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  • When using animation player for spawing pickup, started having issues with other normal pickup's position◆ LPI tried using animation player in pickup scene to animate them when spawning them from chest. Soon after that, all of the pickup's position in my level_test scene moved to origin. And they keep moving back to origin even if I change their position manually. After fiddling here & there, I found a fix. By setting the animation player to be active only when I need to spawn items. Removing animation player also solves the position issue. But I don't understand why it is happening. Screenshot of the pickup with animation player, [https://imgur.com/a/NYul2D6](https://imgur.com/a/NYul2D6) I was having issues with the position of pickup instance in level_test scene(included in the screenshots) Here is the pickup & chest script: ```gdscript # chest.gd @tool extends Area2D @onready var animation_player: AnimationPlayer = %AnimationPlayer @export var possible_items: Array[Item] = [] var chest_opened: bool = false var _player: Player = null func _ready() -> void: if Engine.is_editor_hint(): return body_entered.connect( func (body: Node2D) -> void: if body is Player: _player = body if body is not Player: _player = null ) func _process(_delta: float) -> void: pass func _unhandled_input(_event: InputEvent) -> void: if Input.is_action_just_released("interact") and _player != null: open_chest() func open_chest() -> void: if possible_items == [] or chest_opened == true: return animation_player.play("chest_opened") var pickup: Pickup = preload("res://pickups/pickup.tscn").instantiate() pickup.item = possible_items.pick_random() add_child(pickup) pickup.animation_player.active = true pickup.animation_player.play("spawn") chest_opened = true func _get_configuration_warnings() -> PackedStringArray: var warrnings := PackedStringArray() if possible_items == null: warrnings.append("No possible items have been added to the Chest.") return warrnings # pickup.gd @tool class_name Pickup extends Area2D @export var item: Item = null: set = set_item @onready var animation_player: AnimationPlayer = %AnimationPlayer @onready var sprite_2d: Sprite2D = %Sprite2D @onready var audio_stream_player_2d: AudioStreamPlayer2D = %AudioStreamPlayer2D func _ready() -> void: if Engine.is_editor_hint(): return set_item(item) body_entered.connect( func(body: Node2D) -> void: if body is Player: item.use(body) set_deferred("monitoring", false) visible = false audio_stream_player_2d.play() audio_stream_player_2d.finished.connect(_destroy) ) func set_item(value: Item) -> void: item = value if sprite_2d != null: sprite_2d.texture = item.texture if audio_stream_player_2d != null: audio_stream_player_2d.stream = item.item_sound func _destroy() -> void: queue_free() ``` 1 0 Dec. 18, 2024
  • Variable names inconsistenciesRuben TeijeiroIn the challenge you suggest the name possible_items but in the code you are using possible_items as variable name. Also the random_direction variable is different in the challenge and in the final code sample. it's a small nitpick but it would be great to have it consistent. Thanks! :) 1 0 Dec. 06, 2024
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