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Lesson Q&A

Use this space for questions related to what you're learning. For any other type of support (website, learning platform, payments, etc...) please get in touch using the contact form.

  • Path of SorcerersEasySpeedsHere is my attempt at Path of Sorcerers. [https://easyspeeds.itch.io/path-of-sorcerers](https://easyspeeds.itch.io/path-of-sorcerers) Feel free to link your versions here too, it's fun to see the projects you all make. 5 0 Dec. 14, 2024
  • considering another course?CelsI’m considering buying another course, but I feel like I’m placing myself in a “hell tutorial” with no end in sight. I want to master new skills, but I also desire a fast, lightning-speed learning experience. Can you suggest what approach I should take? I need guidance on finding the right course or learning method that balances depth with speed, so I can achieve my goals efficiently without feeling overwhelmed. 1 0 Dec. 14, 2024
  • gamepad in Web exportMarcJI'm just about ready to export to itch.io but while testing the web version I noticed that the gamepad seems to work fine except for the trigger that I use for the shoot action. Is this just a limitation of the web version or is there something I'm missing? 7 0 Dec. 13, 2024
Site is in BETA!found a bug?