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Lesson Q&A

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  • Accidentely forgot to remove @tool after testing the warning stuff in bullet.gd & now the editor auto close itself even on a restart◆ LPIt probably happened because I removed the code for Engine.is_editor_hint() condition. I know I can change the script outside the Godot to fix this but I still find it a little amusing. The bullet moves & then closes the editor after reaching it's destination. 1 0 Dec. 17, 2024
  • Radians vs DegreesPaulI'm having a bit of a tangle getting my head around Radians. I understand how they are different to degrees, but my brain hasn't got used to calculating/visualising them. For instance, in final challenge, I did: ```gdscript ##A value of 0 is perfect accuracy. Higher values increase spread. @export_range(0, 20) var weapon_spread := 5 func shoot() -> void: ... var spread_modifier := randf_range(0 - weapon_spread, weapon_spread) bullet.global_rotation_degrees = global_rotation_degrees + spread_modifier ``` This makes sense in my brain, and it works here. I know it's going to add a few degrees either side to the angle of the shot. But I fear 'cheating' with the `rotation_degrees` property now might cause me some problems in the future? Should I try to stick with radians or is there a time and place to use either. 4 0 Dec. 05, 2024
  • Why do you add @tool in the Code Reference?MuryanIt feels like it’s unnecessary. Without @tool, it seems the entire code still works fine. 1 0 Nov. 24, 2024
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