/rooms/tilesets/tileset_bridges.tres 2 0 Dec. 09, 2024
  • An additional feature to add to the bulletiguessfiveIf you want the bullet to disappear when firing at bullets and not when the walls are invisible you can add this feature in the bullet scene and enable it to detect collision mask 2 or what the mask is set for the walls and props in your rooms. If you want to figure it out yourself then pause here but this was my solution. You can add this in the body entered in _ready function: ```gdscript if body is TileMapLayer: # Invisible walls visibility is false if body.is_collision_enabled() and body.is_visible_in_tree(): queue_free() ``` 6 0 Nov. 29, 2024
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