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  • Error while parsing file room.tscnimmense-swallowWhat does that mean? 1 0 Dec. 03, 2024
  • Using a controller iguessfiveI'm trying to add controller for input when moving the sprite but I am finding it difficult to solve the following bug. When moving to any cardinal directions the sprite will face a corresponding ordinal direction. I think the issue is that the inputs near zero are not registering as zero but - or + 1. I tried implementing is_zero_approx() like this but did not work. ```gdscript direction.x = 0 if is_zero_approx(direction.x) else direction.x direction.y = 0 if is_zero_approx(direction.y) else direction.y ``` How would I go about solving this? 8 0 Nov. 14, 2024
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